
Chapter 17


With Natasha gone, Demaris found himself alone in the apartment with Sorceress. He turned to her holographic projection, a sheepish look on his face. "I'm sorry, Sorceress, for snapping at you earlier," he apologized sincerely.

Sorceress smiled warmly, her AI-generated expression conveying understanding. "It's alright, Demaris. I know you've been through a lot, and I'm here to support you, no matter what."

Grateful for her understanding, Demaris decided it was time to focus on the task at hand. "I need you to go over the data we collected from the Hydra Research facility. Look for any information on the locations of other Hydra bases and try to find out who sold me out at Ilvermorny."

"Understood," Sorceress replied, her voice resolute. "I'll get to work on that right away."

With his instructions given, Demaris retreated to his bedroom, exhaustion weighing heavily on him. He crawled into bed, the soft mattress and cool sheets providing little comfort as he closed his eyes and succumbed to sleep.

As the night wore on, Demaris was plagued by nightmares. Scenes of the torture and experiments he had endured at the hands of Hydra played out in his mind, each moment more vivid and horrifying than the last. The pain he had felt, both physically and emotionally, haunted him, threatening to break his spirit once more.

But the nightmares didn't stop there. They also brought him back to his past life as Andrew, the battles he had fought during the Third World War. The violence, the destruction, and the lives lost weighed heavily on his conscience, adding to the torment he already felt.

As Demaris tossed and turned in his sleep, his mind a battleground of memories and fears, he hoped for some semblance of peace that seemed to elude him in his waking hours.

When Demaris woke up the next morning, he felt anything but rested. His sleep had been filled with tormenting nightmares, leaving him physically and emotionally exhausted. As he rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed, a pounding headache threatened to split his skull in two.

Reaching for a small vial of Wiggenweld potion on his nightstand, Demaris downed the contents in one swift gulp. The potion worked its magic, alleviating some of his headache, though he still felt far from his best.

Dragging himself out of bed, Demaris decided to make a hearty breakfast in the hopes of regaining some energy. In the kitchen, he whipped up a stack of fluffy pancakes, sizzling sausages, and scrambled eggs, the aroma of the meal filling the apartment with a comforting scent.

As he plated the last of the pancakes, there was a knock at the door. Demaris glanced over, seeing Natasha standing in the doorway, an expectant look on her face.

"Good morning," Demaris greeted her, trying to sound casual despite his lingering exhaustion. "I was just making breakfast. Care to join me?"

Natasha agreed to join Demaris for breakfast, pulling out a chair and sitting down at the table as he served her a plate filled with pancakes, sausages, and eggs. As they ate, Natasha couldn't help but notice Demaris's disheveled appearance and the dark circles under his eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" she asked, genuine concern in her voice. "You look like you've had a rough night. Maybe you should consider talking to a someone about what happened to you."

Demaris shook his head, declining her suggestion. "I appreciate the concern, but I'd rather not involve someone who could inevitably become a target just for knowing me," he explained. "I'll find a way to cope on my own."

As they continued to eat, Sorceress appeared, her demeanor noticeably cheerful. "Demaris, when you have a moment, I'd like you to look over the design for my new body and offer any suggestions for improvement," she said, projecting a holographic image of the design into the air above the table.

Demaris sighed, both exasperated and amused by Sorceress's lack of tact in revealing her secrets to Natasha, who was still something of an enigma to them. "Sorceress, you really need to work on your discretion," he chided gently.

However, he couldn't be too upset with her, as he reminded himself that she was still a relatively young AI, with much to learn about human interactions and subtleties. As Demaris glanced back at Natasha, he noticed her eyes darting between him and the holographic projection, trying to gauge the depth of their relationship and the implications of Sorceress's presence in Demaris's life.

He hoped that, in time, they could establish a level of trust and cooperation that would allow them to work together effectively. For now, though, he focused on the task at hand, providing feedback on Sorceress's design while simultaneously trying to navigate the delicate balance of their interaction with Natasha.

Demaris and Sorceress worked together on the design, with Demaris providing suggestions and ideas, but ultimately leaving the final decisions up to Sorceress. They shared a camaraderie that was clearly evident to Natasha, who couldn't help but be intrigued by the dynamic between the two.

Natasha decided to voice her curiosity, asking, "Is Sorceress fully sentient?"

Demaris turned to face her, his eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. "I'll answer that if you tell me your real name first."

