
Save Me... From Myself

On a fine morning, Francesca is sent to be sacrificed. She meets six boys, who are supposed to prepare her for the sacrifice. Due to the turn of the incidents, Francesca is now forced to live with these six boys. She is also forced to find out the secret of her birth and her dysfunctional family while embarking on journeys that will open both her eyes and her mind. She is also forced to face the darkness within herself and to know the destructive traits hidden under her demure and innocent face. Join Francesca in her adventures, and her relationship with the six boys, who make her whole. Warning: My sweet, little Francesca is involved with six boys romantically. Readers who are not comfortable with polyamorous relationships may choose to skip this story.

ShadowRose19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs


Rage has no limit, no bounds, and no rationality. For the first time in my life, I feel rage, and I feel how it is spreading through my veins like a nasty, incurable disease. Everything around me seems to be dark, red, and fake. Like the concern and the fear, I see in their eyes. Alp has been following me since the woman, Lin left the premises of the house. He wants to talk, but he doesn't. He keeps a steady distance between the two of us, but he keeps his presence visible. 

I refuse to look at him. I refuse to talk. My rational side vanished long ago, and I am left with my moth, and the Woman. She is there soaring in the air but completely silent. The moth has returned to its bowl of water. I pace restlessly in the room for a while, finally storming out. Alp follows me, saying something, but I can't hear him.