
Rise of the Dragos

A trip to the local antiques market, opens up a new world to Scarlett. Her ancient bloodline is awakened and she's propelled into the unknown. She will become the leader of her clan and the biggest challenge for her future mate.

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Shopping with a fashion pariah is a nightmare.

"Tobias! Here's your lunch. Make sure you eat it all, you'll need your strength to finish all this paperwork. When was the last time grandma did it, last year?" While she spoke Scarlett efficiently unwrapped, plated and handed Tobias his lunch, just like a little wife. Tobias gently smiles as he grabs a half a sandwich and takes a huge bite, "Thanks brat. I don't think that she has done it in about two or three months, I guess. You know it's an eternal battle trying to get her to do it and we're not even going to talk about your grandfather doing it. The stuff would be fossilized before it gets done." Tobias grinned as he took a sip of his drink. "Hahahaha you're right. I guess I should tell them to give you a raise since I'm sure this isn't part of your job description," Scarlett playfully punches him in the shoulder. "Ouch! You violent brat, don't hit me or you are going to be doing the paperwork instead."

Scarlett happily fakes that she's scared, "Young master please pardon this lowly girl. I didn't mean to offend you." Tobias raises his eyebrows and looks at her in an arrogant way, "Why should this young master take pity on you? I should punish you for being so disrespectful, come here you. You need to be spanked ten times for insubordination," Tobias puts his lunch down and starts chasing her around the desk and Scarlett giggles as she avoids him. "Get back here you wretch and take your punishment!" "Never!You meanie!" Moira hears the commotion and walks into the office, "Hey you two act your age! Tobias finish your lunch, I need you to drive Scarlett to the mall to pick up some presents. I'll be the greater person and finish this mess. Hurry up now."

Tobias was surprised and looked at Scarlett for verification, "Did she say that she was going to do the paperwork? I knew it, it's the end of the world! Scarlett, we are going to die and we never had a romantic relationship. I'm going to die a virgin." Tobias faked sobbed and Scarlett was giggling so much she was crying. "TMI Tobias! Jeezuz I didn't need to know that, my poor ears have been polluted. I need bleach to clean them. Yuck!!!" Tobias grinned and quickly ate the last bite of his sandwich. "Oh, I'm so sorry Princess. I forgot that you don't believe in having a physical relationship until you're married. That's ok, I guess but I hope whomever marries you is a good man or I'm going to steal you away from him," Tobias sinister smile gave Scarlett goosebumps, "Oh, stop being so creepy. The man I marry will be a perfect gentleman, you won't have a chance to do anything." Scarlett stuck out her tongue out like a little mischievous girl and walks away. "Hurry up, I want to get to the mall early. I want to eat icecream after shopping. Oh, and we need to pick outfits for the party this weekend."

Tobias grimaced, "Wait a minute, what party are you talking about? And when did I agree to go?" Scarlett frowns at Tobias as he opens the door to his car and she sits down, he quickly walks to the other side and starts the car. "Clarence's daughter is having her birthday party this Sunday and he invited us and I agreed to go. She wants all the guests to wear a particular color so that's why we're getting outfits," Scarlett patiently explains as Tobias drives quickly to the mall, they're not too far from there but Moira knows that when Scarlett is shopping she takes forever, that's why she volunteered to do the paperwork instead of going. Tobias glances at Scarlett, "You know if people didn't know us they would say we're a couple. You should have asked me before saying yes, I actually have to meet my parents for a late lunch and I don't know if I can make it on time." Scarlett blushes a little and smiles sadly, "Oh...sorry, I didn't think you were busy. Never mind then, I'll let Clarence know you can't make it." Scarlett was quite for a few minutes, "Tobias, do you think I'm inconsiderate? I'm sorry that I told Clarence you would go without asking you, I won't do it again." Tobias finds a parking space near the mall's entrance and quickly parks. "Don't worry about it brat, I know you didn't do it on purpose. How about this, as soon as I'm done with the parents I'll text you. You can then send me the address, okay?" Scarlett is so happy she gives him a huge hug, "That's great! Let's go shopping and I want the biggest banana split ever. Yummy, yummy let's go." She cheerily gets out of the car and doesn't notice that Tobias is blushing and looking at her as if he could kiss her at any time.