She hesitated for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of divulging her identity. Finally, she relented, sharing only her first name, "Natasha."

"Alright, Natasha," Demaris began, his tone more serious now. "Sorceress isn't even a year old yet. She's still learning and growing, but she's well on her way to becoming fully sentient."

Natasha's curiosity piqued further, she asked, "And how old are you, Demaris?"

"I'm twelve," he replied matter-of-factly.

"I mean your real age," Natasha says, "You don't just wake up one day with your knowledge and skills."

"Don't know what to tell ya, I'm still twelve," Demaris smiles warmly.

As Natasha took in this new information, she couldn't help but wonder what had led to such an extraordinary partnership between a young genius and a powerful AI. They were certainly a force to be reckoned with, and Natasha knew there was much more to their story than what meets the eye.

Demaris studied Natasha for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he put the pieces together. With a sly grin, he ventured a guess. "You work for S.H.I.E.L.D., don't you?"

Natasha's expression remained carefully neutral as she responded, "I can neither confirm nor deny that."

Demaris's grin only widened, a smug satisfaction radiating from him as he knew he had hit the mark. "Well, I'm no enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D.," he declared. "In fact, if their intentions are truly good, I wouldn't be opposed to helping out."

Natasha listened carefully, her mind working through the implications of what he was saying. "And what kind of help are you suggesting?"

The two of them locked gazes, a silent negotiation playing out between them. Finally, Demaris offered a proposal. "Tell your boss that I wouldn't mind helping in situations that normal people can't handle, in exchange I ask that S.H.I.E.L.D. leave me alone. As far as contacting me, well they have you here."

Natasha considered the offer, weighing the pros and cons before giving a slight nod of agreement. It was an unexpected turn of events, but a mutually beneficial arrangement. With the agreement in place, a tentative alliance was forged between Demaris and Natasha, an alliance that could change the course of their respective organizations for the better.

Demaris glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing that the morning had flown by in their engaging conversation. He turned to Natasha with a courteous smile. "I have some things I need to take care of today, but I've enjoyed our verbal sparring. I hope we can continue this again soon."

Natasha nodded, appreciating the honesty and acknowledging the necessity of their respective tasks. "I'd like that, too. Take care, Demaris," she said before making her exit.

Once Natasha had left, Demaris and Sorceress retreated to the workshop, eager to begin the construction of her new robotic body. The design they had finalized was both sleek and functional, reflecting the perfect combination of Demaris's engineering genius and Sorceress's personal preferences.

Physically, the robotic body was in remarkable shape, with a balanced, average-height frame. Its light brown synthetic skin looked nearly indistinguishable from human flesh, giving the robot an uncanny realism. The blue streaks running through her auburn hair, a unique touch chosen by Sorceress herself, complemented her brown eyes and added a pop of color to her appearance.

As Demaris and Sorceress worked together, the day passed in a blur of focused collaboration. Their combined expertise and creativity resulted in a robot body that not only looked incredibly lifelike but also housed the most advanced AI technology in existence. With each bolt tightened and wire connected, Sorceress's new form came closer and closer to completion.

With the final adjustments made and the last connections secured, Demaris took a step back to admire the completed robotic body. Sorceress's new form stood before them, a testament to their hard work and collaboration.

"All right, Sorceress," Demaris said cautiously. "Take it slow and stay in the apartment for a while to ensure there are no issues with your new body. I don't want any surprises while we're out and about."

Sorceress nodded, understanding the importance of testing her new form in a controlled environment. "Understood, Demaris. I'll be careful."

As Sorceress began to acquaint herself with her new body, Demaris turned his attention to the report she had prepared regarding the Hydra data. His eyes narrowed as he scanned the document, quickly zeroing in on the crucial information. There is only one other Hydra base mentioned in the data, something about an experiment called X-23, it is run by Zander Rice, but the identity of the person selling out students at Ilvermorny was revealed: Lawrence, Demaris's roommate.

The report explained that Hydra had been holding Lawrence's younger sister hostage and threatening to kill his parents. Demaris surmises that she could be one of the kids he had freed from the Hydra facility.

Deciding to follow up on this lead once back at Ilvermorny, Demaris utilized his advanced ACD to follow up on the first lead, discreetly searching the internet for Zander Rice. As expected there was pretty much nothing about him.

