
Chapter 15


As the days turned into weeks, Demaris found himself fully immersed in the world of Ilvermorny. Time seemed to fly by, and before he knew it, Christmas break was rapidly approaching. Despite the challenges and new experiences, Demaris had managed to maintain his position at the top of his year in terms of grades. His hard work and dedication had paid off, and he was proud of his achievements.

On the day students were set to leave for the holidays, Demaris bid farewell to his roommates, promising to keep in touch over the break. He gathered his belongings and made his way to the entrance of the school. From there he headed down to the Mount Greylock State Reservation Visitor Center, where a taxi awaited him to take him to the Pittsfield Municipal Airport.

As he climbed into the backseat of the taxi, Demaris couldn't help but notice that the driver seemed a bit shady. The man's eyes darted around nervously, and he seemed almost too eager to get on the road. As they began their journey, the driver struck up a conversation with Demaris, asking him about his time at Ilvermorny.

Demaris was caught off guard by the driver's knowledge of the magical school, and his suspicions grew. He began to subtly look for a way to escape the taxi, but before he could make a move, a sudden hissing sound filled the car. Within moments, the taxi was flooded with a noxious gas that quickly overpowered Demaris.

His vision blurred, and his limbs felt heavy as the gas took effect. Desperate to fight the encroaching darkness, Demaris tried to open the taxi door, but it was locked from the outside. His consciousness slipped away, leaving him wishing he had Sorceress here to contact the authorities. Luckily he had placed all his belongings in his pocket dimension. As the world faded to black, he couldn't help but wonder who was behind this sudden turn of events and what awaited him when he awoke.

As Demaris drifted in the fog of unconsciousness, his mind began to conjure images of a life he had left behind. The scene before him was one of happiness and warmth, as he found himself face-to-face with his wife from his past life, Taylor Etherton. She was as radiant and beautiful as he remembered her, her eyes sparkling with love and joy.

The dream felt real, allowing Demaris to interact with Taylor as if she were truly there. He embraced her, feeling her warmth and love wash over him like a healing balm. For a moment, Demaris felt at peace, as if all his worries and fears had been washed away.

But as dreams often do, the scene took a sudden, dark turn. The blissful moment with his wife was shattered as an ogre appeared, wielding a massive tree as a club. Demaris watched in horror as the beast struck Taylor with the improvised weapon, causing her to crumple to the ground. The pain of losing her all over again surged through him, tearing at his heart.

The dream shifted once more, this time bringing Demaris back to his childhood as Andrew Lionettie. He was bruised and battered, his body aching from a brutal beating at the hands of his family. As they locked him in the attic, he could feel the cold, damp floor beneath him and the darkness pressing in on all sides.

Though these memories were from another lifetime, the pain and fear they held were all too real for Demaris. He struggled to wake from the nightmare, desperate to escape the torment his mind had created.

As the nightmare continued, Demaris was confronted by the tormented faces of the countless civilians he couldn't save during the Third World War against the demons. Their mangled forms haunted him, their cries of pain and despair echoing through his mind. The weight of their suffering and his helplessness threatened to crush him.

In the depths of his despair, the dream shifted to a stark white void, where all of his memories played before him like a cruel highlight reel. He was forced to confront his failures, losses, and moments of weakness, as if the universe itself were judging him.

But something within Demaris began to stir, a spark of determination that refused to be extinguished. He decided he would no longer be as weak as he was in his past life, nor would he allow fear to control his actions as it had up until now. Strangers would be considered enemies until proven otherwise, and he would always be prepared for those who sought to take what was his.

As this newfound resolve took hold, Demaris felt a shift in his consciousness. The haunting images of his past began to fade, replaced by a steely determination to protect himself and those he cared about. He would forge a new path forward, unburdened by the mistakes of his past life, and he would do so with the strength and cunning he had honed as Andrew Etherton.

Groggy and disoriented, Demaris slowly began to regain consciousness. He found himself strapped to a table, the room awash with bright white lights that burned his eyes. He attempted to access the mana in his Magic Core, but it felt as though something was blocking him, rendering him weak and vulnerable.

