
Reincarnated into the World of Tensura

He was just your average high school otaku. One day our mc was stabbed in the middle of the street and died. Then he experienced something every otaku dreams of, reincarnating into a fantasy world. The world he reincarnated into was not just any world, but the world of Tensura. Will he confront Rimuru? Read to find out! ----------------------- Notice: This Fan-fic will have a random update schedule! ----------------------- THIS IS MY FIRST NOVEL! English is my second language. I am writing out of boredom. NOTE: All the characters do not belong to me except the OC. They belong to Fuse.

Fluffy_Star · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: True Dragon and Slime

VOTW: [....]

Lucia: {....}

Talking: "…."

Thinking: '....'

Thought communication: ('....')


Veldanual's POV

" Hi there, you are right, I am the leader of this city, Rimuru Tempest, it's also nice to meet you. What's your name?" said Rimuru.

Vel was excited. He was thinking if he should act all mysterious, he wanted to mess with Rimuru.

' Ho, he's analyzing me. Let's just lower my defense to show that I'm as powerful as Veldora.'

" My name is Veldanaul, you can call me Vel. I wanted to meet with you to see whether I could have some land on the edge of the city because I want to build a house to live in." I replied.

I'm going to mess with him. This is going to be funny. hehe.

{ Master, I advise you not to do that.}

' Oh, come on. I'll do it whether you like it or not.'


" Sure. I can give you some land, but only on one condi..." I cut him off.

" Hmm. Why do I feel Veldora inside you?" I said. Leaning forward and looking straight at him.

I can see he's panicking. Fufufu. then I continued to break the silence.

" Haha, I see how it is. Veldora that spoiled child, finally doing something new. Well, when he is released I should educate him a bit, and also Great Sage, you better not let him slack off. Playing shogi will only let him slack more. Train him and beat him to a pulp. If he resists then educate him."

I emphasized educate because I knew Veldora is watching through Rimuru right now. I thought of giving him a little scare. Imagine seeing someone that looks like his big brother saying he will educate him. His reaction would be priceless.

Rimuru tried to compose himself to the best of his abilities.

"I-I see, umm w-who really are you?" he asked me while stuttering.

Let's just introduce myself to gain a bit more trust.

" Fufu, you really want to know?"I asked which Rimuru replied with a nod.

" Very well then, allow me to properly myself. I am one of the true dragons in this world, Veldanual, The Stellar Void Dragon." I said majestically.

Everyone in the room was shocked. Nobody could utter a word. When Rimuru was about to say something, Benimaru interjected.

" I have never heard of the Stellar Void Dragon before."

I just realize they did not know of my existence.

" A-Ah yes. My existence hasn't been known to this world yet. I am the 5th true dragon...and also the 1st one? It's complicated." I looked at Rimuru."So about the land."

" Right you can have some, I can assign Geld to build you a house." Rimuru forgot about his condition.

" No, just some land on the edge of the city is enough. Make it near your house or the government building because as my payment, I will lend you a helping hand when you are in crisis." I replied.

" Sure" Rimuru still uncomfortable, replied.


Somewhere in a certain slime's stomach.

" Veldora-sama, it's a checkmate." Ifrit declared.

" You have improved Ifrit, but don't get you hoped up. I was going easy on you. Khahahahahaha" Veldora replied. He was trying his best to win. He never thought Ifrit would beat him.

After they were done playing shogi, they decided to see what Rimuru was doing. They saw him walking toward the government building. After Hakuro's warning, Rimuru walked inside to a man Veldora recognized. Veldora was speechless. Ifrit saw his unusual behavior and asked him.

" Veldora-sama, is something wrong?"

" That is my big brother, The Stellar King Dragon, Veldanava. Did he finally revive himself?" Veldora questioned himself. Then the person in question said, " My name is Veldanaul, you can call me Vel. I wanted to meet with you to see whether I could have some land on the edge of the city because I want to build a house to live in."

" Veldanual. So he isn't Veldanava. Is he my new brother? Then why does he look like that?" Veldora asked confused. When Rimuru was saying something Veldanual said something that scared Veldora.

" Hmm. Why do I feel Veldora inside you?" He asks Rimuru.

Veldora was panicking. ' This new unknown brother found me, what should I do!' Then suddenly, the next thing Veldanual said brought shivers down his spine.

" Haha, I see how it is. Veldora that spoiled child, finally doing something new. Well, when he is released I should educate him a bit, and also Great Sage, you better not let him slack off. Playing shogi will only let him slack more. Train him and beat him to a pulp. If he resists then educate him."

"Oh no," those words are the only thing he said. Veldora knew what "educate" meant. His sisters have done it to him multiple times before.

"I-I see, umm w-who really are you?" Rimuru asked while stuttering.

" Fufu, you really want to know?" He asked which Rimuru replied with a nod.

" Very well then, allow me to properly myself. I am one of the true dragons in this world, Veldanual, The Stellar Void Dragon." Veldanaul said.

Everyone in the room was shocked. Nobody could utter a word. When Rimuru was about to say something, Benimaru interjected.

" I have never heard of the Stellar Void Dragon before."

" A-Ah yes. My existence hasn't been known to this world yet. I am the 5th true dragon...and also the 1st one? It's complicated." He looked at Rimuru."So about the land."

" So he is and isn't me big brother? I will ask him after I break free from this prison." Veldora said when suddenly the shogi board disappeared and a voice rang in his head.

{ Notice: The individual named Veldora has been slacking too much. Proceed with the analysis of the ultimate imprisonment. If slacking, the punishment will be education.}

The screen went blank, only Ifrit and Veldora remains.

' Rimuru, you betrayed me!'


Velzard's POV

Somewhere in the Ice Continent, you can see a red-headed demon having lunch together with a white-haired girl. Yes, they were demon lord Guy Crimson and Velzard, the White Ice Dragon. Velzard was calm on the surface but was frustrated inside.

' Damn this demon. Just how much can he eat without being fat?'

Just as she was contemplating Guy, she flinched, feeling familiar energy.

Guy noticed Velzard being unusual and asked her," Anything wrong Velzard?"

She snapped back to reality." I-I'm fine. Do you feel it?"

" Hmm? What are you talking about? Do you mean Veldora? Yea, I know he's been missing for quite a while now. What about him?"

" Nothing." Velzard knew he did not feel it because he is not a true dragon. Only a true dragon and sense other true dragons, but the dragon factor that she is sensing now felt familiar to her.

' Whose dragon factor is this? It feels familiar, yet different.' Then a thought hit her.' No, it can't be, can it? Big brother is back!'

Then she stood up and look straight at Guy, sending him shivers.

" I am going to the Jura Forest to check on something. Don't follow me, just stay here until I'm back." Velzard looks serious. She hasn't been this serious in a long time.

" I don't know what you're going to do, you seem serious about this "thing". Fine, I won't follow," replied Guy.

When she heard him say that, she launched herself off the ground flying straight to Tempest.

" I'm coming, big brother"

- To be continued.