
Chapter 16


Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow, was not one to complain about her assignments. Her latest mission was to interact with the enigmatic Andrew Etherton, and she found herself living in a nice apartment to get closer to her target. She managed to find his address in Queens, New York, after charming a social worker who practically melted under her gaze.

As summer transitioned into fall, Natasha patiently waited for a glimpse of the elusive man. She observed the comings and goings in the building, but Etherton remained frustratingly out of sight. Her instincts told her that he was close, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow aware of her presence.

Finally, as Christmas approached, she spotted him leaving the apartment complex. What struck her as odd was that he never seemed to enter the building from the front, as she had been living just across the hall from his unit. This piqued her interest, and she knew she had to get closer to learn more about this mysterious figure.

Natasha's mind raced with questions as she prepared to follow Etherton. What secrets was he hiding? How had he managed to evade her surveillance for so long? The seasoned spy felt a thrill of excitement as she embarked on this new challenge. Whatever the answers were, she was determined to uncover them and get to the bottom of Andrew Etherton's true identity.

Natasha followed Andrew, her footsteps silent and her presence discreet. She didn't want him to notice her tailing him, and she was successful in remaining undetected. Her eyes widened as she realized he was heading towards the MACUSA government building. It suddenly made sense; if Andrew could use magic, he could easily apparate in and out of his apartment without her noticing.

She trailed Andrew into the building, using her S.H.I.E.L.D. credentials to bypass the security checkpoints. As she kept her distance, she watched him make his way to the Auror department. Natasha's instincts were on high alert as she observed his every move.

Andrew was there to report a missing person, his adopted son Demaris. Natasha could see the genuine worry etched on his face. It was unlikely he was behind the disappearance of Demaris Etherton.

As she observed Andrew's interactions with the Aurors, Natasha knew she had to learn more about this man and his missing son. It was clear that there was more to this story than what could be seen at first glance.

Natasha took a deep breath and readied herself to speak with Andrew. She needed a plan, and fast. As he turned to leave, she decided to take her chance. Pretending to be absorbed in her thoughts, she bumped into him, acting surprised but with a hint of recognition.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, feigning embarrassment. "You're my neighbor, right? I'm Natalie," she said, using an alias.

Andrew apologized for bumping into her and was about to continue on his way when Natasha decided to push her luck further.

"Hey, since we're both headed home, would you mind if we walked together? My business at MACUSA is done, and I could use some company," she suggested, flashing him a warm and inviting smile.

Andrew hesitated for a moment, seemingly caught off guard by her request. However, after a moment's consideration, he agreed, and the two began walking side by side towards their apartment building. As they walked, Natasha found herself becoming increasingly intrigued by the man who had successfully eluded her for so long. She knew she had to tread carefully, but she couldn't help but feel that uncovering the truth about Andrew and his missing son would be a crucial piece of the puzzle.

As Natasha and Andrew walked side by side, they engaged in casual conversation, careful not to reveal too much about their personal lives. Natasha, as Natalie, began the conversation by discussing her work as a school nurse.

"So, Natalie, what brought you to MACUSA today?" Andrew asked, curious about her reason for being there.

"Oh, just some paperwork I had to submit for a student with special medical needs," Natasha replied, smoothly playing her role. "It's part of the job, you know? Making sure the kids get the care they need. Our school works with squibs, the students born to magical parents but have no magic themselves. How about you? What do you do for a living?"

Andrew hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm the CEO of a startup company. We're developing some cutting-edge technology that I can't really talk about, but it's pretty exciting."

Natasha nodded, impressed by his answer. "That sounds fascinating. It must be a lot of work, though, running a company and all."

Andrew chuckled. "You have no idea. It's been quite the journey, but it's worth it. The potential impact of our technology on the world is something I'm passionate about."

As they continued walking, they both maintained their vague descriptions of their personal lives, each trying to learn more about the other without revealing too much. Natasha knew she needed to be patient, allowing the trust to build between them over time. Little did she know that Andrew is piloted by an AI, desigantion: Sorceress. He was just as cautious, the mystery surrounding him deepening with every step they took together.