Around the room, a team of scientists appeared to be packing away their equipment. A man approached the table Demaris was strapped to, his cold and calculating eyes surveying him.

"I am Toni Valentić," the man introduced himself with an icy tone. He is wearing glasses and a pristine white lab coat.

As Valentić spoke of his plans for Demaris, that he had been kidnapped by Hydra. They intended to turn him into one of their soldiers, a mere pawn in their twisted schemes. Though Demaris was confused, they were thought to have been destroyed by Captain America, but realistically it made sense they were still around.

"We have great plans for you," Valentić taunted. "First, we will torture you, breaking you down physically and mentally. Then, in just a few days, we'll begin the brainwashing process."

Demaris felt a mix of anger and fear, but he refused to let those emotions control him. Instead, he focused on the determination welling up inside him, vowing to find a way to escape and thwart Hydra's plans.

"You won't break me," Demaris spat through clenched teeth. "I'll find a way out, and when I do, you'll regret ever crossing paths with me."

Valentić just smirked in response, his cold eyes gleaming with malicious intent, "You can try, but your own kind betrayed you."

Demaris is taken aback by that statement, someone at Ilvermorny has sold him out to Hydra? Did they paint him as an easy target because of his orphan status? Only his roommates and Professor Stone knew he was an orphan. One of them is working with hydra, but by choice, brainwashing, or coercion?

Toni ruthlessly tossed Demaris into a dimly lit cell. The oppressive air hung heavy with the stench of mold and sweat, and the cold stone walls seemed to leech the warmth from Demaris's very bones. He felt the biting chill of the magic suppression cuffs around his wrists, their icy metal biting into his flesh and cutting off his access to mana.

Exhausted and battered from the experimentation Hydra had subjected him to, Demaris's body finally gave in to the pain, and he collapsed onto the damp floor, losing consciousness.

For the next two days, Demaris was relentlessly subjected to cruel experimentation and torture at the hands of his captors. He refused to make any sound during each torture session, though he could hear several other screams when he was in his cell. Despite the unending torment, Demaris remained ever vigilant, searching for an opportunity to escape.

During one of the harrowing sessions, Demaris managed to stealthily snatch a scalpel from the tray of instruments that had been used to torment him. He hid the sharp tool in the tattered remains of his clothing, waiting for the right moment to use it.

Back in his cell, Demaris assessed his surroundings, his vision blurry from the pain and exhaustion. He knew he didn't have much time left. Pushing through the agony, he focused on the task at hand. With the scalpel, he painstakingly carved two intricate magic circles into the cell wall, each line etched with precision and purpose.

The first circle was designed to condense mana, a desperate bid to bypass the magic suppression cuffs that kept him powerless. Demaris concentrated on the circle, trying to draw on every last ounce of his strength, and felt a small flicker of hope as he sensed the mana slowly accumulating within the circle.

The second circle was for transmutation. Demaris's breaths were ragged as he completed the final details, knowing that his life depended on the success of these circles. The transmutation circle glowed faintly, its light barely visible in the murky cell.

As Demaris had worked to carve the magic circles, his fingers trembled with fatigue and pain, but he refused to give in. The circles were his only chance to escape this nightmare, and he was determined to fight until his last breath. Today is his only chance to escape, because tomorrow they will begin brainwashing. He was unsure if his will would be strong enough to not be brainwashed.

Gathering the last of his strength, Demaris activated the transmutation circle, his hands shaking as the energy surged through the etched lines. The circle emitted a pulsating light that danced across the cold stone walls, filling the room with a soft, otherworldly glow. As the light enveloped the magic suppression cuffs, they began to bubble and hiss, transforming into a viscous sludge that slid off his wrists, leaving his skin raw and bruised.

With his magic unrestrained, Demaris felt a surge of power course through him, his body almost humming with renewed energy. The comforting warmth of his magic spread through his limbs, soothing his aching muscles and breathing life back into his battered body. Now, with his magic by his side, he knew he stood a chance to fight his way out of this hellish prison.

