
Second life in Twilight

Everything is owned by respective owners -------------------------------------------------- 3 wishes in twilight

tykee554 · Movies
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 ~ Anger

I'm for sure gonna receive hate for this chapter lol


It's been four years since our little wolf now named Ty has settled in Portland. Ty took a job as a lumberjack not because he needed to but because he wanted to. He had fun doing it and because of his superior body, he never got tired. Ty also took up woodworking. Ty was living his best life.

While he was out on a walk he spotted someone, and he knew exactly who it was.

Rosaline Cullen.

When they locked eyes he felt like something tug at him, he felt the need to talk to her, to get to know her.

Without wasting his breath he walked toward her and reached his hand out.

"Hi I'm Ty nice to meet you," Ty said with a smile

She looked at him for a second then sniffed the air, a smile plastered on her face as she grabbed his hand. She could feel the warmth coming from his hand. Previously after he left the wolves he cast magic on himself to always smell like the forest, he started to enjoy the smell so he made it permanent.

"Hello I'm Rosaline, nice to meet you too" Rosaline said while returning the smile.

They let go of each other hands.

"I know this is kinda abrupt but would you like to go on a date with me," Ty said while maintaining his smile.

"Yes, I would very much as that" Rosaline said.

"Ok let's meet here in two hours."

"Sure let's do that" she smiled then left.

'Since it's 1957 Emmet would already be turned and since she said yes they are not mates. I have to make sure that she's single. I was born in 1935 so it was plenty of time for them to meet and do other things.' Ty thought

'Shouldn't they be in Alaska also' Ty said as it seemed something was out of place.

Two hours later you could see a couple sitting in a bar.

"What would you like to drink" Ty said

"I don't drink," Rosaline said

"Don't worry you will be able to drink it and feel its effects," Ty said mysteriously

"How did you know," Rosaline said surprised that Ty know what she is.

"I have a keen nose." Ty said with pride. Something he picked up while he was with the wolves.

"Then I'll have scotch neat with some wine" Rosalind said with a questioning look waiting to see what Ty is going to do.

They sat down and started talking.

They talked about hobbies, and what they like to do in their free time.

"So you do woodworking while also being a lumberjack? You think you would get tired seeing wood all day." Rosaline said amused.

"Yeah, I enjoy it a lot, I was really bad at it at first. I even keep my first figure in my pocket at all times" Ty said while pulling out a small disfigured wolf out of his pocket. Then he continued

"I found it relaxing, and making things with your own hands gives you a sense of accomplishment." Ty finished saying with a satisfying smile.

"Wow, that does look horrible. Can I have it?" Rosaline said ready to snatch it from Ty's hands.

"I can't let you have this one but maybe I can make you a special one sometime," Ty said while holding back a laugh.

"Awe that sucks I guess I'll have to wait. Tell me more personal things about yourself." Rosalie said turning the conversation more personal.

"I'm an orphan but I met a group that became family. It was a pretty wild family we had a lot of fun. Some of the females kept pressuring me to have kids so after that I left and moved here. But they are still my family. I probably won't see them again, they like to move around a lot. How about you." Ty said

"Well my family is kind of big, I have four siblings and all of us are adopted.

Carlisle is my adoptive father, he's a very curious type.

Esme my Is my adoptive mother, she is very loving and caring. She's the best mother I could ask for

Alice is a very bubbly type of person she gets excited easily. She is also married to Jasper.

Jasper, he's a very quiet person and very protective of the family.

Emmet, he is a muscle head and that's all to it.

Edward, he someone that looks for pity and is a self-brooding type. Also, he's Carlisle and Esme's favorite but no one says anything about it" Rosaline said as she went from happy to annoyed.

[that's how it came out get over it]

"And I take it you are not in a relationship," Ty said with a little hope.

"No, I'm not," Rosaline said will giggling.

They continued to talk for hours not knowing how much time has passed until the bartender said the last call. Towards the end of the date they scheduled one more date.

This continued for a year going on dates to the park, to the movies. They were simply enjoying each other time together.

Today on their one-year anniversary Ty gave her a small wooden rose with a small wolf in the middle of the rose, he gave it a few enchantments. To always smell like a rose, auto return, to quench her thirst a little, and lastly a protective barrier.

Tonight on their anniversary they finally did the deed, for two days straight. Ty's home was destroyed, and the bed was broken with holes in the walls and floors. His home looked like a tornado went through it. They took a day of rest and continued in their fight.

During the day Ty would go to work and during the night they would drown in lust.

It's been two months since their anniversary, and tonight Ty going to pop the question. He was very excited and nervous.

On the other side of town, you could see an anxious and scared Rosaline no one knows why but her.

At the high-end restaurant, Rosaline and Ty were sitting across from each other talking about random things. But soon Ty stood up about to get on one knee. Suddenly someone barged into the restaurant.

"Rosaline!! I finally found you!!" The guy said

Both Rosaline and Ty looked at the source of the voice.

"Emmett what are you you doing here" Rosaline said in shock.

"What the hell do you mean what am I doing here, I came to get you your my mate" Emmett said, in anger.

Suddenly, they heard laughing.


They looked to the source of the laughing.


It was getting louder, even the building started to shake.


Rosaline and Emmet started to get frightened.


They looked at his red eyes


Then he abruptly stopped laughing. Ty was looking at them with pure hostility.

"Ty it's.." Rosaline tried to say something but was interrupted.

"*AAARRRGGGHHH*Shut up!! Not another fucking word out of your mouth!!" Ty said yelling and roaring with all the venom he could spit out. The building started to break down as every word came out of his mouth.

Ty turned to Emmett. He took a deep breath trying his best to calm down.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't know," Ty said guiltily.

Ty cast magic so they couldn't share anything related to him then teleported out.

Emmett and Rosaline stood there rooted to the ground not knowing what to do.