Sleep beckons and after a day of working on Sorceress's body, he was tired. As Demaris lay in bed, a feeling of unease washed over him. He couldn't shake the sense that something was amiss. Trusting his instincts, he mentally accessed the security cameras installed around his apartment through his Advanced ACD.

The camera feed revealed seven men dressed in black, their faces obscured, attempting to pick the lock on his front door. Demaris' heart raced as adrenaline coursed through his veins. He silently swung his legs out of bed, his bare feet touching the cool hardwood floor. Dressed in only his pajama bottoms, he quickly formulated a plan.

"Stay in the workshop with your new robot body, Sorceress. We have intruders," Demaris sent a telepathic message to his AI companion, ensuring her safety.

He couldn't help but wonder how the intruders had managed to infiltrate his apartment without triggering any alarms. They must have cut the power, he deduced. However, Demaris had long since modified his apartment's energy source, drawing power from Ethers through his discreet Mana Extractors on the roof. The intruders' efforts had been futile. So why didn't the alarms trigger

Creeping silently through his dimly lit apartment, Demaris positioned himself on the couch, waiting for the uninvited guests to enter. The ambient light from the city streets outside filtered through the curtains, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The hum of distant traffic mixed with the occasional distant laughter of passersby, adding to the tense atmosphere.

The sound of the door finally unlocking snapped Demaris back to the present. He watched intently as the men filed into the apartment, their movements practiced and coordinated. Demaris took note of their weapons, a mixture of guns and knives, held tightly in their gloved hands.

As the last man stepped inside and closed the door behind him, Demaris decided it was time to make his presence known. "You really should have knocked," he said, his voice calm yet laced with sarcasm.

The intruders jumped, caught off guard by his unexpected greeting. They immediately pointed their weapons at Demaris, who remained seated on the couch, seemingly unfazed.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Demaris demanded, his eyes narrowing as he observed the intruders' reactions. The tension in the room grew palpable, and the air felt heavy with unspoken threats.

The seven intruders remained silent, their expressions hidden behind their masks. Instead of answering Demaris's question, they sprang into action, lunging towards him with lethal intent.

As they closed in, Demaris found himself questioning their motives. Were they Hydra agents seeking revenge for his previous escape, or mere thugs hired by rival companies eager to get their hands on the secrets behind his highly successful antivirus software?

Regardless of their affiliation, Demaris knew he had to defend himself. With the grace and speed of a seasoned martial artist, he launched himself from the couch, meeting his attackers head-on.

His movements were fluid and precise, each strike executed with the skill of a master. Demaris deflected the first man's punch and countered with a swift elbow to the ribs, causing him to double over in pain. He then followed up with a powerful knee to the face, knocking the man unconscious.

He quickly moved on to the next attacker, intercepting a knife thrust with a well-timed block. Using his opponent's momentum against him, Demaris twisted the man's arm, disarming him, and struck him in the temple with a forceful palm strike. The man crumpled to the ground, dazed and incapacitated.

The remaining five assailants hesitated, momentarily taken aback by Demaris's prowess. Seizing the opportunity, he continued his relentless onslaught.

He engaged the third man, expertly dodging a flurry of punches before delivering a roundhouse kick that sent him sprawling across the room.

The fourth and fifth attackers charged at Demaris together, hoping to overpower him with their combined strength. But Demaris was unfazed. He sidestepped a lunge from the fourth man, grabbing his arm and using his momentum to throw him into the fifth attacker. Both men tumbled to the ground, groaning in pain.

With only two intruders left, Demaris decided it was time to end this. He closed the distance with the sixth man, blocking a wild swing and delivering a series of rapid-fire punches to his torso. The man gasped for breath, collapsing under the barrage.

The seventh and final man trembled, realizing he stood no chance against Demaris. Instead of delivering the finishing blow, Demaris swept the man's legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the floor. He then applied a chokehold, causing the man to lose consciousness.

The aftermath of the battle left the apartment in disarray, the air charged with tension. Demaris stood amidst the defeated intruders, his chest heaving as he regained his composure.

Having incapacitated the intruders, Demaris methodically tied them up to prevent any further resistance. He searched each man thoroughly, confiscating any weapons, phones, trackers, and poison capsules that he found. He couldn't afford to lose any potential sources of information before he had a chance to question them.

As Demaris finished securing the last intruder, he heard the sound of his apartment door opening. Natasha Romanov, the Black Widow, stepped into the room, gun at the ready. She had heard the commotion from her own apartment and had come to investigate.