Standing on unsteady legs, Demaris summoned his armor and weapons from his pocket dimension. The familiar weight and feel of the gear brought him a sense of security he had been missing for days. He quickly donned his armor, feeling it mold and adjust to his body, providing much-needed protection. Next came several Wiggenweld potions to start repairing his injuries. Much needed relief left his body feeling as light as air.

As the Advanced ACD connected to his brain, a rush of relief washed over Demaris. He could finally contact his AI sorceress, who had been waiting anxiously for any sign of life from him. "I'm alive," he whispered into the interface, his voice weak but determined. "Send S.H.I.E.L.D. to my location. I need backup."

His AI sorceress, "Thank goodness! I wasn't sure what to do when you didn't come back from Ilvermorny."

Relieved to hear from him, Sorceress wasted no time in relaying the message to S.H.I.E.L.D.. As Demaris prepared himself for the battle ahead, he knew that his escape wouldn't be easy. But with his magic, his gear, and the promise of S.H.I.E.L.D. reinforcements on the way, he was ready to take on whatever challenges stood between him and his freedom.

With escape within reach, Demaris could have easily fled the confines of the Hydra research base, but the thought of leaving other prisoners behind gnawed at his conscience. He couldn't bring himself to abandon them to their fate, knowing all too well the horrors they were experiencing at the hands of their captors. As his resolve hardened, he decided to wait for the guards to come for him, formulating a plan to fight back and rescue anyone else trapped within this nightmarish facility.

Time seemed to slow as Demaris listened to the distant echoes of footsteps and clanking metal, waiting for the guards to come closer. The air felt heavy, the tension palpable as the sounds grew louder, indicating the guards were near. His heart raced, adrenaline pumping through his veins, as he prepared to unleash the full force of his magic.

Just as the guards approached his cell, Demaris activated a spell, summoning a massive boulder that materialized within the room. With a swift, determined motion, he directed the boulder towards the iron door of his cell, its surface groaning under the immense pressure. The guards, caught off guard by the sudden impact, had no time to react as the boulder slammed into the door with a deafening crash.

The iron door was ripped from its hinges, the force sending it careening across the corridor. One unfortunate guard, about to unlock the door, was caught in its path, his body crushed by the sheer force of the impact. The guard's remains splattered across the opposite wall, painting it a gruesome shade of red.

A chilling silence descended upon the corridor, broken only by the distant sounds of panicked voices and hurried footsteps. Demaris steeled himself for the fight ahead, knowing that he wouldn't stop until every prisoner was free, and Hydra's reign of terror was brought to an end.

Demaris stood amidst the chaos, his starlight blade glowing in his hand. He wasted no time dispatching the second guard, the blade effortlessly slicing through the air, decapitating the Hydra agent in a single, swift motion. The guard's lifeless body crumpled to the floor, blood pooling around him as Demaris turned his attention to the other guards, their screams began to fill the corridor. Icicles impaled some guards and other were stabbed or slashed with the starlight blade. Handguns fired at Demaris were useless, the durability of his armor was immense. Bullets fell to the ground in crumpled shapes.

The kinetic force of a gun leaves people using a ballistic vest winded after a hit. Demaris was grateful for his foresight in including non-newtonian solids so as to absorb and dissipate force across his armor.

Demaris moved quickly, transmuting the doors of each cell with practiced precision, the heavy metal morphing into less resistant substances under the force of his magic. One by one, the imprisoned individuals emerged from their confines, blinking in the dim light as they tried to process their newfound freedom.

As Demaris worked to release the captives, he noticed that some of them wore magic suppression cuffs similar to his own, while others were only chained to their cells. The latter group seemed to be mutants, their physical alterations and abilities evident in their varied appearances. Some bore wings, others had unusual skin colors or textures, and still more displayed an array of powers that ranged from the elemental to the telepathic.

Realizing the gravity of the situation and the need for additional support, Demaris communicated with Sorceress through their mental link. "Sorceress, contact the X-Men. We need their help here. There are mutants being held captive by Hydra."

Sorceress acknowledged the request, her ethereal voice echoing in Demaris's mind. "Understood, Demaris. I will reach out to the X-Men and inform them of the situation."

