
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


the tunnel that we used to get into the enemies castle was quite dark there was only a handful of lanterns every ten feet or so. this made it very difficult for me to keep my eyes aware of both the enemies that could possibly enter through the secret insurance that we had just walked through.

I slowly walked forward behind them both and turned my head so that I could see the rear entrance every few seconds until we made it to the end of the tunnel.

as I made it out of the tunnel I looked around to see what kind of life that Commander Zog was used to living in this second life that he has been offered.

the area that we had made it into had statues of different type of creatures along both of the walls. at the very end of the hole there was a massive iron door that had a brass knob on it which was of an orc's head.

then I saw Dr. Robert open the door and walk through first. when I made it through the door I saw a massive four way archway that was made out of iron that had a black cocoon that was to the right of it which seem to be alive; as well as a massive thrown right under the center of it where I saw Commander Zog rise from it.

"well it seems like you have finally shown up" Commander Zog said to us as he snapped his fingers and I saw three other orcs each wearing their own types of armor show up beside him from behind the columns of the arch.

"oh look it is the two people that I had a lot of fun with the last time we met" the assassin looking work said while he laughed and walked towards Alecia and Dr. Robert.

"boys leave this swine to me please. I want to teach him new and intense meanings of the word pain for what he did to me" Alecia said as she opened her grimoire.

"have at him I want to have fun taking down this warrior in glorious one-on-one combat" I said as I drew my great sword and pointed it at the orc warrior of the group.

"I guess that means that I will be taking you on" Dr Robert said as I began to hear him juggling three of his potions.

the warrior that I was going to be fighting more a set of heavy metal plate armor and he wielded a sword that glowed a light blue color as well as a shield that seem to have an outer ring made of black energy.

through the use of my peripheral vision I saw that each of my team members had taken their personal targets to another side of the room so that we could all have ground to fight freely without getting in each other's way.

before I began the battle with this warrior I noticed that Commander Zog did not intervene in the battle he instead went over to the cocoon and was standing near that and watching the battles that were about to begin.

"oh so this is what I have to fight. I was expecting so much more when I was told about you and your capabilities; but I mean after all you are nothing but a disgusting dwarf your people should have died centuries ago when the last wave of darkness was released on this world. it is truly a marvel of how your pathetic race that doesn't even have magic could have survived that ordeal" the orc warrior said as he began to laugh at me. "well you can at least be relieved that I will put you out of your misery swiftly so that you can see your ancestors that live deep within the earth".

"Darkness Wave Barrage!" I yelled at him when I swung my sword three times side to side which created three waves of black energy after my sword began to glow.

when the black waves came into contact with him he began to scream and terror due to the intensity of flames that had been created.

after the flames had expired and the work warrior was nothing but a pile of ash I looked at commander Zog and began to speak to him.

"if this is the best that you have to offer my teammates and I then you are a horrible orc commander".

then as the pile of ashes began to be blown away I noticed a black ball of energy that left the pile and made its way into the throbbing black cocoon.

"what was that for what did you do with his soul?" I asked him with a look of surprise across my face when he began to smile.

then shortly after the first black orb made it into the cocoon I saw two other black orbs of energy do the same exact thing which meant that my teammates had defeated their targets as well.

"well since you asked the souls that have been stored in this cocoon are to fulfill my secondary goal which is to revive someone that I lost and is very dear as well as important to me."

then as the last soul had made its way into the cocoon it began to crack open and out of the cocoon I saw a female Ork.

"now that the resurrection of my wife has been completed with her by my side I will be able to take over this world without much struggle." Commander Zog said as he began to step back from the cocoon when it shattered.

"oh come on she is just another orc. she is not strong enough to stop me" I said as I rushed at her and tried to thrust my greatsword into her chest; but as I was about to make contact with her body she waved her right hand and a purple barrier was throwing up around her body which caused me to bounce back and hit one of the metal archways which I made a dent in when my body hit it due to the amount of force but she had applied to the barrier.

"it feels good to be free at last. I will kill the entire bloodline of the humans and elves who imprisoned me in that cocoon for the last three hundred years." she said as she waved her hand which caused everyone in the party to the risen from the ground.

"it is so good to see you again my dear" Commander Zog said as he kissed her quite passionately on the lips.

"yes Zog my darling; it is good to see you too but first we need to slaughter all of these people who have invaded our home like the filthy pests they are." she said after she got done kissing him and threw us each against a different column of the archway.

when I finally gained some visual awareness of my surroundings I noticed that the female orc was vulnerable from behind.

I saw Dr Robert grab one of his potions and threw it at her it when her back was turned to him and the potion covered her body with a white mist which seem to stick to her body and she was not able to move her body at all.

"what did you do!" Commander Zog yelled as he looked at his wife then turned picked up Robert and threw him across the room with his bare hands.

