
Senseless Crusade

Five nameless children were branded as heretic. Their sin? Losing one of their 5 sense. Their punishment? They shall become the guardian of the Astelga, a land that suddenly got invaded by monster. To protect their source of faith, the god decide their monster of their own, monster strong enough to beat any monster that would dare threaten their mortal! In exchange, the heretic shall be forgiven with the immense grace that the god possess…

NStar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 15 - A Normal Day

It was supposed to be a normal day.

Like usual, I woke up at the sound of a volcano explosion. I jumped out of my bed made of rock and started to do my usual routine, some push up, some sit-up and finally, I pulled some weight. The perfect routine to start my day!

I dressed up and then I left my tent, ready to join the hunter group to gather food outside of our tribe.

I saw the group talking at each other, some were laughing, other were sharpening their spear while talking. I approached the tallest one, he was the little of our tribe and the strongest warrior, so strong that he is even able to kill a teenager unioptile without any assistance!

''Ah. Skall, nice to see you. Are you ready for the hunt.'' He said to me.

''Yes tribe leader!''

''Haha, please, don't call me that, instead call me Super Handsome Lizardkin.''

''…'' I just fixed at him without showing a reaction, I was used to his antic after all.

''Like anyone will ever call you that Gorth.'' One of my companions said at the tribe leader.

''Well they should! I am after all the tallest, which mean I am the most desirable of them all.''

''You would be right if only your ego wasn't bigger than you!''

''Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.'' Gorth simply laughed at the remark. ''Ah…Welp, now that everyone is here, let go for hunt, hopefully, this time we will be able to bring something back.''

We all gathered at the front of the village, where a lizardkin as small and young as me was waiting in front of us. This lizardkin was covered in a complete red robe and possessed multiple tattoos on her body. It was our tribe shaman, she was the only one that have access to our almighty God power, which allow her to give us blessing. Without her, a lot of us would have die from injury, or maybe we wouldn't even be able to be health because some monster would have overwhelmed us with their power.

…but for me, simply seeing her give me all the strength I need…


I immediately looked beside me, just to see my comrade trying their best to not lock eye with me while covering their mouth to not let a single sound go out.

I was looking at them darkly, but it suddenly disappears when I saw Kyra approaching us.

''Hey Kyra…how are you doing?'' I timidly asked her.

''Eh?! Ah! Yes, I'm doing fine…what about you?'' She responded to me, a little confuse at my question.

''Oh…I'm…doing alright…just going to hunt and stuff…what about you?'' I awkwardly say.

''…I'm going to bless your hunt…then I will pray to the God of Fire and Pain.''

''…that cool…''



An awkward silence was sent between us, none of us knew what to say anymore, but the silence was broken before it could become even more embarrassing

'''Pff!''' The whole group was snickering at my awkwardness behind my back, I don't even know why they were trying to hold back their laughter with how loud they were!

''Alright…I'm going to bless all of you now…'' She takes a large mouthful of air before saying in a deep voice:

I invoke the name of the God of Fire and Pain

May their passion ignite!

In the blaze of a fight!

May their soul burn in a fire!

That will never be tired!

A small read flame englobed all of us, but we did not panic, it was simply the form that the blessing take.

The ember entered into each of us, and I got the feeling of my muscle expanding and grow stronger. I was not the only one, every single member of the squad received the blessing. The blessing allows us to gain more power and a better resistance, it essential to survive outside of our camp, we do not know what monster there is, so we better take all the advantage we can.


Kyra suddenly collapsed, panting hard. She was clearly exhausted after giving so many blessings. At first, I was always running toward her when she falls, trying to help her, but she refused my help each time, saying that it would be disgraceful…

I understand that she wants to keep a strong front, if she need help for each of her problem, people will lose hope, she's the sunshine of the village after all. He ability help all the member of the tribe be confident and to live without worry. Without her, our tribe would probably start to grow restless, and some may even desert us and leave for the big city…like the coward that they are.

Just remember them make me go mad, bunch of cowards not even able to die in a battler, apparently living is more important that growing stronger! What the point of living if it not to gain strength?!

''Stop making this face Skall.'' Gorth ordered me, making me wake up from my thought. I realised that I was wearing a deep scold in my face right now.

''Sorry about, I was just thinking about the deserter.'' I apologise to him.

