

Gently lifting the little child up who now seemed like his body had only matured to a 3-year-old. David had hoped with the treatment in the crib the little guy would have physically matured a bit more.

"How we doing there Kal, is this the first time you opened your eyes?" David, although talking gently was not going to talk baby to Kal, he was well aware with the yellow sun treatment Kal had the mental capacity above most genius humans.

As David spoke he picked up a handheld scanner and started slowly running it over Kal's body.

"Oh, I see, you been storing a lot of the radiation in your cells, more than I thought you were able you little git, hehe. Well done, it is better this way."

All the while David spoke Kal's crystal blue eyes were following his actions. Placing Kal on a soft recline chair David headed over to see how the nanite programming had done. He was a little concerned Kal's Kryptonian antibodies might be strong enough to destroy them since they were originally set to human DNA and only changed after he received enough data.

Glancing back to check on Kal he was shocked to see the little guy hovering right behind him, "Well that is a neat trick, I never expected you to be able to fly so soon. You are doing really well Kal.

As the little one nodded slightly David noticed the nanites on his shoulder were responding to Kal's thoughts, it seemed Kal understood he originally had two arms, and now the nanites were doing their best to create a bio-organic one for him. Although the process was slow, it was painless.

"Hey little guy, I need to leave you here for a bit, while your arm is being made, I cannot take the risk something might infect it." Although David was relatively sure nothing should be able to infect Kal's arm, he was not going to take any chances.

"Would it be okay if I made you sleep a little longer, I will program the little guys inside you to teach you things you need to know, so when you wake I might be able to show you around." David was unsure to what degree Kal understood him as it seemed the little guy was currently on autopilot. Heading back to the reclining chair the little guy lay down and smiled towards David, nodding slightly as he closed his eyes.

David grinned as he set the programs, he was dreading the ladies seeing him.


Back in his realm of Heven, David was sitting before 11 large pedestals, each one with a unique shape and color monument on top.

The colors ran from on the right Ultraviolet. White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Grey, and Black.

Inside each monument was currently a tiny light that seemed to be the same color as the monument.

As time passed, David did not seem to move, and ever so slowly the lights seemed to grow.


As time rolled on Raven first gave birth to Kurt (Night Crawler), she was ecstatic, and as David imagined and perfect mother. Then came Fox's twins, a boy, and girl, I can only say Logan got what he deserved. Fable and James, a girl and a boy. Fable was born as the iconic nine-tailed human-vixen and Logan hated it, well he hated what he knew would happen when she grew up. James was born with no apparent mutations, until one day a vine grew out his hand to pick up a mug, he was too lazy to get up to get. Maybe due to them all being conceived before their parents received Godhood, none of them had any divinity, something Logan seemed relieved about.

Howard Stark found the replacement Space stone at the bottom of the ocean, he and Peggy Carter then founded shield. David made sure all their systems were monitored before 1949 when Doctor Arnim Zola started rebuilding Hydra within Shield.

At this point David was tempted to revive Bucky but thought it best to hold on, he was planning on using him soon, but not yet. He wanted Peggy on board before he did that. He had located Capsicle but had all his men set to observe and report only.

During this time David set up his space mining and defensive bases. Although they did not yet have the power to attack and defend the entire solar system, David felt that the defense seemed fine. Some might say he was overly paranoid as he had many vibration dampers installed in many bases, David felt he might need a little more though.

David also had a secure prison built inside Uranus, having its moons used as defensive posts.

Gaea seemed to have listened to David as Ororo Munroe and her parents had an uneventful trip and made it safely back to Cairo.

It was strange though, Kal was a very fast learner, but not much of a talker, he stuck to David's avatars side all the time. The ladies loved him, he was spoilt and trained, depending on which lady found him.

Max and Natalya had got along very well and once the people of the town started seeing the local witch as a bad thing, she and her mother moved to the island of Genesis. David was very pleased with this development.

It was currently 1956, and David finally moved, looking at the monuments glowing brightly with the lights he had created. David was very seriously considering pretending to be another godlike figure and bestowing power to the honorable, or some such rubbish.

It was then that David thought of an idea, these sources were slightly different to what he recalled in the DCU as he did not need any emotional issues within his troops. He was still not sure if someone out there had managed to bend the timeline enough to make a corps, but he was not bothered, he had control of all the sources he created. And although no emotion would be required to use the rings, the corresponding emotion would strengthen the abilities of the ring.

Currently, David had decided on the following roles for the lights.

White / Life and Black /Death, these would be saved, black in Hela's realm and White on Heven, as their power was too much unless an emergency arrived. Being able to raise the dead with Black, the battle then bring them to life with White was something David was holding back as a trump card.

Green / Willpower (Wielder based) would be the intergalactic police.

Indigo / Compassion (Wielder based) would be for jailers as there would be an actual chance to convert prisoners.

Blue / Hope (Wielder, area, and target based) would-be disaster response as it showed massive potential.

Red / Rage (Wielder and target based) would be front line troops.

Yellow / Fear (Area and target based) would-be long-range troops.

Grey / Phantom (Wielder based) would-be stealth and scouting units.

Violet / Love (Wielder, area, and target based) would be support for all branches.

Orange / Sloth (Wielder based) would-be logistical support. (Yes, changed it)

Ultraviolet / Invisible (Wielder based) would be interrogation for all branches.

All rings except White and Black would require recharging every 24 hrs, the oath would be a relay for messages or subliminal commands. No lanterns this time, just rings bound to the user. This was the reason for making it a 24-hr recharge time. Rings could not be taken off, even severed from the body it would be under the command of the bearer, upon death they would return to the source and relay the events.

Now he wanted an oath, he knew a few of them but was looking for one general one to cover all.

As he was considering his options, David sent the command to check on the prison within Uranus, he did not expect to hold many as one of the rules would be to hand over offenders to victims worlds to be tried if they had a unified world if not the Corpse would imprison them for predetermined times, depending on the crime. Execution was also an option since every powerful entity killed in Sol would now increase Hela's power.

David chuckled, now he would get to have some fun.