
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Only One More Allowed

I could hear the excitement from everyone in the special forces headquarters as they hit the mugs together and cheered. these people we're acting like there was nothing big at hand like commander Zog was a false announcement from the dwarf King.

it was truly foolish that they were acting as if nothing was going to happen to them at all, but I could not worry about that at this moment since I was here to meet with my team and begin our next assignment as a special forces team.

I made my way into the same room that I met them last time when the king brought me to them.

"come on you have to admit that this mission is going to be a little crazy if not possibly suicidal" operative L said to the whole group as I entered the room.

"so what is the mission that we have been given to do this time?" I asked them as I sit down in the only chair that was not occupied around the table.

"we have been assigned the task of guarding the youngest of the dwarf princes while he is on a journey to meet with the snake men that live in the trees of The Dark Forest of Hexion."

"we cannot trust snake men they are a monster species!" operative J yelled in anger as he waved his fist in the air to prove his point of anger and rage.

"I believe we can handle it it is just a simple escort mission. besides I am quite excited to meet with Binyail again." I said to the group really excitingly.

"wait how dare you address him in such an unformal manner." operative L said with a look of seriousness as well as surprise across his face.

"I mean he is the member of the royal household that I saved. so I truly owe everything that I have available to me to him."

"well la de da good for you. you are someone special" the operative who originally did not give me her letter said to me as she looked away with what seemed to be jealousy in the fact that I had developed these kinds of connections.

"well then I will be stepping down as leader for this mission and you will be calling all of the shots operative G." operative L said to me. " after all you're the one that has the connections with the party that we are supposed to protect so they will trust you more than anyone else if what you are saying is true".

I was quite surprised that they would allow me to take charge of the group after only my second mission. when I looked around I noticed that everyone was looking at me.

"so it seems that every person in this team wants me to be the leader for this mission; is that correct?" I asked everyone when I looked around at all their faces.

"yes that is what we want" everyone on the team said to me at the same time.

"operative h did they tell you where are we supposed to be meeting Prince Binyail before going on this escort mission?" I asked as I sat back down after getting everyone's answer.

"yes I was told that we were to meet him near the western gate of the city and that we now only have about half of one hour until we have to meet him there" he said to me.

"well then you all have our orders we need to leave and make it to the western gate out of the city as soon as possible. this meeting is adjourned" I said as I rose from the seat that I was in and left the room wanting them to follow me.

we made our way out of the special forces area of the city and then we quickened our case to make it to the far western side of the city.

I stayed on the main roads so that I would not have to encounter the poor people of this city. even though I enjoyed spending time with them and sharing my wealth when needed we were in quite a hurry so I did not have time to indulge my urges to assist the poor dwarves that were not as fortunate as I have been in this new life that I had been offered due to The Reincarnation Protocol.

when I made it to the Eastern gate of the city I noticed a carriage that was quite fancy. the carriage was made out of oak with rubies embedded along the base of the carriage, and instead of being pulled by horses like I expected it was actually pulled by a pair of white tigers.

"well it took your team quite some time to arrive. here is to hoping that my father has not assigned a useless team of the special forces to me today." Prince Binyail said in a pouting and stuck up voice as we approached his carriage.

"I hope that you can make an exception to your criticism if the team that has been assigned to you has a very close friend?" I asked him as I tapped him on the shoulder.

"you should know that it is illegal for a filthy commoner to touch the body of any member of the royal house" said to me before turning around and looking at me. "then again you are the exception as my best friend".

"it is good to see you. I think that your father assigned us this mission so that it would be a much swifter and safer show me for you to have me at your side".

"you know you might be right about that" he said as he got into the carriage. "well what are we waiting for let us move out."

I began to walk to the front of the carriage so that I could keep Pace with the tigers while I was on the journey when he tapped me on the shoulder.

"you know that there's room for one more in here. I would appreciate the company. since I know you more than these drones that my father has brought to guide me that I can trust."

as I got into the carriage and sit down on the other side I could see the look on my teammates faces and they were very angry at me.

I then shut the door so that the carriage could begin to move and I could have a conversation with my best friend in private.

"so first off I thought I would tell you that one of my informants has found a cottage in the countryside where both of your friends can live in peace once all the fighting with Commander Zog has come to an end." he said to me as he crossed his legs.

"well that is good to hear" I said to him with a look of relief across my face.

the road which the carriage took us to lead us on the journey to the forest where the snake men lived was quite a bumpy road with a lot of ups and downs.

"I also have other things that I need to tell you. these snake men are very big on their customs. the first custom is that if anyone is to greet them that is not of their species they are only allowed to have one individual with them while the rest of the group remains either outside of the city or imprisoned."

"are you saying that you want me to join you in the meeting as your private bodyguard?"

"yes I believe that is why my father asked you and your team to be my bodyguards on this mission."

I then looked out of the carriage and saw us enter a forest that seemed to not get any sunlight in it at all due to the vast height and thickness of the trees.

"well it seems like we have made it into the forest which means our journey is almost complete" Prince Binyail said to me as he looked outside.

when the carriage came to a stop and the guard that was driving the carriage came and opened the door so that Prince Binyail could leave the carriage and meet with the leader of the snake people.

after he got out of the carriage I followed right behind him but I made sure that I stayed at least 10 paces behind him since I was to serve as his bodyguard and, I did not want to get in between him and his job.

when I looked at the snake people that were around us I saw a lot of them with pitchfork like weapons and they all wore metal plated armor all over their body except their underside I was assuming to make movement easier for them.

"I am the leader of the snake emperor's private guard. are you Prince Binyail of the dwarves?" the snake man soldier that had on a unique type of helmet that covered his head asked the prince.

"yes I am" said as he waited for his reaction.

"you know our custom when meeting people of other species. you are only allowed to have one person with you as your private bodyguard everyone else must wait here at the base of these trees for the meeting to be finished."

"I choose this dwarf to be my private bodyguard in this political matter" Prince Binyail said to the lizard man captain as he pointed at me.

"all right then only he may follow us to the meeting location".

I then followed my friend to a lift that one of the snake men pulled on so that we could climb the trees while the other snake men just slithered up the trees.

I was truly interested to see what kind of lives the snake men lived in this life above the ground even though my role was just to observe and protect my best friend but yet somehow I felt a bit of an easiness as we rose to the top of the trees uncertain of how the meeting would end.