"even I know what he did are you saying that you are so stupid that you don't know what had happened to your wife?" I said as I rose to my feet and looked at the resurrected female orcs body. "he has thrown a potion at her that causes her to be petrified and unable to move.

while he was focused on Dr Robert I quickly rushed at him with my great sword and yelled " Darkness Tornado!".

he turned around when he heard me yell at him but he was unable to react in time which caused him to be lifted up and continuously spin due to the tornado effect that I had created.

when I had commanderzog lifted up by the tornado that I had created I heard the start of something beginning to crack.

"Gilltrude before you begin to celebrate your victory I would pay attention to the petrified statue; it is beginning to crack." Alecia told me quite loudly so that she would most likely catch my attention.

"did you truly believe that something that simple would contain me" the female orc said to me as she broke free of the petrification that was caused by Dr. Robert's potion.

"dual casting black ice wave comboed with black ice mine" Alecia said before I saw black ice mines show up around the enemy as well as a set of black ice waves which made me jump out of the way so that I would not get hurt.

when the spells were about to hit her the female orc cast another barrier which nullified all of the spells.

then after she did that the tornado that I had created to save my Ally from Commander Zog was done and he then fell on the ground.

the female orc then made her way to her husband and kept her barrier active so that we could not attack her while she was making her swift movement to where he was located.

"do not worry dear I will do all that I can to save you" she said as his body began to be burnt to a crisp in her hands.

then I saw her grab a vial from her waist and as his soul left his body she trapped it in the jar.

"this is not the last that you've seen of us you filthy Heroes. my husband and I will be back and stronger than ever to reclaim this world as was originally intended" she said that she cast a spell that blinded me and I could not see anything for a few minutes due to the intensity.

when the light had finally dissipated and I could see clearly I noticed that Commander Zog's so as well as his wife were nowhere to be found.

"we need to prepare this world at some point for their possible return just in case if her threat is not an empty one"Dr Robert said.

"well now that our job is done let us go to the capital and claim our rewards that we will have earned" Gilltrude said to me as I saw him place his great sword back into its sheath that was resting on his back.

we made our way out of the castle and back to where we had placed our horses before riding back to the dwarven capital.

when we made it back the people within the city were celebrating out of excitement since Commander Zog had been defeated.

"please make your way to the castle. all three of the Kings have shown up to give you each their own reward since you are each of the three main races you will receive a reward from your own King." one of the guards said to us as we put our horses back in the stable.

I walked with both of my friends knowing that whatever gift I received I would be satisfied considering the fact that this would all not be possible if I hadn't been given my second chance at life where I am no longer a couple.

as I made my way into the dwarven council meeting area of the castle I could see a massive table in the room where each of the three kings set on the opposite side.

"hello welcome home Heroes. the word around the three kingdoms is that Commander Zog has been defeated. it is that truth or just another piece of local fiction?" the dwarf King asked all of us as heroes from his chair.

"yes he has been defeated; and if you do not believe me I grabbed both of his axes as proof" Gilltrude said is he handed the dwarf King both of commander Zog's weapons.

"yes this is proof enough for me to believe that he has been defeated" King Austroon said as he examined the weapons before putting them on the table so that the other kings could look at them.

then the other two kings began to talk about the situation before they all came to an agreement that Commander Zog had been defeated.

first the elf leader came forward and began to speak to Alecia.

"so Alicia; what is it that your heart desires in exchange for the services that you have given us in our time of great conflict?"

"my heart's desire is to own property and possibly some influence for my deeds if that is not asking you for too much" she said as she bowed to the elf king.

"it will be done. I will give you a piece of property within the elven Kingdom due to the services that you have provided our people".

the elf king sit down and as soon as he did the human prince who was now the king due to his father's murder rose to address Dr. Robert.

"what is it that your heart desires above all else. if it is within my power it will happen" he said to Dr. Robert.

"I want to be able to try and experiment to my heart's content as long as it doesn't involve intentionally trying to kill someone with the backing of the empire so that I can help advance mankind as much as possible in technology" Dr Robert said.

"it will happen. I will rebuild you a new alchemy location but instead of making you be in a store since you are now the imperialist I will make you a personal alchemy and science area within the palace itself when we reveal the capital." king Frank set down.

"finally Gilltrude; once again my family owes you everything so what can I do for you this time that will consider decent payment?" king Austroon asked me.

"sire I want to be a member of your household so that I can have a greater influence over your son and his life if that is within your power" I told him as I bowed to him out of respect.

"then buy the power that I possess as king of the dwarves I King Austroon; name you Gilltrude as my fourth son due to deed not by birth".

"now that all of the rewards and logistics are out of the way feel free to go around and celebrate this piece that you have offered us with everyone else" King Austroon said as he sat back down in his chair.

I left the meeting Hall so that I could celebrate this piece that we had offered this world but obviously it probably would not last too long considering the threat that Commander Zog's wife had made. the future was an amazing thing to look forward to since it was very uncertain what it held in store for myself and the other two surviving heroic candidates of The Reincarnation Protocol.

hi everyone I thank you for your support and time on this journey for this novel. if you like my storyline please leave a review and I will be working on the second book of the series known as The Reincarnation protocol book 2 dark magic. I will be trying to upload new chapters at least twice a week.

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