
Some things had to be done

[Author Note about Odin: On a side note, please keep in mind that Odin is a lot weaker than anyone realizes, people have theorized this was due to repeated use of the stones and maintaining the spells on Hela. Think about it, he fell under Loki's spell and it almost killed him to break it. He was known as one of, if not the most powerful magic-user in Asgard. Something was not right there.}


Once that was done, he gathered them all before him, "Angela could you call Angel please?"

Okay, I will be granting you all divinity, do not worry you will be able to visit Earth without the concern of causing disturbances. Your Domains should appear or change right away as I will be changing reality. Lastly, I will give you God-force, think of it as a nitro boost to your powers when you need it //Hela quirked a brow at David// after you used it you will need to spend time in my realm for it to recharge. I believe this was the original use for it, I do not think it was ever meant to be hoarded for fear of others gaining power but shared within a pantheon to make all stronger."

David stopped a moment as Angel came in with Angela, David was secretly impressed that Angela had remained the same towards Angel, "Very well, if you are all ready this will be as quick as any other pantheon awakening ceremony, regardless of the differences."


Within the Large meeting room 24 pantheons and a member of the sorcerer league stood around, this was basically a meet and greet, except those with sufficient power already sensed that this entire world was A Godly realm, and this caused some concerns.

The large doors towards the inside of the Castle opened, David walked in with Steph at his side, right behind them were Hela and Raven, then Fox and Logan followed by Angel and Angela, Diana slipped in behind them and moved around the edges to find Zeus.

As they came before the meeting hall chairs David stopped and smiled at all, the others fanned out to his left and right, but Angela moved behind her sister, Hela.

"Welcome all, I am very glad to see you could all make it. I wish to make it clear from the start, my pantheon currently holds no alliances but many goals.", David winked in an attempt to make humor of his statement, although all were clear he meant it.

"Now, I believe some introductions as in order, I am Genesis, I believe the old term is that I am the Sky Father to my pantheon. This is Stephenie, my Grand wife, and Mother to my Pantheon. Next is Hela, my Goddess of Death and Love, //As Odin was currently the only one who recalled Hela, David was loving the fact he was unable to act//, Silver Fox is my Goddess of the forest and plains and her lover Logan my God of the Hunt, Raven is my Goddess of Change and finally, Angel, the Queen and Goddess of the Angels, my warriors." A murmur filled the hall at the last introduction, Odin finally had something to use.

Divinity filled the hall with a touch of Odin-force as Odin stepped forth "Without my consent, you free the Angels I have punished, you seem to have made your stance in regards.. " , "Oh shut up old man." David interrupted Odin as Odin tried to step forward and found he was unable. The same was true for Thor who was trying to step forward to his father's aid, Loki moved to get more chicken legs.

It was at this point the other pantheons noticed that none of the new God s seemed to be affected by the Odin-force. They all seemed to have slight grins, expect Logan, he was looking at Odin like a wolf would a deer, a hungry wolf.

"Wisdom, right? Not likely, you condemn a race who never actually killed your daughter, then you imprison the Daughter who only followed your orders and have the audacity wipe clear her existence. And then //God-Force and Divinity exploded from David as he walked up to Odin, his power causing the Asgardians to struggle to stand. All except Loki who was at the banquet table. (keep in mind a God is more powerful in their own realm)// You come into my Realm and try shout at me? Does your Wife know, do your sons know you cast aside your Daughter? Do they know you erased her from history? Wisdom, pft."

David was now face to face with Odin, "I know you do not have long old man, I can feel your power ebbing, do you really want to pick a fight with someone you know is more powerful than yourself, or would you rather see if you can claw back a tiny bit of time with both your daughters before you depart?" David broke off his pressure as he spun around and lifted his hand to the two girls on the side.

As he spoke David become aware of a hammer flying towards his head, as the same moment a black portal appeared behind David and in front of Hela, stretching her hand into the portal it appeared behind David as she grabbed the traveling hammer by its head, withdrawing her hand and canceling the portals, she now stood with her head slightly tilted to the side with a hammer in hand, grinning at Thor.

"I was rude, let me reintroduce one of my Goddesses and one of my followers.

Hela Odinson, the Daughter of Odin and previous Goddess of Death to the Asgardians, until banished by her father. Oh and currently holding onto Mjolnir until Thor apologizes.

Aldrif Odinson, the Daughter of Odin and previously believed killed by the Queen of Angels, obviously incorrect. Now named Angela"

Thor seemed to be in total shock as he was staring at his hands in disbelief.

Angel was shocked but did her best to remain impassive, she knew the way David was presenting things made her look a lot better than things really were. She had been unaware she left Odin's child alive and would have finished the job had she known.

Frigga broke away from the group of Asgardians and slowly walked towards the two girls in a hopeful aura of disbelief, "Is it true, I can feel something there but are they my daughters?" Frigga had always been a doting mother to all her children and David did not have the heart to blame her in any way for events.

David turned around and declared with Divinity, "!~ I Declare the Reality, and it is that Odin's imprisonment spell and the spell of personal isolation (closest spell I could find) are void! ~!" With that, the power of Divinity and reality washed outwards from David and into the Universe. (I only make him state this for you guys, to know what he doing)

Frigga's face instantly broke down as tears ran from her eyes and she sunk to her knees, "I am sorry, I am so sorry" was all she muttered, Hela rushed forwards and comforted her mother. Angela stood back and watched Odin with glaring barely contained rage, if it was not for the sad situation before her, she would have ripped apart this man who would make a mother forget her own daughter.

"Hela, Angela take your mother to the side room and let her rest. You are welcome to take with you anyone you like. And pass your baby brother his toy back when he says sorry." David said as he gently levitated the poor woman towards the room, letting Steph, who joined them take over.

David hated that he had to do this to Frigga, but he wanted Hela's mother to at least know her daughter existed in case the timeline took her.

"Now you no longer have to sustain those spells you will live longer old man; you might want to spend that time by explaining." David nodded towards the Asgardian God s behind, one, in particular, was having a really hard time with this. (Thor, duh)"

Odin spoke with a half-broken voice, "Your Domain, it is Reality then. You will exist as long as reality does, in any form. This is a good thing. I will try to talk to them, but I am not sure they will listen, at least I know you will be there for them, for eternity."

"I will, // David turned to room// I am sorry all, I have been a poor host. Might we socialize another time, I have taken your visit and goodwill to heart. Those who have a family to visit, feel free to stay longer." David smiled and nodded to Diana and Zeus who has been sharing whispers the entire time. David was unsure what was being said but Diana elbowed her father's arm allot.

With that the day had almost come to an end, David was about to head to his office when he noticed someone else who had to not left, Selene, the sorceress.

David was not sure he was ready for this headache.