As the prisoners huddled together, a mix of fear and hope in their eyes, Demaris knew that he had done the right thing by choosing to stay and fight. No one deserved the kind of treatment Hydra had inflicted upon them, and he hoped to put an end to these atrocities once and for all.

Demaris led the frightened group of young prisoners through the dimly lit corridors of the Hydra research base, instructing them to stay a meter or two behind him. This way, he could handle any Hydra guards or agents that might attempt to stop them, ensuring their safety while they made their escape.

His senses heightened, Demaris's eyes darted back and forth as they navigated the labyrinthine passages. The air was stale, carrying the faint scent of blood and chemicals. The distant hum of machinery buzzed in the background, a sinister reminder of the experiments conducted within these walls.

As they progressed, Demaris fought with ferocious intensity, his starlight blade cutting through Hydra guards and scientists alike. He moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, leaving a trail of carnage in his wake. Each life he took brought them one step closer to freedom, and he refused to let anyone stand in their way.

In addition to dispatching their captors, Demaris focused on freeing other prisoners they encountered along the way. The faces of the newly liberated captives reflected a mixture of relief and terror, their eyes filled with gratitude and fear as they joined the growing procession.

Throughout their escape, Demaris maintained a mental link with Sorceress, directing her to hack into the Hydra servers and extract all the data they contained. He knew that the information stored within those systems could prove invaluable in bringing down the organization and preventing further atrocities.

"Sorceress, make sure you gather all the data before it can be deleted," Demaris instructed, his voice taut with determination. "We can't let their research fall into the wrong hands or allow them to continue their twisted experiments."

Sorceress's voice echoed in his mind, reassuring and resolute. "I'm on it, Demaris. They won't be able to hide their secrets from us."

As they fought their way through the Hydra base, Demaris knew that the stakes were higher than ever before. The lives of these young prisoners and the future of countless others hung in the balance. But with each enemy he vanquished, and each piece of data secured, he grew more confident that they would succeed in their mission and bring these kids safely to the surface.

The group continued to move through the Hydra base, their numbers growing as Demaris freed the last of the prisoners. Suddenly, the sharp crack of a gunshot echoed through the hallway, and Demaris instinctively turned his head to face the threat. The bullet struck his helmet, but the advanced material absorbed the impact without any damage.

Whirling around, Demaris saw Toni standing there, a handgun trembling in his grip. His eyes widened in disbelief, as he hadn't expected his bullet to be so effortlessly deflected. Fear rapidly took hold of him, and he began to stammer out desperate pleas for his life.

"Please, don't kill me! I... I was just following orders!" Toni whimpered, his voice cracking under the weight of his terror.

With cold precision, Demaris snatched the gun from Toni's hand and gripped him by the neck. Dragging the whimpering man along, Demaris led the group of prisoners out of the facility, their footsteps echoing through the now eerily quiet halls.

As they approached the exit, Toni found the courage to speak again, his voice strained from the pressure of Demaris's grip on his throat. "Who are you?" he demanded, a mixture of fear and anger in his voice. "You can't stop Hydra! They'll come after you, and they'll have their revenge!"

Demaris remained silent, his focus on guiding the frightened prisoners to safety. The cold metal of his armor glinted under the dim lighting, a steadfast barrier between the captives and their tormentors. The back of the trenchcoat was a formidable wall the prisoners felt they could rely on. His determination was unwavering, as he knew that the mission would not be complete until they were all out of Hydra's grasp.

As they finally emerged from the Hydra base, the prisoners breathed in the fresh air, a stark contrast to the stale, oppressive atmosphere they had endured for so long.

Demaris tossed Toni to the ground and removed his helmet to breathe in the fresh air of the outdoors. His face, previously obscured by the advanced technology of the helmet, was now revealed to the man who had once tormented him.

Toni's eyes widened in shock as he immediately recognized Demaris. He sputtered in confusion, his voice a mix of fear and disbelief. "How... how did you get that equipment?" he stammered, unable to comprehend how the seemingly ordinary boy he had once tormented had become such a formidable figure.

Ignoring Toni's question, Demaris simply restated his promise, his voice firm and unwavering. "I told you before that you would regret ever coming across me. Now, you're about to see just how true that is."

