
Senseless Crusade

Five nameless children were branded as heretic. Their sin? Losing one of their 5 sense. Their punishment? They shall become the guardian of the Astelga, a land that suddenly got invaded by monster. To protect their source of faith, the god decide their monster of their own, monster strong enough to beat any monster that would dare threaten their mortal! In exchange, the heretic shall be forgiven with the immense grace that the god possess…

NStar · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 16 - Agony

He was the one to take the first move, he trusted his spear at my head, but I already learn to not underestimate the power behind his muscle, so I dodged it this time. But the young lizardkin didn't stop there, and attack me again, aiming for my torso this time.

I simply jumped at the side to dodge the attack, and this time, I counter attacked by materialize my whip and slashed at his face.

He seemed surprised by the sudden apparition of my weapon, so he barely got the time to protect himself by raising his arm in front of his head.

''AAAAH!'' He screamed out of pain, but he was still looking at me and attempted a new strike at me, but it didn't seem he was able to aim correctly, because I easily dodged his attack and I strike him again at his back.

He uses his tail to take the blow, but it seems the pain was once again too much for him, as he screamed once again.

I didn't wait for him to attack me once more and I jumped in front of him and punch him in the face. He raised his arm to protect his face, but my ash simply burns his skin.

I continue to punch him, trying to break his guard, but despite the pain, he still holds on. He tries to create some distance by jumping back, but I followed him closely, making his effort useless. His maneuver even let me get a clean hit on his stomach.

Realizing that defending himself will only result in his skin burning of, he let go of his guard and simply goes to the attack by grabbing his spear closely to it lame and try to stab me with it. But I ignore his attack in favor of plumbing him on the face.

He also tries to beat me with his other hand, headbutting me or biting me, but each time, he seemed to create more pain for himself, because no matter what, my ashes were just coming back to close my wound, his attack were completely useless.

The brawl ended when I was able to dodge one of his bite attacks and grab his head. He tries to flee, but I hold him to with the most force I could muster and punched him right into the eye and burning it!

''AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!'' He screamed out of the pain I just inflinged him, he stopped fighting and he let himself fall on the ground while twisting himself out of agony.

…his scream was beautiful…

I can't help but wonder what his scream will be when I will burn him completely…it will be a feast!

I approached him, slowly. I formed a ash ball in my hand, ready to throw it at his mutilate body.



A lance was thrown my way, but I easily dodged it my moving my head out of the way. I looked at the party pooper, he was just one of his companions. They all seemed to be running my way with angry expression…weird. Why they don't seem to have appreciated the show, they even interrupted his execution.

Well, I suppose I would be a bad host if I'm not even able to welcome my guest.

I was ready to fight when I saw beauty. A magnificent fire was coming right for me! What an honor.

Naturally, I jumped right into the fire, it was magnificent compared to the spit of the Drooly, it has been so long since I was burned by a real fire, at least one sun!

Aaaaah, I'm probably the happiest monster right now…






Pain…I feel so much pain…

''Stay with us Skall!''

I…someone…I thinks someone is talking too me…I…don't know…I can't hear…I…want…I want to sleep.

''Don't you dare die. Don't make me bring a corpse to Kyra!''

Kyra…yes…Kyra…I can't make her sad…I need to hold on…


''Yes! That it, breath no matter how painful it is! As long as you feel pain, it mean you are alive!''


''Don't speak! Keep your breath!''

''…what happen… *cough* *cough* what happen there?''

''…you beaten up…hard…you lost your eye''

''…what…about him?''

''…Our leader throw a fire spell at him…''


''…the abomination laughed…he seemed truly happy…''

''…did you… *cough* …kill it?''


''WHY! *cough* *cough**cough*''

''Calm down! I you die on my arm, I will drop you down!''

I was still angry, but I let him explain himself.

''…we didn't kill him because an army of unioptile was coming our way, probably attired by the sound of the fight, we couldn't fight them with you close to death. He will die from the encounter anyway, you don't have to worry about that…instead…think about all the people that will smile because you were able to detect food! Kyra will be overjoyed!''

''…I hope.''


'' I hope he die from the army.''

''Why are you saying that?''

''When I *cough*…when I was fighting him…when he was beating me…there was not a single moment *cough* where he didn't smile…he enjoyed every single moment of it… but there were a moment where his smile was brighter than the other…

''…Which one?''

''…when he burned my eye…''

''…don't worry, we won't let you fight monster of this caliber again.''

''…thanks you.''

''Don't sweet about it, haha!''

''AAAH! Don't squeeze me…I'm very sensitive!''



''Oh? They left. How disappointing, here I was preparing to thank them for the fire.'' Said while looking at the direction they left. Surrounding me was the burning carcase of drooly, it wasn't difficult to beat them now with my ashornic, they've all been cut like easily as…tofu? Is that what it called? Bah, it doesn't matter, except maybe the fact that they aren't as fun as before to kill, their cry are ugly and so is there fire, now that I know that their better fire elsewhere, why should I stick there?

I tough while looking at a small red jewel, it was coming from the leader of the army I just defeated. I decided to absorb it, and some of my ash become a little redder than before.

''It not enough.'' I couldn't help but exclaim. ''I want redder…I want more scream…I want more fire… they have better fire in their tribe, no? Maybe…I could take it? They have so much crimson in their body, it would be selfish of them to keep it to themselves.''

They've come all the way there just to disturb me and steal my prey, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I come to their home, right?

My smile just got larger at the idea. How joyous.

I stand up from the wreckage of the fight and moved the same path as they did.

''I hope they will give me their most beautiful smile as they burn.''

Just so you know, it will take time before I publish my next chapter. I want to stack them up before publishing again. Also. maybe I will try a more calm serie, to gain experience about writting. This story was way harder than I tough to write, and I thinks I need to start at a lower level before writing this one.

That all, NStar out

NStarcreators' thoughts