
Reincarnated in Mummy

MC reincarnated in Mummy with wishes. Please understand this is a wish-fulfillment fanfic also do understand since English is not my first language the writing quality is going to be bad.

Anonymous2000 · Filmes
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

[A/N:I wrote this for fun so just read it to pass time]

Chris POV

We both made it to the Cairo museum of antiques Cairo we entered the museum without a problem as we reached deep in the bowels of the museum lie the stacks. Rows upon rows of towering bookshelves. Filled with literature on Antiquities. Standing at the top of a tall ladder between two of these rows and leaning against one of the bookshelves, was Evy as I whispered to Johnathan who was next to me "I bet you 50 bucks that evy is going to fall from that ladder."Jonathan scoffed "That is suckers bet with how clumsy Evyln is I am sure she will fall."

Evelyn pulls a book out from a stack under her arm, blows the dust off it, then places it on a shelf with other books whose titles all begin with the letter "O". Then she grabs another book out from under her arm and reads the title.We both watched as Evy carefully, so as not to lose her balance, she looks over her shoulder to the bookshelf behind her, where all the titles

begin with the letter 'TO. Then she looks down. It's a long way to the bottom. Evelyn gently sets the other books down on the top shelf, then turns and gingerly starts to reach across the aisle with the Tuthmosis book. It's a little too far, so she stretches, reaching, holding the top of the ladder with her fingertips, she's almost got it, closer now closer. And that's when the ladder pulls away from the shelf. Evelyn Yelps and threw the Tuthmosis book and grabs the top of the ladder, which stands straight up. Evelyn holds her breath, swaying precariously, a long BEAT, and then she loses her balance, the ladder swings around and Evelyn starts stiltwalking down the aisle.

Evelyn yelled, "oheiugm! ! AHHHHHH!"The ladder crosses the aisle, does an about-face, and heads back the way it came. Evelyn clings to the top, struggling for balance. The ladder teeters out into the main aisle and picks up speed. Evelyn screams as it does a 180, spins into another aisle and finally crashes to a stop at the top of a bookshelf. Evelyn holds her breath, then sighs in relief and that's when the bookshelf falls away from her and crashes into the next bookshelf.

Evelyn slides down the ladder and plops to the floor. She looks up just as the domino effect kicks-in: each bookshelf crashing into the next. And onward it goes. Bookshelf after bookshelf. Thousands of volumes flinging off shelves and scattering across the floor. It finally ends as the last shelf crashes into a wall. Evelyn's eyes are closed. She opens one eye. Looks left. Then right. Then opens the other eye and stares at the huge mess.

Evy whispered "Oops."The Egyptian curator storms in while looking at all the destruction caused by evy and yelled "Look at this! Sons of the Messiah! Give me frogs, flies, locusts, Anything but this! Compared to you, the other plagues were a joy!"

Evelyn quickly gets up and starts gathering books while saying "I'm sorry, it was an accident."

Curator in anger replied "When Ramesses destroyed Syria, it was an accident. You are a catastrophe! Why do I put up with you?"

Evelyn turns to him, trying to contain herself and replied "You put up with me, because I can read and write ancient Egyptian, decipher hieroglyphs and hieratic, and I'm the only person within a thousand miles who knows how to properly code and catalog this library.

curator said "Who needs smart women? I put up with you because your mother and father were our finest patrons, Allah rest their souls. Now straighten up this mess!"This struck a nerve fo both Me and Johnathan as I gritted my teeth and said "Johnathan go cheer up Evy while I have talk with our dear Curator."Johnathan nodded he knew the poor Curator is going to get a scare of a lifetime since he knew Chris was really protective of Evy reprimanding her for the damage was one thing but telling her off and using their parents in the mix was something Chris won't forgive.

The Curator storms out to his office just then I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall while glaring at him the curator was stunned and asked: "What are doing Mr. Carahan."I continued to glare and him as I replied "You know I usually don't say anything when you reprimand her because she was always in the wrong but today you crossed the line by bringing our parents."

The curator was scared as something about those glowing blue eyes unnerved him and he heard "Next time you do something like this or I will make sure you will regret it."The curator gulped in fear even he is Medjai who were supposed to sacrifice himself to protect the secrets of Hamunaptra but Chris scared him.