''Ah!? Don't think about these bunch of cowards, we're going to hunt right now.'' He scowled at me.

Weirdly, I could see Kyra trembling a little, probably the simple thought of them can even make her mad. No everyday that we can see her angry.

After saying our goodbye to the tribe, we left to the wasteland in the hope of finding food, I really hope we can find some, I haven't eaten anything for a weak, a little meat would really be perfect right now!

…mmm, grilled unioptile meat…mmm…I can already smell it delicious blend of lava, with a little touch of salty blood and its incredible ash topping…

Ash topping? We don't put ash on unioptile when we eat it!

I quickly smell in the environment, trying to detect where I detected that smell particular smell of both ash and unioptile.

''THERE! I sense some monsters right there!'' I screamed while pointing in the north.

''Are you sure?'' Questioned Gorth while looking at me with a smile.

''Yes sir!''

''Haha! Perfect, that why I bring you despite your young age, nothing can escape your smell!'' He exclaimed with a joyous tone. ''Alright, everyone, let see what there is, if we're lucky enough, we can eat tonight!''

'''YEAH!''' The whole group cry out of excitation.

We started to run toward the spot where I identify this delicious smell, I couldn't help but salivate at the thought of the food I will soon have on my plate! I'm sure that Kyra would also love me for bringing all that food! Maybe she would even accept to go on a date with me.

I stopped being stuck in my delusion when we finally arrived at the spot. I could see at least 20 unioptiles! How lucky, with this, we can feed all of the tribe for at least 3 days! That perfect! Kyra would have way less to worry during that time!

But there was a strange thing fighting them, I don't what to call it, but it was made all of gray and was currently fighting the whole group of monsters by himself…it must be strong or foolish…maybe both.

''What are we doing sir?'' I murmured at Gorth.

''Hmm, we can easily deal with the unioptile, but I'm not sure about this little monster there, I've never seen it before, and he seem strong…'' He murmured at me with a serious voice, it was no longer the time to joke after all. ''Alright, what we are going to do is wait for them to exhaust each other and then we will kill all that left!''

''Sir, maybe I could try to kill the grey monster with a surprise lance throw?'' I asked him.

''Hmm, that sound like a good idea, do that if we need to attack sooner.'' He responded to me.

After the discussion, we went back to observe the fight, and I was right to think that the grey monster was dangerous, he easily dodges all the attack at him and replicate with a lot of force. The most dangerous thing about him seems to be is whips, I don't know where he found one, but even a single touch of it seem painful.

But we immediately panicked after we saw one of the unioptile becoming ashes after he was killed by the strange aberration. If we let him kill all the monster, we won't have anything to eat! We need to stop him now!

Our leader realised the same thing because he immediately ordered the attack.

''Everyone! Let's show these monster's pain!'' He screamed hen we jumped out of our hiding spot, and I immediately launch my spear directly at the face of the grey monster. He tries to grab it, but the force behind it was too much for him and he was sent flying and only stopped after he hit a rock.

Good! That should be enough to dispose of him, it seems he wasn't that strong.

I sent my regard elsewhere and saw a little unioptile all alone. So I immediately jumped on him and smash it with my fist. It tries to get out of the way, but I landed on it tail, making him stuck. So he tries to spit out a fireball, but it was too late, and I smashed is head to a pulp.

I looked around to find more prey but found none, except the leader of those, but our own leader was already fighting it.… well it was easier than I thought.


…It seem I spoke too soon… I looked back and saw the grey monster leaving his rock unarmed… except he was smaller than before. He seemed to have throw something at the direction of our chef, but I didn't pay attention to that, I needed to focus on him.

I could see his whole appearance now that he was close to me. All of his body was made of a little deep gray, on is back a simple pointed tail and each of his hand possessed little claw. His appearance could only mean he was still a newborn monster. But his abnormality was coming from is horn and his eye. His horn we're a little too big for his body, they we're also just a little deeper that his body colour, the other thing worth of mention was that his horn we're straight as a sword. But what truly scare me, was his eye, they we're coloured of a crimson red, but inside of his eye, I could detect intelligence…this monster can think…

He is a menace!

A menace that I, the great Skall shall eliminate to obtain Kyra admiration! Killing such a monster will certainly make her fall madly in love with me!