
Remeny : The New Nightmare

It is world filled with three different races Monsters, Humans and Beast-men. A world where Monsters fight with the other two races, some of them look just like humans, between these monster exist a race where it is thought that was extinct, the same race of the first and most frightening monster to ever be seen by humans. and there's a person who brings chaos and war among the races in order to create one of the strongest race , the race called X̴̛̥̟͕̦̗͖̤̐́̏̄̌@̶̧̟̩͓̗͙̹̬̠̗̠͈͈̀̍̀̀̐͊̏̾̊̽̄̏̀̄͌̈̈̒̕̕͘̚͘̕%̴̭̮͖͖̭͕̺̞͈̮̺͈̄̊̂́̀̀$̸̧̢̢̛̱͚̲̼̺̗̗̣͔̣̱̠͎̩̩̤̤͈̰͛̒͐ͅ E̴̺͉̓̃R̸̘͓̙̟̞̖̃̍̏́͆̕R̴̹̂̔̒̽̆́͠O̸̔͆͜͠R̶̻͇͇̦̮͐̑ ̵̝͗!̶̪̠̹͗̌̕̚ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover was made by me . and the shading was done by Glass-explosion https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4318249978?appId=10 the link to work .... https://www.deviantart.com/slate-remeny/art/Lucy-Windfall-II-Remeny-The-New-Nightmare-897983779

Slate_Remeny · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Horniness Is Healthiness

he turned to his cold personality and said....


as he pushed my face away.

"Don't need to thank me , after all this is a thank you from me ..." i slowly reached towards his manhood and then.

"I said stop." he pushed my face away with his hand, trying to resist, how cute .

" I refuse to let you take advantage of me."

I resisted his resistance.

"Then i just have to refuse your refusal."

he pushed me again.

"Stop it, you horny dog"

I pushed myself forward.


Again he pushed me away as he said...

" Ï̵͇̦̠̺̜̖͉͗̌͂̎͊͘ ̴̡̗͔̬̓́̆͌̈͋͛͠S̴̭̞̤͍̲̈À̵͉͛̋͗̚Ĭ̷͍̥̟͉͎̈́̓͗͌͋͜Ḏ̵̎̒ ̶̲̟̆̐̎͘S̷̨̤̝̳̟̼̮̩̈̌̈́̃̏͊̓͒T̷̹̍̆̾O̷̡̝̦̘̽͋̚P̵̨̤̤̭̘̮̄̎̑̂͝ ̵͍̙͚̯͕̱̈͐͒͗̽͊̈́͘Y̸̖̠͉̦̊͊͗̊̎̓͝͝O̶̠̜̅̈́͗̃͗̚U̸̜͕͉͎̝̲͒̽̀̎̆ͅ ̴̧̯͙͈͋̈̑͛̊͜Ĩ̴̙͎̞̣̱̀̋̆̚D̸̟͔̭͓̦͓̆͋͆̒̉̑͐ͅİ̶̟͍͕̳̩͐̀̊́͊͝ͅO̴̧̡̢͕͔̍͛͆̓̄T̷̮̣͓̹̅́̽̈́͠ "His skin turned black, his hairs vanished,his Eyes faded away and the whiteness in his eyes started to glow, so did the inside of his mouth, eight black tentacles started moving behind hes back, it was a really scary sight.

One of those tentacles hit me so hard that i was sent flying across the room, i hit the wall upside down with a loud THUD! and slowly slide down the wall in a comical manner.

my head hit the ground, so i decided to use the art of <Cuteness>, i crossed my arm pouted and frowned a bit.

"Your too mean Arsene-kun."

"Stop that."

"Why would i arsene-kun?"

"Stop it, you horny dog!"

"Dear Arsene-kun, have you ever heard of a saying 'Horniness is healthiness?'."

"No that is not a saying."

"How do you know that?"

"Because it's you who is saying it?"



"Come in."

"Excuse my intrusion."

While being upside down, i saw my worst enemy, so i quickly got on my foot, it was a woman in suit, she had a brown hair with a black indifferent eyes that seemed like she even if you drop bombshell she wouldn't even flinch, and the worst aspect of her was that she had a excessive fat in both areas of ass and chest.

"Well what is a whore doing here?"

"Sir,i brought u the documents you asked for."

"Thank you Elizabeth , put them on my desk please."

She gave him a node.

"Hey, don't ignore me!"

"By the way sir, there seems to be bad rumors around you that started tonight, i suggest you, throw away the source of those rumors."

"You little ...."

"Have you two ever met before?"

"No sire."


"Then.... what's your problem?"


Arsene looked at me with a expression that was saying "seriously?"

"listen Arsene of course you wouldn't understand since your still pure, and she is a treat to that pureness."

"You...you were just trying to..."

"I am an exception for that, i'll be the one who will take that away."

Arsene took a deep sigh....


"Elizabeth thank you for your hard work, please leave us be."

"Yes sir." and she left the room.

I walked up to the table and sat on it.

"Why won't you fire her, i bet she is the kind that would open her leg if you give her money, so obviously betraying isn't a problem."

"Are you saying that because of her...."

"Of course, yes."


"...And there's something about her, you know ? i don't like it."

"I'll keep my eyes on her, you don't need to worry."

"Beside you still have me i can do the works for you and we will be together much more often...."

"Sorry but your bad reputation is hurting my business, so if i hire you here you would make it worse."

"I beg to differ, i'm pretty famous your business would go of the chart you know, and i'm beautiful i'll attract customers that way too you know~? "

"If you wouldn't say a lot of nonsense it could have been more believable."

"What do you mean nonsense? it's my skill < bullshit> it allows me to make up some story in a dire situation and get out of pinch."

" *sigh* You know it doesn't matter how much try to make up ' skills ' you won't get the 'Kings' attention like that."

I froze .

It was a well known fact that i was i did not have the interest of the ' Kings ' like ... no not even close to my mother or any other people, i got a nick name for that too 'the forgotten child'.

"Well .... No need to worry since i have you , and you'll protect me right ? " i made a warm smile . i think he sensed the fake feeling of my smile since he look at me with the mixed feelings of sadness and pity.

I took a deep sigh

" ... i'll be taking my leave then . "

I hoped town the desk .

"Be careful the tension between the monster races has gotten high . "

With out responding i left the place .