
Remeny : The New Nightmare

It is world filled with three different races Monsters, Humans and Beast-men. A world where Monsters fight with the other two races, some of them look just like humans, between these monster exist a race where it is thought that was extinct, the same race of the first and most frightening monster to ever be seen by humans. and there's a person who brings chaos and war among the races in order to create one of the strongest race , the race called X̴̛̥̟͕̦̗͖̤̐́̏̄̌@̶̧̟̩͓̗͙̹̬̠̗̠͈͈̀̍̀̀̐͊̏̾̊̽̄̏̀̄͌̈̈̒̕̕͘̚͘̕%̴̭̮͖͖̭͕̺̞͈̮̺͈̄̊̂́̀̀$̸̧̢̢̛̱͚̲̼̺̗̗̣͔̣̱̠͎̩̩̤̤͈̰͛̒͐ͅ E̴̺͉̓̃R̸̘͓̙̟̞̖̃̍̏́͆̕R̴̹̂̔̒̽̆́͠O̸̔͆͜͠R̶̻͇͇̦̮͐̑ ̵̝͗!̶̪̠̹͗̌̕̚ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cover was made by me . and the shading was done by Glass-explosion https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4318249978?appId=10 the link to work .... https://www.deviantart.com/slate-remeny/art/Lucy-Windfall-II-Remeny-The-New-Nightmare-897983779

Slate_Remeny · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Around city

I'm currently walking around the city , street is lively , people walking around with their family and friends . it gives me the feeling loneliness .

I looked around this underground city is really big just like above there are many buildings , road ,parks etc... , if i remember correctly this place was just a big ass basement , it was said this was the birth place of the seventh King 'Nightmare'.

The reason he was called nightmare was because he hunted his enemies down like he was their worst nightmare , and the fact that he supposedly liked to play around with his prey .

It's funny how we were given the name of the seventh King name but we are the descendants of the eighth King the 'Faceless King'. they say that eighth was the disciple of the seventh .

looking around i see man, female, children, people with red armored like skin, they are the knights, who keeps the order, they're classes are knights with high damage and defense, which would mean that assassin type which consist of most of us, the reason more people aren't knights is because the ones who are capable of choosing the path are few in numbers, why ? because of their blood-lines .

There also were some people with fox ears and some people look like humanoid fox which.

why are the no other beast-men? well because other kind of beast-men were not in the blood-line of the eighth King, so they don't belong to us. cross-breeding? that's the worst possible thing to do since the child would neither be accepted as beast-men nor monster, simply best case with parents lives far of the society or worst case that he/she will be abandoned by society, and it's not great that way, experience says so .

Hmmm..... i can sense someone tailing me for a while now , my mouth curled into a smile .

i turned to a alley it was dark but it did leave a bit of space, i walked so that i would have enough distance from the main street.

' anytime now .'

you may ask how can i sense people ? well you see we all are connected with each other we can all sense each other but we also can conceal our-self from being detected ,but it you need to have stronger mentality, and overall strength, and stronger one is the higher they're senses are .

Thud! Thud ! Thud !

someone fell from above and landed in-front me , i heard two more behind me .

" Hey little girl , what your doing here all alone ?"

"we have a little favor to ask you , so will you come with us ? "

i don't like wasting time talking to these nobodys so chose to use my rare skill <Ignore> it has high chance of pissing of your opponent and can only be used on the people who talks to you .

" hey are you ignoring us ? "

"hey are you sure shes the one ? "

" don't worry shes even weaker than a average high-schooler , we won't have any problem "

with that said something black started to creep on the ground from hes leg . its a skill < black domain > by spreading it you can bend further your reach and attack from under the enemy it costs lot more energy if you try to materialize something .

oh and our skills are given from our Kings and i don't have any impressive skill after all , it's a known fact that i'm one of the weakest after all i'm the " abandoned child " the one who even our Kings chose to ignore . little did they know .....

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