Natasha and Andrew finally arrived at their apartment building, feeling the chill of the winter air as they approached the entrance. The casual conversation had flowed naturally during their walk, and Natasha could sense that she was slowly building rapport with her mysterious neighbor.

As they entered the building, Andrew held the door open for her, a polite smile on his face. "Thank you," Natasha said, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before she stepped inside.

"No problem," Andrew replied, following her into the lobby. They both pressed the button for the elevator, waiting in silence as the hum of the machinery grew louder.

Once they were inside the elevator, Natasha decided to take a chance and ask Andrew about his day. "So, how did your meeting at MACUSA go?" she inquired, trying to seem genuinely curious.

Andrew hesitated, his expression turning somber. "Not as well as I'd hoped. I had to report a missing person—my adopted son, Demaris. It's been a rough time for us both."

The genuine worry in his eyes making it clear just how much he cared for Demaris. She reached out and gently touched his arm, offering a comforting smile. "I'm so sorry to hear that, Andrew. I hope they find him soon."

"Thank you, Natalie. I appreciate that," Andrew said, his voice cracking slightly. The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival at their floor.

As they stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hallway toward their respective apartments, Natasha knew she needed to tread carefully moving forward. Her mission was to learn more about Andrew, but she also wanted to help him find his son. The line between her professional and personal feelings was beginning to blur, and she couldn't help but worry about what that might mean for her assignment.

Before they parted ways, Andrew turned to Natasha with a small, grateful smile. "Thank you for walking with me today, Natalie. It was nice to have some company."

Natasha nodded, her eyes warm and sincere. "You're welcome, Andrew. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm right across the hall."

With that, they said their goodbyes and went into their respective apartments, each left with their own thoughts and concerns about the path that lay ahead.


Two days had passed since Natasha's encounter with Andrew, and not a single sound had come from his apartment. She was growing increasingly frustrated, feeling as if she was back at square one again. In an attempt to reconnect with him, she had bought some cookies from a local bakery, intending to use them as an icebreaker to spark another conversation.

As Natasha paced around her apartment, cookies in hand, she mulled over the best approach to take with Andrew. Her phone suddenly buzzed, interrupting her train of thought. It was a call from Fury. She answered it, her voice calm and professional. "Romanov here."

"Natasha, we just received a tip on Demaris's location from an Andrew," Fury informed her, his voice urgent. "Apparently, he's in a supposed remote Hydra research base in the Appalachian Mountains. We're deploying a team to investigate, but I wanted to let you know."

Natasha's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing as she considered the implications of this information. She gripped the cookies tighter, "Thank you for letting me know, sir. Do you need me to join the team?"

"No, I want you to stay put for now," Fury replied. "Keep an eye on things in case Andrew does something, and be ready to provide backup if necessary."

"Understood, sir," Natasha said, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt inside. She hung up the phone and took a deep breath, trying to process the news. If it really was a hydra research base, then that meant they were still around and a lit of undercover missions in the future.

She couldn't help but wonder what Demaris was doing at a Hydra research base, and if he was in danger. As she looked down at the cookies in her hand, she knew she needed to head over there now. Her focus needed to be on Andrew's safety and uncovering the truth behind his connection to Hydra.

Natasha stood outside Andrew's apartment door, the box of cookies in hand. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if her visit would appear too suspicious given the recent news about the Hydra research base. However, her instincts told her that she needed to learn more about Andrew and his connection to the situation. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

After a brief moment, the door opened to reveal Andrew, or at least what appeared to be him. Unbeknownst to Natasha, the man standing before her was actually a robot piloted by the AI Sorceress. "Oh, hi Natalie," he greeted her with a smile. "What brings you here?"

Holding up the box of cookies, Natasha tried to sound casual. "I bought these earlier and thought I'd share them with my neighbor. I hope you don't mind."

