
Reincarnated into the World of Tensura

He was just your average high school otaku. One day our mc was stabbed in the middle of the street and died. Then he experienced something every otaku dreams of, reincarnating into a fantasy world. The world he reincarnated into was not just any world, but the world of Tensura. Will he confront Rimuru? Read to find out! ----------------------- Notice: This Fan-fic will have a random update schedule! ----------------------- THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL! English is my second language. I am writing out of boredom. NOTE: All the characters do not belong to me except the OC. They belong to Fuse.

Fluffy_Star · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Sister and Revelation

VOTW: [....]

Lucia: {....}

Talking: "…."

Thinking: '....'

Thought communication: ('....')


Veldanual's POV

As Rimuru and I finish talking, they both sensed an enormous amount of energy flying straight at them. When Rimuru was panicking, Lucia reported.

{ Master, it seems that Velzard is coming in your direction. She probably sensed your dragon factor.} My eyes widen.

' What! Weren't you hiding my dragon factor?!'

{ Master never asked me to hide it, but master doesn't need to worry because master is stronger than her.}

I let out a sigh which caught Rimuru's attention.

" Why are you sighing?" Rimuru asked.

" Oh nothing, it's just that my sister the White Ice Dragon, Velzard is the one that's flying here right now."

" Then isn't she Veldora's sister? Are you going to do something about it?"

" Yup. Don't follow me or you might die." I said and quickly left.


3rd POV

Above the forest, a couple of miles away from Tempest, you can see a girl with white hair. She was just floating in the air as if waiting for someone to come. She suddenly felt a powerful presence coming straight at her. A small smile was shown on her face. When the person stopped and look at her, his eyes widen. He couldn't move his body and was frozen mid-air. Then the Girl finally spoke.

" You have been gone for a long time big brother, I missed you!" She started sobbing and flew into him for a hug. Yes, It was Velzard. She was now a little girl reuniting with her big brother, but suddenly when she made contact with him, he clutched his head as if it was going to explode.

"ARGHHHHHH" He screamed in pain and fell unconscious.

" Big Brother!" Velzard did not know what happened. She was worried for him when suddenly a blue-haired girl flew in front of them. Velzard was staring at her coldly and asked.

" Who are you? Did you do this?"

The blue-haired girl quickly responded, " Eh? No! No! Vel is a friend who lives in my city. He told me not to come, but I was worried so I came."

Velzard saw that she was genuinely worried for her brother, so she accepted the fact.

" Fine, but tell me. Who are you?" Velzard asked

" My name is Rimuru Tempest. I am the chancellor of this forest. Vel already told me that you are his sister. Velzard, right?" Rimuru said.

" Yes, I am." she replied.

" Why not bring Vel back to Tempest? I already have a room prepared for him to rest."

" Good Idea"

And they both went to Tempest with Veldanual in Velzard's arm.


Veldanual's POV

After I saw Velzard, I was completely paralyzed. I don't know what happened to me. When She came in to hug me, I felt intense pain in my head like it was going to explode. I screamed in pain before becoming unconscious. After I open my eyes, I could see that I was in some kind of void. I tried calling Lucia, but she did not respond. I started panicking before I heard a voice.

" Hello, Veldanual." It was a gentle yet deep voice.

I quickly turn around to see who it was and what I saw completely shocked me. It was a giant dragon with dark blue scales and golden godly eyes. When I saw the dragon, I knew who it was.

" Veldanava!" I said in surprise

" Yes, it is I, Veldanava. Before you ask, my consciousness is going to disappear soon, so let me finish this quickly. You see, I want to rest. I have lived for a very long time. I want to pass on my powers to you as my successor. Well, you already have my powers and are my successor, so it's too late now, but there is one thing I have yet to give you. They are my memories. When you became my successor, my soul merged with yours, but not completely. After our souls finish merging, you will have my memories. I am giving you my memories because I want you to have my knowledge and experiences. I am purposely weakening my own ego, so you can be the dominant one. Now you don't have to worry about disappearing. You already have prior knowledge about this world, so you will do just fine. So, you do accept my memories or not" He said.

It was too much information for me to process, but I got the gist of it.

" Fine, I accept." I said, a bit sad." Is there any last wish?"

" Yes, there is. Since our souls merged, you are me and I am you. We are now one. So, please take care of our little siblings and our daughter." he asked.

" No need to ask," I said which made his dragon face smile.

" Thank you and goodbye forever." Veldanava slowly faded away.

As he faded away, the pain started to resurface, but this time it was more intense. It was like my soul was breaking down and reconstructing itself. Then suddenly memories of someone else that somehow felt familiar, gushed inside my head. After our souls completely merged, the pain eased.

" So these are his memories." I said, " Don't worry my other self, I will take care of them."

I closed my eyes and opened them again to see a ceiling that I'm unfamiliar with. Then I look around and saw two people sitting beside me.

- To be continued