
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

The Secret Entrance

the breeze was very calm and the area around us was very silent, but I knew that it would not last that long because this was the silent before the storm of an epic battle.

"so are we going to wait for them to begin the battle or are we going to begin our attack on Commander Zog directly before the fighting begins?" Gilltrude asked me as horses we were on made it to a very dark forest after traveling for almost three days.

"we are going to rest here within these woods for a bit and then we will attack them with the camouflage of night so that we can go through mostly undetected until we reach the enemy's castle." I said to Gilltrude as I get off of my horse and tied it to a tree so that both it and I could rest before the battle.

"who is going to take the first job as the guard for us so that we don't get surprised by an attack wow the other to rest?" Gilltrude asked both of us as he got off his hours.

"do not worry about that I have a solution for that" Alecia said as she got off of her horse and opened her grimoire after tying it up to one of the trees so that it would not run away.

as I sat down at the base of one of the trees I saw Alecia open her more and she cast her black ice wall spill but it was a lot smaller than when she had done it in the previous battle against the dragonborn.

"there I now put a thin ice wall around us so that we will have a heads up on any kind of danger that will possibly approach us while we rest. even though it is not the most durable version of my high school since we are only fighting against orcs it shouldn't be much of a problem because they are not as strong as dragonborn or snake men or the other possible species when it comes to straight brute strength." she said as she closed her somewhere and sat down at the base of the tree that was across the dirt road from me.

while I was waiting on the sun to set I decided to make a few extra potions just in case we needed them even though I knew that they would not be as effective since I didn't have all the advanced alchemy equipment that was required to make my potions a lot more durable and stronger.

"you know I can tell that you are a true nerd" Gilltrude said to me as I was making my potions.

"if you think that that will annoy me you are wrong since I was chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol purely based on my intelligence." I said to him as I looked at him arrogantly and then looked away so that I could continue my potion making.

"so when we defeat Commander Zog is there anything that you guys are going to want to request from the King as a reward?" Alecia asked us.

"in the end the main thing that I am after is title and influence." Gilltrude said to both of us. "what about you Dr Robert?"

"I suppose the main thing that I am after is to be able to freely progress mankind technologically so that life will be more convenient for them as well as us. so I truly will ask for the freedom to do my research with occasional funding from the human ruler" I told both of them before continuing my work.

"those are definitely interesting rewards that both of you seek" Alecia said as I noticed her leaning against her tree.

we waited until it was late afternoon when the sun was beginning to set before we moved out after our rest.

it took us about forty minutes to make it through the forest. when I made it to the other side of the forest I noticed a pathway that led to a cemetery that was outside of the castle that we were to attack.

this Castle was made out of a rare black stone that was more durable than typical stone that people used in constructing. hanging around this castle I saw a set of banners that were colored black and red but they were too far away from me to notice the symbols on them.

the town that was around the castle on every side but the rear end looked quite advanced in architecture compared to most of the areas that I had seen on my journey so far.

I got off my horse and tied it to the end of the forest so that I knew where it would be when the battle was over.

so I grabbed the papers that Gilltrude had given me and opened it so that we could see the location of the secret entrance.

"all right let us begin our journey through the secret entrance of the castle." I said to both of them after we found out where the secret entrance was located.

as the sun began to set in the West we made our way through the cemetery that was in between us and the rear wall of the enemy castle.

I could feel a very eerie aura around me as we began to make our way into the cemetery. we each head behind a different tombstone when I noticed a pair of guard that was patrolling the cemetery.

then to stop the guards quickly I saw that the bat companion of Alecia as well as Gilltrude take out both of the guards.

when I rose from the crouching position that I was in behind a tombstone I noticed that there was a massive difference between the way that they had taken out the two orc guards that stood in our way.

the one guard that was taken out by Gilltrude was cleanly cut by his greatsword in a vital area of his body. while the guard that was attacked by the bat companion of Alecia it was covered in a yellow and black powder over his body.

after I had examined the second guard's body I noticed that he was still slightly breathing so it was most likely some kind of sleeping powder that was used to knock him out.

I had both of them follow me to the rear wall of the castle where I saw three lanterns that was placed a lot lower then the rest of the lanterns that were around the castle.

"now make sure that you pull on the lanterns in this order first the left. the second one will be the right lantern; and the final one will be the center one.

I grabbed the center lantern. as I looked at both of them I noticed that Gilltrude grabbed the left one and Alecia grabbed the right one. we all pulled them in the order that I told them to and then I saw the stones to the right of the lanterns begin to move until there was a clear path that we could follow into the enemy's castle.

I allowed Alicia to go first since she had the magic out of the three of us. then I followed behind her and Gilltrude was our rear guard in case of being followed or possibly flanked.

the next hour or so would be the most crucial in this new life that all three of us have been offered thanks to the miracle of The Reincarnation Protocol.