
Saiyan of the cosmos

A street-fighting punk died while fighting off a gang to protect a little Dog. Aiyana had a habit of getting into fights on the reservation earning her the title of street punk. while on an outing in a city, she came across a group of men beating on a small dog. She sprinted forward towards them and started to fight. {art is not mine}

Saiyan_Writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

(chapter 5) Mistakes

If anyone wants to join discord here is the invite https://discord.gg/eTsQyTPx also first time writing a fight please be nice.


They Laughed while looking at her. "you fight me you two-tailed freak?" Said Raditz as he held his sides. His friend's barely standing as they gasped for air from laughing. The vain on her head was visible from anger. She rushed forward SLAMMING her fist into his face. followed by a second one slamming him into the ground. "what the matter, I thought this freak was weaker than you" she said while pointing at herself. standing over him smugly. He got up slowly keeping an eye on her. She felt she had nothing to worry about and let him as his friends moved out of her line of sight. "That was dirty but I know an easy win when I see one," he said as he got in a fighting stance.

She followed and got into a fighting stance as well. it wasn't really, just her lifting her fist to try and block any attacks towards her face. Swish. As they dashed towards each other. Blows were thrown against each other. Digging her knee into his gut as she lifted him off of the ground with it. Then grabbed her other fist and slammed him back into the ground. "I AM NOT FINISHED YET!" she shouted as she moved and kicked him across the ground when suddenly she froze. She couldn't move or speak. it was as if time had frozen for her. As Raditz rose off the ground bloody and holding his arm. A weak smile formed on his face as he looked behind her. "nice work Turles, Rycelo now keep holding her there." Ever so slowly she turned her head to see them both holding one of her tails. "You Pathetic basterds yo-" BAMB a fist forcing her to stop talking.

The adults snickered, some commenting on how she was foolish for letting those two out of her sight. For the next 10 mins, she was receiving a beating. "LET FUCKING GO!!!!!!" She shouted as a Force of Red energy pulsed out of her pushing all three of them off of her. One of the adults tapped their scouter and it began to beep. 1,660 as it boasted up to 1,999 Not bad for a kid They said. She rushed forward and kicked Raditz in the face as the other to when for her tail again. "NO CHANCE" She grabbed Raditzs tail and slammed him into the others throwing them all into the crowd of kids that were watching.

The ones that were hit from the group of flying three got up and looked dangerously at her before joining in the fight and rushing her. Cheers were heard from the adults as it had turned into a free-for between them all. Punches, Kick, Jabs were all thrown around. Gine tried to get involved but was stopped by the others that were there. Then she felt it a power that joined the fight higher than hers.

But she couldn't focus on that she kept fighting against anyone that attacked her. As one kid tried to throw a punch at her she dodged and grabbed her face slamming them into the person behind him. Someone grabbed her tail again and as she turned her head to look she saw a kid get socked in the face by some girl in tribal wear as she took the spot behind her giving her a nod. she nodded back and focused on the ones in front of her. one of the bigger kids grabbed her hair and tried to drag her but he received a kick to the balls by some boy causing him to let go. The boy then copied her, pulled the guy by his tail, and threw him towards a group of fighting kids. She and these two kids were back-to-back fightings until slowly the other fighters were down except for one.

And he was giving off a strong sense of power as around him were a bounce of knocked-out kids and a bold muscle man stood a few feet away from him. Prince Vegeta... Shit was the only thing that came to her mind "System tell me his power level" it came up as 3,000. Fuck. He made his way towards her walking over kids. "Come now don't leave me waiting, entertain me ." He smiled with a cocky grin As his scouter was on as he looked them over. "700, 850, and 1,660 ' he said as he looked from the girl towards the boy and then finally her. He kicked one of the knocked-out bodies at her Causing her to grab it and then she heard the punch that sent the girl flying towards the wall. It cracked from impact, The boy tried to attack but Vegeta simply dodged him. Then he began to punch him twice in the face followed up by a spin kick sending him flying the same way towards the girl.

"Come on show me that power you had before freak!"He rushed her. She barely dodged him as she tried to throw some of her own hits but it seemed to do nothing to him. It seemed her rage boast had left her already. If only she still had it she could put up a better fight. He was playing with her she could tell that. Her pride was hurt but she keep fighting. As she lay there on the floor bloody and beaten she slowly got up again. "you got Saiyan Pride I'll give you that but this is the end." He said as a ball of purple ki began to form in his hand over her head.

Shit was this the end already " Vegeta that is enough she could prove to be useful, far more useful than the other kids." said a woman voice with authority. As she weakly looked up towards the stands she saw a Saiyan lady. She had long Black hair with a golden circlet on her head, A royal blue cloak was covering the rest of her body with shoulder pads. "Alright Mother," He said as the energy ball dispersed.

"Your majesty we were not expecting you said some of the adults who looked nervous. " Get these low-class warriors fixed and in troops and give me any updates on that one," she said while pointing at Avoca. That was the last thing she heard before passing out. As a thought rang out, She needed to get stronger.