"Demaris, are you okay?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room for any remaining threats. As her assignment was to watch over and protect Demaris while trying to gather information on him, she needed to ensure his safety.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Demaris replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. "Just had some unexpected visitors."

Natasha nodded, her gaze falling on the unconscious men. "I'll take care of the interrogation," she said, her voice cool and professional. "We need to find out who sent them and why."

Demaris agreed, relieved that Natasha would handle the questioning. "Alright, but once you're done with them, I'll take care of them," he said, his tone leaving no room for doubt that he intended to deal with the intruders permanently.

As the prisoners began to stir, Natasha wasted no time in launching her interrogation. Her voice was cold and unyielding, her questions direct and pointed. Demaris watched from a safe distance, observing the scene with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

As Natasha worked her way through the captured men, she started to piece together the puzzle. It became clear that they were not agents of Hydra but rather hired mercenaries, sent by a competing tech company to steal Demaris's secrets and then eliminate him.

The name of the company soon surfaced: Hammer Industries.

Demaris furrowed his brow, unfamiliar with the name. "Hammer Industries?" he asked, his confusion evident.

Natasha nodded, explaining, "They're a major tech company, in direct competition with Stark Industries. They've been trying to outdo Tony Stark for years, and it seems they've set their sights on you and your antivirus software."

Demaris felt a surge of anger and frustration at the revelation. He had suspected that his antivirus software had attracted unwanted attention, but he hadn't anticipated such a direct and brutal assault.

"Hammer Industries will regret messing with me," Demaris declared, his voice filled with determination. "I'll make sure of that."

Natasha nodded, her expression unreadable. "I have no doubt you will," she said. "If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask."

With that, Natasha left the apartment, leaving Demaris to ponder his next moves. As he turned his attention back to the prisoners, he knew he needed to strike a balance between pursuing Hammer Industries and maintaining his guard with Natasha. Trust was a delicate thing, and in this dangerous world, it was essential to tread carefully.

Now alone in his apartment, Demaris steeled himself for the task ahead. He drew his Intermediate Revolver-shaped ACD and cast fire magic, incinerating each of the prisoners one by one. The room was filled with the acrid smell of burning and the sizzling sound of flames as the men were reduced to ashes, leaving no trace of their presence.

Once the task was complete, Demaris contacted Sorceress through his Advanced ACD. "You can come out now," he said. "It's done. I'm going to raid the X-23 facility."

"Understood," Sorceress replied, her digital voice calm and supportive. "Be careful, Demaris."

Demaris began to gear up, donning his sleek, lightweight armor designed for maximum mobility and protection. The material felt cool and smooth against his skin as it molded to his form. With his armor in place, he activated his Advanced ACD once more, this time casting space magic to transport himself to the X-23 facility.

Two shimmering discs appeared above and below Demaris, reflecting the night sky like portals to the cosmos. As they slammed together, Demaris felt a momentary disorientation before finding himself on the roof of the unsuspecting office building that housed the X-23 facility, located in the heart of Hell's Kitchen.

The night air was cool, carrying the scent of city life as Demaris surveyed his surroundings. The building was an unremarkable structure, blending seamlessly into the urban landscape. But beneath its ordinary facade, Demaris knew that sinister experiments and secrets lay waiting to be uncovered.

With a sense of determination and purpose, Demaris prepared to infiltrate the facility, ready to put an end to whatever horrors lurked within.


From X-23's perspective, life had always been an unrelenting torrent of pain and suffering. She had been experimented on for as long as she could remember, a mere plaything for the cruel machinations of Hydra. Her body was a living testament to their twisted designs, her mind a battleground scarred by their relentless torment.

But in the midst of the darkness, there was one glimmer of hope, one source of solace: Dr. Kinney. The soft-spoken scientist had shown X-23 a level of kindness and empathy she had never known before, treating her not as a lab specimen, but as a human being with emotions and desires.

Today was another day of training for X-23, and her body tensed in anticipation of the grueling session ahead. Her instructor was a martial arts master, a formidable presence who seemed to be carved from stone, his movements swift and precise.

The training room was a stark, minimalist space, its walls adorned with an array of weapons and training equipment. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and determination, the echoes of past battles etched into every surface.

