
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

My New Team Mission

Dr. Robert and I had made it back to the adventurers hall in the dwarf capital city with the head of the leader of the lizard men that I had decapitated in combat two days ago.

when we were turned with it in a bag and showed it to the female dwarf that gave us our assignment she paid us with a small amount of silver and told us to take the next day off for rest before we continued our missions to stop Commander Zog and his forces from conquering the world.

as I awoke from my sleep I felt a cold sharp breeze from the early morning wind rush In from the window in the room that I had rented for three nights with some of the money that I had made on the previous mission.

I put on my custom magic armor and grabbed my grimoire from under my pillow and put it in its bag that I put over my shoulder to wear it rested on my right hip.

today was quite a beautiful and chilly day but I did not know what mysteries and adventures were waiting for me when I exited my room and waited for Dr. Robert to come out of his room before we were to leave and get assigned our next mission as a team of adventurers in the dwarven kingdom.

while I waited on Dr. Robert I sit down on one of the chairs for the center table of the in and looked around the lobby of the local inn just so I could get a general feel for the area around me in the morning time.

the first thing that I noticed was located to my right where I saw a group of dwarves still drinking ale early in the morning. I suppose the dwarves just love getting drunk no matter what time of the day.

the next thing that I noticed was that the innkeeper was going through his books and murmuring to himself a variety of different numbers that I could slightly hear every third number or so.

the final thing that I noticed was a male and female human that were present in the inn began yelling and screaming at each other so loud that I did not pay attention to anything else that was going on around me.

"do you know how much it is going to cost us to have to stay here for another week. you either need to get a job or I am going to find another human to marry." the female human said to the male human in a very demanding voice.

"oh come on we just got here. plus my main line of work is architecture and I do not think that the dwarves will have use for human architecture." the mail human said to his female counterpart.

"if your job is so useless please make sure that you will get a different kind of job because we cannot live for very long off of the limited amount of gold and silver that we have left" she said to him as she turned her back to him.

I was truly intrigued with the drama and it excited me to listen to the drama of others since I was not involved in it at all.

when I was about to pay attention to what they were saying yet again in order to get more juicy gossip; Dr. Robert tapped me on the shoulder which caused me to quickly shift my attention to him.

"are you ready to go and start our mission for the day?" he asked me as he opened his hand so that I could grab it while I rose from the chair onto my feet.

we made it to the adventurers guild and was assigned the same exact representative to give us our mission as we were before the last quest that we were ordered to finish.

"the mission that we are giving you both today is going to be a difficult one" she said to both myself and Dr. Robert.

I saw her go through a pile of documents before she looked back up at us and told us what quest we were asked to complete.

"the quest that I will be giving the two of you is to assist our western city guard in the defense of their town against an attack by the dragon born. our intelligence has informed us that they are also being led by the leader of their entire species; so if you can slay them that would be a massive drop to them around and a big bonus for us. make sure that you arrived to the city within the day." she said to both of us as she handed Dr Robert the set of papers with all of the information that we needed for this mission.

Dr. Robert grabbed the paper from her he grabbed me by the hand and led me out of the adventurer's guild and back to the local inn.

when we made it into the inn he sat down on one of the chairs that was surrounding a table located against the rear left wall; and I set down in the chair to his left.

"now that we are away from the lady who signed this request we can actually look at the paper and decide how we are going to go about this".

"okay then let's take a look at the map she gave us and any possible information that we could use to our advantage that might be on the front of the paper" I said to him as I looked at the papers that he placed in front of both of us.

as I looked at the papers; I saw that the first paper that I looked at had a map of the city that we were to defend with all of its strategic defense points on it. when I looked more closely at the paper I could see that the town was surrounded by a moat.

I then tapped Dr. Robert on the shoulder to get his attention.

"hey do you see the note here around the city we could always use that as a way to slow them down".

"are you saying that we could use your ice powers as a way to solidate the mode and make a giant wall of black ice around the city?" he asked me as he looked at the map where I was pointing.

"yes that is what I'm saying. do you think that it will work?" I asked Dr. Robert as I looked deep into his eyes.

"yes; I do think that it will"Dr Robert said as he rose from the chair and grab the papers."come on let's go since we have a solid starting strategy. we need to make our way to the city as soon as we possibly can".

I rose from the chair and followed him until we made it to the portal building.

we showed the paperwork to the guard and he allowed us to enter the building which we used the portals into quickly teleport our way to our destination.

as I made it to the other side of the teleportation process and waited for Dr. Robert to arrive; I could see that the city was very detailed in its' architecture.

the buildings were all at least two floors heigh. also instead of doors they had archways with metal gates that were opened or closed by the means of pulling a lever on either side of the door. I found their type of architecture rather unique and quite different from the dwarf capital.

"are you two the adventures that we were told were being sent to assist us in this defense of our city against the dragonborn?" one of the guards asked as we both made it to the other side of the teleporter.

the teleporter in this city was actually not in a building like it was in the capital; but out in the open with four guards standing at each corner. there was a human mage operating it.

"yes my friend and I are here to assist you and possibly defeat the leader of this group of Invaders" Dr. Robert said to the guard.

the guard then bowed to both of us and guided us to the edge of the main wall of the town.

when I made it to the wall I noticed the massive army that we were going to have to defend the city against. it consisted of a group of rhino-riders; as well as a group of warriors, assassins, and mages.

the only thing that I knew that was true is that this battle was going to push my magical potential and reserves to their absolute limit which made me both excited and terrified at the same time as I looked at what I was going to be fighting in a few moments.