
Second life in Twilight

Everything is owned by respective owners -------------------------------------------------- 3 wishes in twilight

tykee554 · Filmes
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 ~ How did I not notice

After Ty teleported away he landed near Mount Everest. From his rage, there was melted snow, pits with scorch marks, first prints everywhere.

Because of an avalanche produced by the shockwaves Ty was buried in snow. If you could see him his eyes were void of emotion.

'What the hell I thought she was my mate and I was so into her. She straight-up said she wasn't in a relationship. I don't get it. If she had a mate why was she into me. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!! Why. Why. Why. Why does this keep happening to me? They need to stop lying to me.' Ty thought while spiraling.

Ty didn't understand what was going on.

'Wait' Ty thought of an idea

Ty cast magic on himself to figure out what happened.

'I WAS CHARMED. Are you fucking kidding me?'

His eyes glowed red for a few seconds then stopped. He wanted to kill anyone or anything, but he stopped himself. Ty started to put all types of defenses up. Mental barriers, Resistants.

When Ty first came here he didn't think those things would effect him because he knew he was stronger than the rest. This incident shows how wrong he was.

He cast magic to fill the mountain with snow again, he didn't want leave it like that.

'Fuck it'

Ty then teleported away to live his life in debauchery and alcohol.

~~ Switch to Rosalie ~~ (still 3rd)

It's been a couple of days since Ty left Rosalie and Emmett. They searched everywhere but couldn't find him. They went to his house but it was burned down, they went to his job but the workers said that no one of that name worked there.

She misses him. She regrets not being honest with him.

Emmett tried to get her to go home but she waited for Ty she had to tell him something. She waited these extra days waiting for Ty to come back.

But the last day the day she was going to leave she was throwing up. She knew what it meant. This is what she wanted to tell him.

'It's been four months since my belly started getting bigger. I can only eat raw meat and drink blood. I do not understand the raw meat part though.' Rosalie thought

Rosalie and emmet have long returned to her family, and all her family did was give her pity looks or walk on eggshells around her. She could understand why they were doing that but it started to annoy her. Although Emmett rarely talked to her after he found out she was pregnant.

Carlisle started to treat her like a lab rat trying to find out how she got pregnant. Esme was just excited about a new family member.

She started to look for Ty again but she could never find him (cuz he was not in the US)

At Rosalie 6 month mark she has been eating a lot more, if she doesn't she will throw and get light-headed. She would also feel extremely uncomfortable in the house so she stayed in the woods.

At 8 months she would get angry at the slightest things, so her family took a step back from her.

And now it was time for Rosalie to give birth and it was hectic in the Cullen household. The family was either running around or pacing back and forth.

"Wahhahah"(baby crying sound)

They all rushed in as soon as they heard the cry. Carlisle who was currently holding the baby was getting the bad end, the cries were getting worse by the second.

"It's a baby girl, what are you going to name her." Carlisle said while handing the baby to Rosalie, as soon as the baby reached her hands she stopped crying.

Rosalie looked at the newborn the only connection she had to Ty, but she felt nothing but love for the baby right now.

"Her name will be Luna," Rosalie said with a smile

"What about her last name," Emmett said

"Her dad will pick" She said with a little sadness

"Oh ok how about Cullen" Emmett said happily

This angered Rosalie.

"You are not the father Emmett" Rosalie said with venom in her voice.

"Why the hell not. He's not even here. We all have been here to take care of you he's not. What the hell has he been doing all this time." Emmett said with anger.

"It's because he doesn't know. You know what get out all of you. Get the hell out." Rosalie said

Over four years, things have gone back to relatively normal.

Rosalie never stopped searching for Ty, the family would help take care of Luna sometimes but no one would be able to pick her up other than Rosalie. Emmett would try and insert himself as the father but it never worked for him Luna would either lash out or try and bite him but he never gave up

There would be times when luna would run away she would always go in the same direction, but on her fourth birthday things took a turn.

Luna was sick very sick she was overheating, even times u could hear her bones crack. This went on for about a month until she turned into a small wolf pup. It was a huge shock to the Cullen household.

"At least we have a clue about her father" Esme said in shock.

"This is even more intriguing I need to study her more, "Carlisle said with excitement.

"Now I get it." Rosalie said Not holding back her smile.

"The first time we went on a date he said he had a keen nose and always had things related to wolves," Rosalie said

"Luna I think I have a way to find your father," Rosaline said

Luna started wagging her tail in response.

"I'm her father," Emmett said with annoyance.

As soon as Emmett said that her tail dropped and she growled at Emmett.