As X-23 stepped into the room, she steeled herself for the challenge ahead, her muscles coiled like springs, ready to be unleashed. The martial arts master regarded her with a steely gaze, his eyes betraying no emotion, his voice cold and clipped as he issued his instructions.

Yesterday, she had been given an 'upgrade' as Dr. Rice had said, but X-23's body was wracked with pain, her freshly coated adamantium claws still throbbing from the brutal procedure. The head scientist, Dr. Rice, had chosen not to administer any anesthetic, seemingly delighting in her agony. The cold, sterile room where the procedure took place was filled with the sharp scent of disinfectant and the acrid tang of burnt flesh.

As X-23 struggled to contain her anguish, an overwhelming sense of rage began to consume her. It felt as if her very soul was being devoured by a ravenous beast, the boundaries of her humanity stretched to their breaking point. Amidst the turmoil, a strange but familiar scent tickled her nose, fueling the inferno of her fury.

In a blind fit of rage, X-23 found herself locked in combat with her martial arts teacher, their previous bond of mutual respect shattered in an instant. The man wielded a gleaming katana, its razor-sharp edge reflecting the harsh light of the training room. X-23 brandished her own weapons – a pair of retractable blades, much like Wolverine's, but with only two per hand.

The fight was a whirlwind of flashing steel and feral snarls, the sound of metal clashing against adamantium ringing through the air like a discordant symphony. Each strike was met with a vicious counterattack, the two combatants locked in a deadly dance that would only end with one of them lying lifeless on the floor.

With a surge of primal strength, X-23 finally managed to land a lethal blow, her claws slicing through her teacher's flesh with ruthless precision. As his lifeblood spilled onto the cold, hard floor, a chilling silence filled the room.

X-23 stood over the fallen body of her teacher, her breath coming in ragged gasps as the last vestiges of her rage began to dissipate. She had killed the man who had taught her so much, the person who had shown her some semblance of respect within the walls of this cursed facility.

In that moment, X-23 felt more alone than ever, the crushing weight of her existence bearing down upon her like a suffocating blanket. And yet, somewhere deep within her battered heart, a spark of defiance still flickered, refusing to be extinguished.

X-23 was abruptly pulled from her dark thoughts as the shrill sound of an alarm filled the facility, its piercing wail echoing through the cold, sterile halls. The facility was under attack, and amidst the chaos, Dr. Rice's voice crackled over the intercom, his tone cold and commanding.

"X-23, eliminate the intruder immediately!" he ordered.

With her mind still clouded by rage and pain, X-23 sprinted through the facility, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. As she rounded a corner, she collided with Dr. Kinney, the woman who had shown her kindness amidst a sea of cruelty.

The familiar scent that had been tickling her nose intensified as she locked eyes with Dr. Kinney. X-23's heart pounded in her chest, torn between her ingrained obedience and the desire to protect the one person who had shown her compassion.

"X-23," Dr. Kinney said softly, her voice barely audible over the din of the alarm. "Please, don't do this. You don't have to follow his orders."

As the rage continued to swirl within her, X-23 struggled to regain control of her emotions, her claws itching to be unsheathed. She didn't want to hurt Dr. Kinney, but the orders and the strange scent threatened to overwhelm her resolve.

In the heat of the moment, X-23 was forced to confront the true nature of her existence. Was she a weapon, a mere tool to be wielded by those who had created her? Or was she something more, a being capable of making her own choices and fighting against the darkness that had consumed her life?

With her heart pounding and her mind racing, X-23 stood at a crossroads, the future of her existence hanging in the balance.

Just as X-23 was grappling with her conflicting emotions, she was suddenly attacked by the intruder: a man clad in a WWI trench coat and sleek, futuristic armor. Before she could react or harm Dr. Kinney with her claws, the man delivered a powerful haymaker that sent her sprawling across the floor.

X-23 quickly regained her footing, her eyes narrowing as she assessed her opponent. The man wielded a dazzling golden-yellow sword that seemed to be made of pure light. Despite the overwhelming odds, X-23 steeled herself for the fight, her survival instincts kicking into high gear.

As the scent that had been tickling her nose intensified, X-23 suddenly realized that the target scent she had been conditioned to react to had been used on Dr. Kinney. A sickening feeling of dread washed over her as she understood the terrible truth: she had been set up to inevitably kill the one person who had shown her kindness.

