
Rise of the Dragos

A trip to the local antiques market, opens up a new world to Scarlett. Her ancient bloodline is awakened and she's propelled into the unknown. She will become the leader of her clan and the biggest challenge for her future mate.

RougeDraco · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Shopping with a fashion pariah is a nightmare part 2

Tobias and Scarlett walk around for a few minutes when Scarlett all of a sudden squealed and dashed inside a store. Tobias is so used to Scarlett's moods that he just walked in after her without a second thought. "Oh Tobias, look at it. It's perfect!" In her hands a sparkly princess crown daintly rested. Tobias smiles, "Yeah, she would definitely love it and look there's a matching scepter. Let's get her this." Tobias grabbed the scepter and followed a happy Scarlett to the cashier. The cashier was a pretty girl and as soon as she saw them come in was stunned at how good looking the couple was. Gosh, he's so handsome and she is super pretty, look how he's spoiling her. I wish I had a boyfriend like him. Scarlett smiled and placed the items on the counter, "Hi! We'll like to pay for this items, oh and do you have any pretty gift boxes for sale?" The girl smiled at Scarlett's bubbly attitude, "We do and I think I have one that will be perfect, would you mind waiting a moment while I get it?" "Sure no problem. See Tobias, I told you I was good at shopping, maybe I should get a part-time job as a professional shopper."

Tobias chuckles and teases her, "If you do, you need to work for someone who can afford it. You do have expensive tastes." Scarlett rolls her eyes, "Jeez...You needed a formal suit. Formal suits are expensive and anyway I made sure it was a classic look so you can use it for a few years as long as you keep in shape," Scarlett meaningfully looks at his waist. "Hey, I have washboard abs. I go to the gym to keep my manly looks, thank you very much." Scarlett snorts and smirks, "Of course you got to go to the gym. You eat junk food all the time, if it wasn't for me all you would eat would be packaged food."

"Ok fine. I'm not going to argue with you like kids. I will humor you this time and say I'm wrong." Tobias swiftly pinched her puffed out cheek and Scarlett hits his arm. "Ouch! That hurts." Her eyes get watery and she looks at Tobias as if she's gravely injured making Tobias lean over and give her a little peck in her cheek. "There I kissed it better brat." Scarlett turned beet red and dramatically starts rubbing her cheek, "Ewwww....Tobias cooties, yuck. I need to disinfect my face now." The shopgirl had seen the whole little drama and was even more sorry not to have a boyfriend. "Here you're, isn't it cute? It's in the shape of a pink castle and she can reuse it because it's made out of wood." Scarlett happily claps, "Perfect! Tobias, credit card." Scarlett stretches her hand out and Tobias opens his wallet and gives her the credit card. "Here you go babe." Scarlett smiles and hands over the card, "All we need now are our outfits and we can get icecream." The girl packs their purchases and hands the credit card back, "Have a good day, come back soon!"