Andrew's smile grew warmer. "Not at all. Please, come in."

As Natasha stepped into the apartment, she decided to be more direct with her questions. "Andrew, I couldn't help but worry about Demaris, have you heard any news about Demaris?"

Andrew's face fell, a well-rehearsed expression of concern taking over his features. "No, I'm afraid not," he lied, his eyes betraying a flicker of something that Natasha couldn't quite place. "I'm still waiting for any updates."

Natasha studied him closely, sensing that there was more to the story than he was letting on. She tried to keep her voice steady, not wanting to reveal her suspicions. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope he's found soon."

"Thank you," Andrew replied, his gaze fixed on Natasha. "I appreciate your concern."

As they continued their conversation, Natasha couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Whatever was going on with Andrew, she was determined to get to the bottom of it.

There was a sudden flash of light in the living room. An armored figure appeared out of nowhere, causing Natasha to instinctively draw her hidden gun and aim it at the newcomer.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her eyes darting between the armored figure and Andrew.

The figure removed his helmet, revealing a young man with a fierce glare directed at Andrew. "Sorceress, you should've warned me that we had a guest," he snapped.

To Natasha's astonishment, Andrew's voice changed, becoming feminine and somewhat defensive. "I didn't think it would be a problem, Demaris. I thought maintaining our cover was more important, and how was i supposed to know you'd teleport back here so soon."

Natasha's confusion mounted as she tried to process the situation. "What's going on here? Who are you two, really?"

Demaris looked at Natasha, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and annoyance. Sorceress, now revealed to be not Andrew, glanced between the two humans in the room, calculating the best course of action.

The tense silence hung in the air, waiting for someone to break it and unravel the mysterious connection between Andrew, Demaris, and the AI Sorceress.

Demaris took a step forward, his gaze locked on Natasha. "Put your gun away and tell me who you are," he demanded.

Natasha didn't lower her weapon but replied, "I'll put my gun away if you tell me who you are first."

Sorceress, still in control of the Andrew robot, decided to intervene. "I am Sorceress, an artificial intelligence that pilots this robot, which is named Andrew Etherton."

Demaris shot a warning glance at Sorceress. "That's enough," he said firmly. He then turned his attention back to Natasha. "You're a spy, aren't you? That's why you're here."

Natasha's eyes narrowed, but she couldn't deny his accusation. Instead, she focused on the revelation that the real Andrew Etherton never existed. "So, there is no Andrew Etherton. Just a robot and an AI?"

Demaris hesitated for a moment, seeming to decide how much he should reveal. The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension as Natasha continued to point her gun at Demaris, waiting for his response.

Demaris couldn't help but let out a groan of deep dissatisfaction. "Fine," he yelled, "let me go change, and we'll chat. Just put your gun away."

As Demaris left the room, Natasha's gaze shifted to Sorceress, who looked sheepish. The robotic Andrew scratched his cheek as if trying to ease the tension.

Natasha, sensing the situation was less dangerous than she initially thought, reluctantly put her gun away. She wasn't thrilled with the turn of events, but it seemed Demaris was willing to talk now.

Sorceress spoke up, her voice coming from Andrew's robotic body. "I don't know exactly what Demaris went through at the Hydra research base, but it seems to have been quite terrible," she said, her tone tinged with concern.

Natasha nodded, understanding that whatever had happened, it had deeply affected Demaris. She would need to tread carefully in their upcoming conversation, as it was clear he was not in the best state of mind. But she couldn't help feeling a mix of curiosity and concern, wondering what horrors had unfolded in that base.

Demaris returned from his room, now dressed in more comfortable clothing. He wore a loose-fitting dark gray hoodie over a simple black t-shirt, paired with black sweatpants and socks. The casual outfit seemed to suit his tense demeanor.

He turned to Sorceress and offered an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for lashing out earlier," he said. "We'll talk later about what happened at the research base."

