
Rise of the Dragos

A trip to the local antiques market, opens up a new world to Scarlett. Her ancient bloodline is awakened and she's propelled into the unknown. She will become the leader of her clan and the biggest challenge for her future mate.

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Shopping with a fashion pariah is a nightmare part 3

Tobias smiles and grabs the bags with their purchases and leaves the store with Scarlett. "I didn't think we could finish finding the gift so quickly, I'm so happy!" Scarlett happily swings Tobias hand as they walk to their next destination. Tobias grips her hand and daringly gives their joined hands a quick kiss, "Thank you for that, you know how much I hate shopping and surprisingly you are making it a quick experience today." Scarlett is a little flustered by the kiss but shrugs it off, "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched mister! We still haven't found our outfits for the party yet."

Tobias chuckles, she always has to have the last word, just like someone else I know. A disgruntled and unhappy look briefly crosses his face when he remembers that person. Damn it....I'll probably will have to see that person Sunday at lunch. He unconsciously tightens his hold on Scarlett hand and unwittingly hurts her. "Ouch!!! You jerk l, why did you squeeze my hand so hard. Are you trying to break it!" Tobias snaps out of it and blushes, "I'm sorry babe. I was just thinking about something unpleasant and forgot my own strength. Let me see your hand." Tobias starts checking Scarlett small hand and sees a bruise already starting to appear, "Sorry, sorry, I gave you a bruise. Let's go to the food court and get you some ice for your hand. We can eat some icecream as we wait, that way we can ice your hand for a bit, ok?"

Scarlett sees the remorseful look in his eyes and just nods. What was he thinking about that made him angry? She had never seen Tobias in a bad mood. She always saw him having a happy go lucky attitude no matter what was happening around either of them. "It's okay, just don't do it again. You can make it up to me later when you buy me some icecream." Scarlett mischievous grin made him feel better, "Okay brat. You're such a big baby when it comes to eating sweets. How old are you again?" "Hahahaha real funny Tobias Ernest Langston Draco," Scarlett knew how much he hated his name and immediately said it to get on his nerves. "Ugh..no icecream for you stinky brat! I'm done with you, forget the matching outfits. I'm not going anywhere with you." Tobias angrily scowled at Scarlett and got up and was ready to walk away when she suddenlylunged at him and hugged his waist tightly, "I'm sorry Toby, please don't be angry with me, I was just teasing you! You have to come with me to the party, pretty please with sugar on it." Scarlett clung to him like a koala and Tobias started to get flustered as he saw people starting to stare at them.

Tobias finally grins and hugs her back, "Brat you're lucky I love you. I'll forgive you this time but don't do it again, okay." Scarlett is still hugging Tobias so she acts really cutesy, "Okay, Tobias. I promise, cross my heart and hope to die. Hehehe and I know you love me. You're my best friend forever you know, I wouldn't trade you for anything in this whole world!" Tobias felt a sharp pain in his heart and smiles a little sadly at her but she's so excited that she doesn't see it at all.