The man's abilities were unlike anything X-23 had ever encountered, forcing her onto the defensive as he conjured fire, ice, and earth to attack her from all angles. Flames licked at her skin, shards of ice cut through the air, and the ground beneath her feet trembled with each earth-shattering strike.

As X-23 dodged and weaved her way through the onslaught, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins, she noted that the man's sword could be shattered, but each time it broke, a new blade instantly replaced it. This added a layer of complexity to the battle, as she had to continuously adapt her strategy to counter the ever-changing weapon.

Determined to defy her fate and protect Dr. Kinney, X-23 fought with everything she had, refusing to let the target scent and her conditioning dictate her actions. Each slash of her adamantium claws met the man's sword with a shower of sparks, the two combatants locked in a deadly dance of strength and skill.

As the battle raged on, X-23's resolve only grew stronger, fueled by the desire to forge her own destiny and break free from the chains that bound her. She would not allow herself to become a puppet, a tool to be wielded by those who had created her. She would fight, and she would win, for herself and for Dr. Kinney.

The intense battle between X-23 and the intruder continued, each combatant pushing the other to their limits. Despite X-23's fierce determination to defy her conditioning and protect Dr. Kinney, the intruder's superior skills and relentless assault began to wear her down.

Sweat poured down her face, her muscles ached, and her breaths came in ragged gasps. X-23's movements slowed, her reflexes not as sharp as they were at the beginning of the fight. The intruder, sensing her fatigue, pressed his advantage, increasing the intensity of his attacks.

X-23's claws clashed with the man's golden-yellow sword, sparks flying with each desperate parry. But the intruder's strikes were faster and more precise, and it was only a matter of time before one connected.

In a blur of motion, the intruder managed to land a devastating blow, sending X-23 crashing to the ground. Pain flared through her body, and her vision blurred as she struggled to stay conscious. The man towered over her, his sword poised for the final strike.

But instead of delivering the killing blow, the intruder chose to render X-23 unconscious with a swift, brutal punch to the temple. Her world went black, the sounds of the battle fading away as she slipped into darkness.

As X-23 succumbed to unconsciousness, her final thoughts were not of anger or defeat, but of the resolve that had driven her during the battle. She would not allow her creators to control her any longer, and she would fight to protect those she cared about, no matter the cost.


With X-23 lying unconscious on the floor, Demaris turned his attention to Dr. Kinney. He recognized her from the file he had stolen from Hydra, and the blade of his golden-yellow sword remained pointed at her throat. In the background, Sorceress was working through his Advanced ACD, busily hacking and extracting all the data from the facility.

"Is this girl with the claws X-23?" Demaris asked, his voice cold and unyielding.

Dr. Kinney, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination, nodded. "Yes, she's X-23," she replied, then added, "and my daughter. Please, I'm begging you, set us free from this nightmare."

Demaris remained silent for a moment, considering her request. Finally, without a word, he lowered his sword and used earth magic to encase X-23's unconscious body in a sturdy rock cocoon. He then cast a spell of space magic, causing two shimmering disks to materialize above and below Dr. Kinney and the cocooned X-23.

In an instant, the two of them were teleported to Demaris's apartment. As they arrived, the swirling vortex of space magic dissipated, leaving only the faintest trace of their departure from the X-23 facility.

"Sorceress," Demaris said, addressing the AI through his Advanced ACD, "put the apartment on lockdown until I get back. I'll handle things here."

"Understood," Sorceress replied, her voice echoing inside his mind.

With Dr. Kinney and X-23 secure in his apartment, Demaris continued his mission within the X-23 facility, determined to dismantle Hydra's sinister operations and ensure their freedom once and for all.

Demaris moved through the X-23 facility with deadly precision, taking down the remaining Hydra personnel one by one. His actions were swift and brutal, leaving no room for mercy. As he neared the end of his mission, he discovered Dr. Zander Rice attempting to make a desperate escape.

Rice's face contorted with fear when he realized there was nowhere left to run. He fell to his knees, his hands clasped together as he pleaded for his life. "Please, don't kill me! I'll give you anything you want! Money, information, anything!"

Demaris regarded Rice with a cold, emotionless gaze. The man's pleas fell on deaf ears. Without a word, Demaris lifted his hand, and a sharp, deadly ice spike materialized in front of him. With a flick of his wrist, the ice spike shot forward, impaling Rice through the chest. The man's eyes widened in shock and pain before his lifeless body slumped to the ground.