As vehicles from S.H.I.E.L.D. began to arrive on the scene, accompanied by a sleek, black jet carrying the X-Men overhead, Demaris put his helmet back on. With a determined expression, he cast a powerful spell – Mana Bomb. A large sphere of pure, condensed mana formed in his hands, pulsating with an energy that sent shivers down the spines of those watching.

With a swift motion, Demaris launched the Mana Bomb at the Hydra research base. The moment it made contact with the building, a massive explosion of magical energy obliterated the structure, leaving nothing but a smoldering crater where the sinister facility once stood.

Toni watched in horror, his body trembling as he witnessed the sheer power Demaris wielded. The tables had turned, and he now understood that he had severely underestimated the boy he had tormented.

As the smoke cleared and the rubble settled, the prisoners, now free from Hydra's clutches, erupted into cheers. Meanwhile, Toni's face fell, a cold realization dawning on him that he had unwittingly awakened a sleeping dragon. The contrast between the joy of the freed captives and the despair of their former tormentor was stark and telling.

Nick Fury emerged from his vehicle, his one eye narrowed and focused as S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives quickly surrounded Demaris. Yet, the other prisoners, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and loyalty, stood in defense of their liberator, forming a human barrier between Demaris and the agents.

The X-Men team consists of familiar faces such as Jean Grey, Scott Summers, and Charles Xavier, and some new faces. There is a gruff-looking man smoking a cigar, a beautiful woman with white hair and chocolate skin, a teenager made of ice, and a boy with blue skin looking somewhat similar to what a media representation of a demon would be. They moved to calm the situation, understanding that their presence could help de-escalate the standoff.

Fury, his voice gruff and commanding, demanded to know who Demaris was. However, Demaris remained steadfast in keeping his identity hidden. In a swift, decisive motion, he executed Toni with his starlight blade, silencing the man who had caused so much suffering, and ensuring no one would know he was Demaris. He had never intended to allow Toni to live.

"Listen," Demaris said, addressing Fury and the X-Men, "we've all been prisoners here, tortured and experimented on by Hydra. We've been through hell and back, and now we need your help."

He implored the two organizations to watch over and care for the young former prisoners, many of whom were still in shock and struggling to process their newfound freedom.

Having said his piece, Demaris cast a space attribute spell, two disks bearing the beautiful stars of a night sky appear above and below delaris. In an instant they slam together, and he teleports away, leaving behind the astonished S.H.I.E.L.D. and X-Men members to pick up the pieces and begin the process of helping the traumatized youths recover from their ordeal.


Hours before….

Nick Fury sat at his desk, poring over a report that had come in from MACUSA. The report detailed that Demaris was actually one of their citizens attending Ilvermorny but had disappeared on his way home for Christmas break. It seemed Andrew Etherton, who was clearly concerned for Demaris, had stormed their Auror office demanding answers. Demaris was just one of many disappearance cases involving orphans or children with No-Maj parents. Andrew vanished soon after, not even the Aurors could track him

As S.H.I.E.L.D. began to assist MACUSA's Aurors in their investigation, this was one of many cases, but this one is fresh and recent with a potential trail to follow. Then a message arrived from Andrew Etherton stating that Demaris had sent him his location and was in desperate need of help. Fury, being at the closest S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, decided to personally investigate the supposed Hydra research base hidden in the Appalachian Mountains.

Upon arriving, Fury caught sight of an armored figure obliterating the Hydra base with a powerful spell, erasing any secrets it may have held. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying. In the aftermath, countless children and mutants, all looking battered and bruised, stood or sat weeping tears of joy.

Overhead, Fury recognized the X-men jet, no doubt they here to help the mutants.

Fury watched as the armored individual, without a moment's hesitation, executed a Hydra scientist kneeling beside him. When S.H.I.E.L.D. agents surrounded the figure, the rescued children came to his defense, indicating that he was their savior. The armored figure defiant to Fury and his commands.

The armored figure spoke. "Listen," he said, addressing Fury and the X-Men, "we've all been prisoners here, tortured and experimented on by Hydra. We've been through hell and back, and now we need your help."

