
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Peace Conditions

as Prince Binyail and I were being lifted through the trees until we made it to the top I could feel excitement as I began to see the area that the snake men lived in.

the area was a flat surface that was wooden and there were many pathways that led to different areas of their city.

as I made it to the top with Prince Binyail we we're guided down the center path of the city by the guards. as I passed by the citizens of the city they began to look at me some with awe and surprise while others looked in rage and anger as they hissed at me and Prince Binyail.

"do not make eye contact at any of the civilians right now dwarves" the leader of the guards said to both of us as he turned around and looked us in the eyes.

as he looked at me I felt a rush of energy run through the entirety of my body that was calming and controlling at the same time.

the guards then kept us moving and I looked around and the architecture was actually quite beautiful even though it was quite simple.

they're buildings were made of oak with metal support beams and frames. and when we got to the main intersection I saw signs with different symbols on them that glowed a green color and then would swap to a red color and then back again.

we were guided through the traffic of all of the snake men without making eye contact since that is what he asked until we made it to a dome building that had four different symbols on the top of the archway that we were to pass through in entering it.

when we made it inside of the archway I noticed that there was a council of snake men. there were four different colors of snake men and they each had three of each in the building other than the guards that guided us here. one of them wore a fine silk outfit everywhere but there belly and then there were two snake men that wore armor as bodyguards of the council member of their types of snake man.

"members of the council of Elders. I have brought with me Binyail third Prince of the dwarves; and as is our custom he has brought with him one bodyguard for his own protection"the guard said as he bowed his head to the council and then slithered away out of their line of sight.

"Prince Binyail; we are here to discuss the peace treaty that your father is wanting your race of dwarves to have with our race of snake men. if that is to happen all four of the elders of each of the tribes of snake men have to all tell you that we accept the treaty".

Binyail then got on his knees and did a full bow to each of the council members out of respect; then he slowly rose to his feet.

"elders of each tribe of snake men. you are correct I am here to do just as you said. what will it take for each of you to accept the treaty offer between your four tribes and the dwarf race?" he said to the elders as he pace the room looking at each other so that he knew that he was being serious.

"well if you want to know it would take a large amount of the rare armor and weapons that you make in the dwarven territory." the Snake Man elder with red scales around his body.

"I can arrange for that with my father and those who work in the Royal armory." Frank said as he did a full bow to the red snake man leader.

"has the leader of the warrior tribe of the snake men I accept this treaty."

then I saw a blue scaled Snake Man meter elevate himself as the red one sat down.

"if I am to accept this treaty as the elder and representative of My tribe of snake men we are going to need a large amount of your magic runes for study since we are a tribe of mages." he said as he looked deeply into Prince Binyail's eyes so that he knew what the snake man said was very serious and he was not joking at all about the trade that he wanted his people to have an exchange for peace with the dwarves.

"that will take a little longer than what the other snake man elder asked but I will see what I can do. it is highly likely that it will happen though since my father has given me full diplomatic authority in making this treaty happen as long as it doesn't include enslaving my people or giving up our rights in any way" Binyail said respectfully to the blue scaled snake man.

"then I accept this treaty as the leader of the mages of the snake people."

"what is it that you desire?" I asked to the yellow snake man that was sitting down next to the blue snake man.

"well honestly if you want to make a pact with my clan of blacksmith and philosophers; you are going to have to give us blueprints for some of your architecture as well as documents of dwarven history to feed our constant hunger for knowledge." he said as he rose up and took a full look at Binyail and his body.

"I can arrange for some of our basic smithing techniques and our basic architecture designs available to you and your tribe."

"then as the elder of the blacksmiths, architects, and philosophers I accept this treaty of peace between our races".

"what about you miss" Binyail said as he looked to the only snake lady in the room.

I noticed that the peace treaty agreements were going better than I thought they would. then again it was too early to tell if there were not going to be any complications since we hadn't finished the entirety of the agreements.

"well I want you to help us improve our farming techniques if your race has any advanced ones since my tribe explicitly exists to produce and farm fruit and vegetables for our consumption." the female snake man said as she Rose and I saw that her skin and scales were white unlike the rest of her people.

"that is within the boundaries of possibilities that my father has offered your people; so it will be done" Binyail said as he bowed to the final elder of the snake men. "since all of that has been taken care of this peace treaty between our races is official in title. in a few days we will ask one of you to come visit us in the dwarven capital and sign an official treaty with the Austroon king of the dwarves".

"now that all of the political things are complete we will have a feast." the leader of the warrior snakeman said as he rose from his seat.

he then slithered down in order to met Binyail face to face and make sure that she was guided out of the entrance of the council chambers without the guards panicking and attacking him.

"guards make sure that you tell the agriculture group of snake men that we are about to have a feast of peace" he told the guard as I saw him and Binyail pass by a guard of the city.

it did not take long for the people to prepare a massive feast for the celebration of peace that we were having between the snake men and the dwarves.

I was somewhat worried but excited at the same time because this meant that at least one subspecies that was under Commander Zog was no longer being controlled by him which in the end is going to make it a lot easier for myself, Alecia, and Dr. Robert to take him down so that we can all fulfill the desires we have for this world that we have been offered in this new life thanks to the miracle of The Reincarnation Protocol.

"so how is it working for the prince of the dwarves?" one of the guards asked me as he passed by.

"it is a true honor for me to work with the third son of King Austroon of the dwarves." I told him so that he would not know more than he needed to.

he then looked away from me like he was expecting me to complain about working with my best friend in this new life.

the feast was prepared in a very short time and I had tasted food like I had never had before. some of their delicacies were quite odd and I still had to eat them though because I did not want to upset them since we were the guests in their country.

after all of the food had been eaten Prince Binyail said his goodbyes to the snake men and we made it back to his royal carriage.

I got back inside of it after he did so that we could discuss things once again when we were on our journey back to the dwarf capital city.