
Saiyan of the cosmos

A street-fighting punk died while fighting off a gang to protect a little Dog. Aiyana had a habit of getting into fights on the reservation earning her the title of street punk. while on an outing in a city, she came across a group of men beating on a small dog. She sprinted forward towards them and started to fight. {art is not mine}

Saiyan_Writer · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

(chapter 4) Saiyan Troop

For the next three years of her life, Avoca had spent it training with her mother. Though training would be a kindness to call it since the beating she went through would be called horrifying parenting by the people of earth but for a Saiyan, it was the standard. But her mother took it to the extreme, Giving her a scar going down her left eye. Thankfully it did not damage her eye but left a scar on her face. Her training was mostly street fighting style, no ki base attack sadly.

Thanks to those few years she managed to save up to 2000 points for the system shop. And her power level raised up to 1660. It was good progress and her mother was pleased. so much so that she deemed her ready to join a troop. She had wished to get more training but her mother was rarely home long enough for that plus she still could not fly yet.

Sounds of plates clinking rang throughout the shop as Avoca wolfed down her food. "system what powers are available" she thought as a window popped in front of her with a list of powers.

1. Chi Manipulation : (also known as Ki Manipulation) is the manipulation of a natural energy coursing within the body known as Chi, Qi, Ki, Youki, and many other names. Gives the user the ability to use their ki much easier as well as shape it. Cost 500

2. Danger sense : is the ability to, simply put, sense danger. It is a limited form of Precognition. This power is often given different names, and like most mental powers, varies greatly from person to person. Cost 3000

3. Dimension Storage Cost 500

4. Ancient Saiyan Sense of Smell : The ability to identify scents with greater precision than the average human being. This ability is particularly useful for tracking prey, perceiving the invisible, or navigating in an unfamiliar environment. Able to smell the opponent's power level. Cost 500

5. Gravity touch : Gravitokinesis is the ability to increase or decrease the gravity of those you touch, only affecting those weaker than the host. Cost 800.

6. Great Ape Control. Cost 1500

The list was extremely long and she didn't have the mental energy to look at them all. Though she did ask a few things" Ki Manipulation and great ape control won't I naturally get those?" She thought.

"Yes, deary but you won't have a great understanding of ki when you tap into it, while the great ape form you will end up raging, there is no guaranty you will keep your mind while in that form." The old lady replied.

It looked like she had some grinding she needed to do since there were a few skills she wanted to get. But for now, she would get Great ape control and ki control. once she buys them her mind started to cause her pain. This caused her to drop the plain meat she was eating. Many Saiyan looked over at her many with sneers as only one moved to check on her.

"Are you okay?" the voice asked as a gentle hand rested on her shoulder. As she lifted her head to look at who was speaking to her. her face only a few inches away for some lady. her vision blurring caused by the pain. And bang she passed out causing her head to slam into the one near her. She found herself Looking into the water, stranger more was the fact she was in her great ape form. Looking around She saw another great ape looking at her. This one seemed older, it rested on a pile of great ape corpses as it stared at her slowly opening its mouth as a bright green light started to gather in its mouth. as it fired out this beam it reached her at such a fast speed it engulfed her and then she awoke.

Feeling disoriented as she opened her eyes she was greeted with the face of Gine!?! looking down at her, she ran her hand through her hair as she rested her head on her lady.

"Get off my mother's lap already" shouted a voice. turning towards it she saw a Raditz looking at her with his fist closed. he was barely an inch taller than her, Still, she got up fast feeling embarrassed but putting trying to put up a brave face. failing none the less this caused Gine to laugh and smile increasing her embarrassment more.

"come now Raditz that's no way to talk to her" she coved her mouth as she laughed. she moved between us and rubbed both our heads. " Hello my name is Gine and this angry boy is Raditz " she introduced them to Avoca. She greeted them in kind.

"that's a lovely name, say Avoca I was just about to bring Raditz to the training grounds for him to join a troop would you like to come with us," she asked. Avoca had been waiting for her mother to return from her mission but there was no telling how long that would take, and she wanted to waste more time doing nothing. she agreed a smile growing on her face from the motherly kindness.

Gine reached out and hugged her "aww you're so cute' much to Raditz's dismay and jealousy. As she looked at Raditz there hair was about the same size, though he did look more comfortable in her battle armor. She didn't like hers. That would change once she joined a troop. As they made their way towards the 5th arena there were a lot of kids in small groups ranging from 3-5. A few of them were just standing alone, they must be confident she thought. As Raditz shoulder checked her as he ran toward two kids one was wearing a headpiece and the other looked like Goku?

She made her way towards them, Gine standing near the gate entrance. "Hey, Raditz is this a new troop member?," asked the one that looked like Goku. "She is not Turles, we don't need a weakling that faints randomly," he said this causing her to get mad.


Reward 100 points and a custom battle suit.

A mission board popped in front of her. Smiling she cracked her knuckles. " if I'm such a weakling you won't mind fighting me right" She shouted. This grabbed the attention of the adult Saiyans who smiled at the thought of seeing them fight.

Name : Avoca

Age 4

Gender female

Race Saiyan



Ki Control

Great Ape Control

Dimension Walker : allows the user to travel to other dimensions

Point saved : 000

Yamoshi Bloodline: Transformation multiplier increase

Twin Tails : Power Control Increased


Great Ape X15