Unfazed, Demaris used his fire magic to incinerate the body, leaving nothing behind but a pile of ashes. His mission almost complete, he cast another space magic spell, teleporting himself to the roof of the building.

As he stood atop the building, Demaris summoned a powerful mana bomb in the palm of his hand. The energy swirled and crackled, growing larger and more potent by the second. With a final, decisive movement, he released the mana bomb, sending it hurtling into the heart of the building.

The explosion was instantaneous, a deafening roar that shattered the night's silence. The building and the hidden facility beneath it were engulfed in a massive fireball, crumbling to ashes and ensuring that Hydra's sinister operations would never again take place within its walls.

As Demaris stood on a nearby rooftop, the aftermath of the explosion filled the night air. Screams and wailing sirens echoed through the streets, creating a haunting soundtrack to the destruction he had just caused. He knew it was time to leave the scene and return to his apartment.

With a wave of his hand, he cast another space magic spell, and the familiar swirling vortex of the teleportation disks appeared once more. In a blink, Demaris vanished from the rooftop, reappearing in his apartment.

"Sorceress," he called out as he surveyed the room, "disable the lockdown and start going through the new Hydra data. I want to know about any other base locations, personnel, and operations they have."

"Understood, Demaris," Sorceress replied, her voice resonating throughout the apartment. "I'll begin the analysis immediately and keep you updated on my findings."

As Demaris began to remove his armor and relax, he couldn't help but think about the events of the night. He had struck a powerful blow against Hydra, but there was still much work to be done. And he knew that with Sorceress by his side, they would continue to dismantle the organization piece by piece, until the world was safe from their evil machinations.

Dr. Kinney stared at Demaris in disbelief, taking in his youthful appearance. "I can't believe how young you are," she said, her voice tinged with shock. "How old are you, exactly?"

Demaris shrugged nonchalantly. "Twelve," he replied. "So, what's your plan now, Dr. Kinney?"

"I'll take Laura and go on the run," she answered, her voice filled with determination. "We can't stay here. It's too dangerous."

Demaris shook his head. "That's not a good idea. They'll eventually catch up to you, and it will only end in tragedy. By the way, who's Laura?"

Dr. Kinney's eyes softened. "Laura is my daughter's name. I couldn't use it at the facility," she explained. "My full name is Dr. Sarah Kinney."

Demaris nodded, understanding the importance of this revelation. "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you, Dr. Kinney. My name is Demaris Etherton."

Demaris looked at Dr. Kinney with a reassuring smile. "Believe me, there's no place safer in the world than this apartment," he said confidently.

Dr. Kinney seemed skeptical, but there was something about Demaris's confidence that made her want to believe him. She suddenly recognized his name from the facility. "Wait, you're Demaris Etherton? The one who was captured by Hydra because you could use magic?" she asked, her voice filled with disbelief and curiosity.

Demaris snorted, his eyes gleaming with defiance. "Yeah, that's me. Hydra's going to regret ever crossing paths with me," he said, his tone leaving no doubt about his determination.

He continued, "I'll work on getting new aliases for both of you, but in the meantime, you can use my bedroom until we sort out better accommodations." He gestured towards a door at the far end of the living room.

With a wave of his hand, Demaris activated his Advanced ACD and began the process of purchasing the building they were in. The holographic display in front of him showed various documents and forms, which he quickly filled out and submitted with expert precision.

Dr. Kinney watched the young boy work his magic, both literally and figuratively, and couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, with Demaris on their side, they stood a chance against the powerful enemies that sought to control their lives.

Demaris decided it was best to inform Black Widow about the destruction of the Hydra facility in New York, in case it came up in any discussions with her superiors. He quickly typed a message to her, detailing the events of the previous night.

Sorceress's voice rang out in Demaris's ear, delivering her latest findings. "There's no mention of any other bases, but I did find the address of the man who's spearheading the Weapon X program," she reported.

"Good work, Sorceress," Demaris replied, taking note of the information. With only four days left of his Christmas break, he knew he'd have to act fast. However, for now, he needed rest. Demaris headed to bed, his mind racing with thoughts of the mission ahead.

The next morning, Demaris walked back into the living room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. To his surprise, he found Laura on the ground, still encased in the rock cocoon he'd created the previous night. Her eyes were open, and she glared at Demaris with a mixture of fear and anger.

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