The situation was tense, but before it could escalate further, the armored man vanished with a flash of teleportation magic, leaving behind a whirlwind of questions and the vulnerable youths he had liberated.

Fury knew he had to act quickly, not only to help the victims but also to uncover the secrets behind their captivity and the true identity of the mysterious armored figure who had saved them.

The dust began to settle around the site of the destroyed Hydra research base, and from the chaos emerged Charles Xavier, approaching Fury in his wheelchair. The two men locked eyes, acknowledging the strange circumstances that had brought them together. They were old acquaintances, and it seemed both had been contacted by Andrew Etherton.

"Nick, it's been a while," Charles said, extending his hand for a shake. "I never thought we'd meet again under such circumstances."

Fury shook Charles' hand and nodded in agreement. "Neither did I, Charles. It seems we have a mutual friend in Andrew Etherton."

As they began to discuss the situation, Charles offered, "I'll take any willing mutants to my school for gifted youngsters. I think it's the best place for them to recover and learn."

Fury agreed, "That sounds like a plan. S.H.I.E.L.D. and MACUSA will handle the care of the magical children. Our partnership seems fitting, given our respective expertise and resources."

Fury noticed a flicker of surprise in Charles' eyes when he mentioned the existence of magic. "Magic? I had no idea it was real."

The concept was evidently new to him, yet he handled the revelation with a calm demeanor. They both understood the importance of keeping such knowledge confidential, given the potential repercussions if it were to fall into the wrong hands.

Fury replied, "It's a closely guarded secret, Charles. We need to ensure it stays that way."

Charles nodded, his trust in Fury evident. "You have my word, Nick. The existence of magic will remain a secret."

Nick Fury turned to Charles, curiosity piqued. "Charles, have you had any contact with Andrew Etherton or his adopted son Demaris prior to this? He contacted you for assistance after all."

Charles furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "Now that you mention it, I did meet a rather jaded young mutant named Demaris not too long ago. He seemed to be struggling with his past, but he was determined to make a difference. I don't recall meeting Andrew Etherton and Demaris hadn't been adopted when we conversed."

Fury frowned, this Andrew Etherton is far too enigmatic for his own good. Adopting kids that go missing and saying that Hydra is still alive and kicking.

As they continued to discuss Demaris, an Auror assigned to assist S.H.I.E.L.D. approached them. She was a tall, slender woman with short, wavy brown hair and piercing green eyes. Her name was Elizabeth Hawthorne, and she had just finished communicating with the President of MACUSA, Abigail Thompson.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," Elizabeth interjected, her voice firm yet polite. "I just spoke with President Thompson. She would like to extend her gratitude for your cooperation and assistance in handling this sensitive matter. She also mentioned that the investigation into the disappearances of magical children, including Demaris, is still ongoing, and she appreciates your support."

Fury furrowed his brow, confused by Elizabeth's statement. "Wait a minute, wasn't Demaris among the victims we just rescued?"

A moment of realization dawned upon Fury. "Could it be that the armored individual we encountered was Demaris himself?"

Charles looked thoughtful. "During our conversation, Demaris didn't mention anything about the extent of his powers. He was quite guarded about his abilities."

Elizabeth chimed in, her voice laced with confusion. "But it shouldn't be possible for a magical child to also be a mutant. That's unheard of and that was magic unlike i have ever seen before."

Fury nodded in agreement, though he couldn't shake the feeling that Demaris was somehow involved. "Well, if Demaris turns up unharmed, we'll know for sure. For now, we need to focus on helping the kids we rescued."

He turned to Elizabeth, his gaze serious. "We'll need the help of mind healers from MACUSA to pose as psychiatrists for the mutants as well as care for the magical children. No child will ever be even remotely fine after being tortured."

Elizabeth nodded solemnly. "I understand, Director Fury. I'll relay your request to President Thompson and ensure that our mind healers are ready to help."

With a shared sense of urgency, Fury, Charles, and Elizabeth focused their efforts on providing support and care for the young survivors. The mystery surrounding Demaris and his potential connection to the armored figure would have to wait, as the well-being of the children took precedence over everything else.

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