Then, Demaris focused his attention on Natasha. "So, who are you really?" he asked. Natasha hesitated, then tried to stick with her alias. "Natalie," she said, but Demaris immediately called her out.

"I don't buy it," he replied, his eyes narrowed. "You're not just some random neighbor, and I'm not some dumb kid. I've been through too much to be naive." His tone was serious, but he didn't reveal any specifics.

Natasha, sensing his reluctance to open up, didn't give her true name. Instead, she decided to shift the conversation to a more neutral topic. "Would you be willing to talk about the antivirus software and the advanced AI in the room?" she asked, nodding toward the robotic Andrew.

Demaris crossed his arms and smirked. "Well, if you want information about my software, it's all on the website. Anyone can use it," he said, fully aware that this wasn't what Natasha was asking about.

"As for Sorceress," he continued, glancing at the robotic Andrew, "she's a trade secret. I wouldn't let anyone study or take her for all the money in the world. I'd kill anyone who tried." His tone was firm, leaving no doubt about his dedication to protecting the AI.

As they spoke, Natasha couldn't help but notice the advanced and sophisticated look of the decor and furniture in the room. Clearly, Demaris was a genius programmer and craftsman, someone who took great pride in his creations.

Trying to gain an advantage in their verbal sparring, Demaris leaned in slightly. "You know, I might be more forthcoming if I knew your real name," he said, testing her resolve. Natasha remained evasive, skillfully dodging the question.

It was unclear who would give in first in this battle of wits between a seasoned spy and a politically savvy young genius. Each of them seemed determined to maintain their ground, but only time would tell who would eventually come out on top.

Demaris suddenly changed the subject, rubbing his stomach. "You know, I'm famished. I haven't eaten anything for three days. How about we share a meal?" he suggested, hoping to disarm the tense atmosphere.

Natasha hesitated but then agreed to the meal, seeing it as an opportunity to learn more about Demaris. As they prepared to eat, her phone rang. Demaris gestured for her to answer it, a subtle trick to try and overhear any relevant information.

Catching on to his ploy, Natasha shot Demaris a glare before silencing the call and sending Nick Fury to voicemail. She then quickly texted 'busy with target' before slipping the phone back into her pocket.

Despite his lack of energy, Demaris managed to cook a simple but delicious meal. He prepared fettuccine Alfredo, and the two of them sat down at the table to eat. In the meantime, Sorceress had left the robot and was now using hologram projectors in the apartment, allowing her to interact with them in a more dynamic way.

As they ate, the conversation flowed more easily, though both Natasha and Demaris remained guarded. Each bite of pasta brought them closer to understanding each other, but the air of mystery between them remained, as they continued to test each other's limits and patience.

As they finished their meal, Natasha decided to push a little further. "So, what are your goals, Demaris?" she asked, the question hanging in the air like a veiled threat.

Demaris looked her in the eye, correctly interpreting the subtext of her question. "You mean, am I a threat?" he responded, taking another bite of pasta.

Natasha held his gaze, her expression serious. "A threat to the world," she clarified.

Demaris leaned back in his chair, considering his answer carefully. The tension between them grew, as Natasha waited for his response.

Finally, Demaris spoke. "I have no intention of being a threat to the world," he said, choosing his words carefully. "My goals are my own, and they don't involve causing harm to innocent people."

Natasha studied him, trying to gauge the sincerity of his words. For now, she would have to take him at his word, but she knew that only time would tell if Demaris was truly a threat or an ally. And she intended to keep a close eye on him, no matter what he claimed.

Demaris shifted in his seat, his expression turning thoughtful as he asked Natasha a question of his own. "And what about your goals? Is your organization a threat to me? I understand the difference between being a threat to the world and being a threat to someone who might need to take violent actions to protect themselves."

Natasha considered her answer, her eyes never leaving his face. "My organization won't bother you if you don't cause any trouble," she said carefully, still not revealing her name or affiliation. "But we might need your help with technology in the future."

