
Summary chapters (sorry)

Soooo this is the summary chapter to cover the lost chapters, please let me know if any of it seems confusing and needs elaboration and I will try to add it to the Ch59 (already on 58) - I do apologize that I had to do this but I guess you live and learn, hehe


David sat next to the crib containing Kal, he was currently telling Kal about his last few days. For some reason, this had become one of David's habits. As one of his fingers absentmindedly slowly stirred the conductive goo he spoke,

"Honestly, you would find Selene seriously hot if you never knew her history. Just a heads up, I am never approving of you and her, you need a woman that is strong but caring. You really do not need an overbearing woman in your life kiddo.

Anyways, she wanted to be my Goddess of Magic, she felt I had .. urm … I quote "Plundered her body" and I, therefore, owed her at least that. While I was chatting with her through my avatar was letting all the ladies know what she was saying.

It seemed Frigga had recovered a bit and was happy just to sit with her daughters while I relayed everything, Frigga was the one who said Selene probably ticked someone powerful off and was trying to find someone powerful to hide behind.

It kinda shocked her when I told her my power comes with an enforced loyalty, you should have seen her face, hehe.

Anyways, I ended up agreeing she could be my Goddess of Dark Magic and she was all eager until I proceeded. It seems she had protections on her she thought might block the God-force binding of loyalty, well all it did was give her one hell of painful experience and make her avatar pure shadow, although seeing her sweating and panting on the floor was not a bad ima … oh, sorry.

Sometimes forget I am talking to a little one, Ah where was I.

Oh yeah well that went well, then the next morning I spoke to Steph. I explained I was, with her approval, going to look at a closer friendship with Diana and Hela. Not sex, just all the time I spent in that time cocoon made me realize I cared for them allot. They are both strong and intelligent women and have done allot for me. She seemed fine with it and said the girls had spoken about this previously and would base anything more on how things went. They had no plans to jump in bed with me, but they were open to see how things might progress if they gave it a chance.

I tried to explain to her why I thought I had advanced so much, I believe some of it was my own belief. I always saw a god as an untouchable entity, the Asgardians never seemed like gods to me, well except Hela who is immortal. I mean they have basically gifted their powers without any basis. I made Logan God of the hunt, lets be honest, it suited him, it was in line with him, his mannerism and powers. So, Thor who was a hot-headed warrior represented lightning? I would have thought of fire, destruction, battle, war. I supposed the fact I was able to spend hundreds of years within the cocoon changing myself helped allot. My point is I think self-belief might have something to do with it.

Soo, what else, oh, yeah. I almost messed up big time. I was a little annoyed that Gaea had not turned up for the ceremony, so I went to steal one of her toys as payback, a little island called Krakoa. For some reason, it was a struggle to take it over, but I got it right in the end, then I thought I had accidentally enslaved Gaea.

That sucked, I seriously felt bad about it. I promised her I would find a way to fix it, and then the woman appeared behind me cuddling up. She had been messing with me the whole time.

To make up for almost enslaving her I gave her a heads up about gifting Ororo any power while in a plane.

Anyways, I finally got Krakoa up and joined with Genesis island, then had it send out portals to very key locations around the world, but with guards undercover close at hand. I then got to use its seed homes to build bases in the solar system, these homes grow and are all linked to Krakoa and can portal back and forth.

This in itself is massive, instant base, no logistic issues, and immediate reports. These factors alone could win a war.

Gaea then went to my realm to spend time with the ladies and the next morning asked to join my pantheon, which surprised me, so I am thinking either the Celestials or the Chaos king.

I accepted her and sent people to South Africa and the North pole to look for Celestial bodies, if they are a problem I want a sample of what the horde used to kill an Alpha celestial or just the corrupted version that drove one nuts.

The Chaos King, well I am not sure I could beat him, tie with him maybe as we are opposites in a way, I know when he is pushed into a corner he would start trying to consume all reality, well that would be very hard if I am able to move, change and at a push temporarily absorb it into myself as the molecule man once did.

To beat him, I have someone in mind, or even better, someone's daughter.

I spent that day setting up projects like improving the Angels with serums, but the tests seem to show Vibranium might well be the way to go with them, apparently, they have a lot of innate magic they do not use. So, this is going to take some more time, maybe some kind of Vibranium runes?

Since Krakoa seemed to generate a lot of magical energy I asked Selene to work on the merged island to find a way to improve Vibranium A (The offensive one). It was easy to use it as it was in long-range weapons, but I was eager to see if it was upgradable.

The next day I took Max (Magneto) on a field trip to Novi Pazar, Serbia. We went to help a few people rebuild after the war, we also met the local witch and her daughter named Natalya. Max and the girl hit it off, so I gave the mother and daughter permissions to use a plant portal close by, wonder why that was there.

Oh, and I had people move to Genosha before they gain independence, I have a very special grudge with them, serious sickos. They turned mutants into slaves, they would brainwash them and force them to do to labor and treat them worse than cattle many times.

While back in my labs Little Nat found me, that girl has grown. She never said much but always stayed close to me, I tried to start conversations and she did answer but seemed happy just staying close, so I invited her to join me when I let my avatar start to set things up on earth.

I guess it was the right thing to do as her eyes lit up and she nodded a lot. She went off to ask Diana, Hela, and Logan to train her more.

That night was nice, I had decided to no longer prevent myself from having a child, even though it should have felt the same, it was different, I am not sure how but it felt really good to sleep with Steph and not hold back anymore.

Oh damn, sorry, to much …." David stopped talking as he realized his finger was currently being held by a little hand, and two clear blue eyes were staring up at him and a small smile played on the little face.

"Oh, well hello there Kal."