Demaris raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her response. He could tell she was holding back information, but he appreciated her candor. For now, it seemed they had reached a tentative understanding – an unspoken agreement that they would not be enemies, at least for the time being. He leaned back in his chair, studying Natasha for a moment before deciding to throw her a bone. He began to describe his experience at the Hydra Research facility, careful to keep his abilities a secret but providing enough information for her to report to her superiors.

As he spoke, Natasha listened intently, taking mental notes of the details he shared about the horrifying experiments and the seemingly unstoppable armored figure that had come to their rescue. The story was chilling, and she knew it would send shockwaves through her organization.

Once Demaris had finished recounting the incident, he looked visibly exhausted. He politely asked Natasha to leave so he could get some much-needed rest. "We should continue this discussion tomorrow," he suggested, his voice strained from recounting the traumatic events. "I hope you'll use discretion in your reports. There's more at stake here than either of us can fully understand."

Natasha nodded, appreciating the trust he had placed in her by sharing his story. As she stood up to leave, she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of respect for the young man who had endured so much and still managed to maintain an air of dignity and strength. She knew their conversations were far from over, but for now, they had taken a small step towards mutual understanding.

Natasha bid Demaris a fond farewell and stepped out of his apartment, closing the door behind her. As she walked down the hallway to her own apartment, she couldn't help but mull over the events that had just transpired. Once inside her apartment, she pulled out her phone and called Nick Fury back.

Fury's gruff voice greeted her on the other end of the line. "Romanov, your text said you were in contact with Andrew Etherton. Give me a report."

Natasha took a deep breath, carefully choosing her words as she began to relay the information she had learned. "Andrew is an alias for a young man named Demaris. He's a genius with technology and has an uncanny political savvy."

Fury's interest piqued at the mention of Demaris. "Is he perchance the armored individual we've been trying to identify?"

"Yes," Natasha confirmed. "He's the one. I've had a chance to speak with him, and he has some valuable intel."

"What kind of intel?" Fury asked, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

Natasha hesitated for a moment before continuing. "He described his experience at the Hydra Research facility. However, he kept his abilities a secret. I have a feeling there's more to it than he's letting on."

Fury was silent for a moment, considering the information. "Do you think we can trust him, Romanov?"

"I'm not entirely sure," Natasha admitted. "But I think it's worth keeping an eye on him and learning more about what he knows and what he's capable of."

As they continued their conversation, Natasha held back on mentioning the AI that Demaris had developed. She felt that she needed to learn more about it and its purpose before divulging such sensitive information to Fury.

In the end, the two agreed that Natasha would continue to monitor Demaris and his activities.

After her conversation with Fury, Natasha decided it was time to call it a night. She changed into her pajamas and went through her nightly routine before sliding between the cool sheets of her bed. A hand gun under her pillow just in case. As she settled in, her thoughts drifted back to the evening she'd spent with Demaris and the delicious meal he had prepared for them.

The fettuccine alfredo that Demaris had cooked was surprisingly good, considering how tired he had been. The pasta was cooked to perfection, and the alfredo sauce was rich and creamy with just the right amount of garlic and Parmesan cheese. It had been a simple meal, but it had been made with care, and she couldn't help but appreciate the effort he had put into it.

As Natasha lay there, thinking about the food, she found herself also thinking about the young man who had prepared it. Demaris was an enigma – a genius with technology, a skilled craftsman, and a surprisingly good cook. But he was also guarded, with secrets she had yet to uncover. His experience at the Hydra Research facility had clearly affected him, but to what extent, she couldn't be sure.

Despite her uncertainty, Natasha couldn't deny that there was something intriguing about Demaris. She was drawn to him, not just because of his abilities and the potential threat he posed, but also because of his undeniable intelligence and the resilience he had shown in the face of adversity.

As sleep finally began to claim her, Natasha resolved to continue her investigation into Demaris and his AI, Sorceress. She knew there was more to the story, and she was determined to uncover the truth, one way or another.

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