

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

The City of Gold, Shandia

"Hmph! Show off!" said Nami, irritated. She stepped forward and started making clouds with the help of the Clima-Tact. The remaining Divine squad was already trying to escape. "Get away from here. She is planning to do something bad to us," shouted one of them.

Nami stopped creating clouds and shouted, "Thunder Bolt tempo... Raining Thunder." All of a sudden, the Divine squad got attacked by multiple thunder strikes. "Run away!" "Aaa!" The Divine squad got obliterated by those thunder strikes.

"Yosh! Let's go! It's time to kick that God's ass," shouted Luffy. "But how do we find him?" asked Usopp. Luffy smiled and said, "I know which way to go to find him. He is in that direction." Everyone looked toward the direction he was pointing at. "Didn't Gohan and the others leave in that direction as well?" said Vivi.

"Then we better hurry up, or we might not be able to fight that God," said Zoro.

Meanwhile, with Gohan and the others, Aisa was crying while grabbing her head. "Are you alright?" asked Robin. "The voices!... so many voices disappeared," said Aisa with a shaky voice. "Voices?" asked Robin with a confused look.

"She's talking about lives. She can use Observation Haki, and I think she can sense everyone on the island," commented Gohan. "What?? That's impossible! She's just a child," said Robin in disbelief.

Gohan crouched down in front of Aisa and said, "They were Enel's people. If you guys want to get your home back, then Enel and his men have to go. Do you understand?" Aisa still looked sad but nodded her head.

"Good! Then stop crying like a baby," said Gohan with a smile. "I am not crying!!" shouted Aisa. Robin and Cricket also smiled when they saw their interaction. "Let's get going; Luffy and the others are already done with their opponents. Now, only Enel and some weaklings are left," said Gohan.

After a few minutes, they started seeing stone pavements. "How is this possible?" said Cricket in shock as he stood before an old house. There was only half of the house present. "Isn't that the front part of your house?" asked Gohan. Cricket didn't reply but kept looking at the house.

"So this upper yard was part of Jaya," said Robin. "This place must have been brought here by the Knock Up Stream," said Gohan, while Aisa was looking at them with a confused face.

They started finding some homes which were almost swallowed by the forest. "A lot of people are coming here," said Aisa in panic. "I know that already. Don't worry! They are just some weaklings," said Gohan with a smile.

"Let's wait here for them; we can't allow them to destroy this place because of our fight," suggested Robin. Cricket agreed with her as well. "Ok! But I am not fighting. Robin! You are going to take care of them," said Gohan. Robin sighed but nodded her head.

After a few minutes, around fifty people came running towards them. Their leader was a large man. He looked toward Gohan and others and shouted, "By the order of God Enel, I, Yama, commander of the Divine soldiers, will punish you for all the heinous crimes you have committed."

One of the soldiers jumped on top of the house, and because of that, cracks started to form on the house. Robin lowered her head after seeing that and clenched her fist. Air started blowing around her, and her hair turned spiky.

"Looks like you guys made our archaeologist mad," said Gohan. "Oh!! Her hairstyle changed. How cool!!" said Aisa in amazement.

Robin appeared before Yama and crossed her arms. "Unforgivable!" she muttered and kicked his stomach. At the same time, every Divine soldier got kicked the same way by the legs that popped out in front of them.

Yama and the Divine soldiers got lifted from the ground. But Robin got closer to Yama and continued to kick him in different body parts. Every single soldier was also getting hit exactly the same way. Gohan, Cricket, and Aisa were amazed by this.

"Wow! What a combo!!!" said Gohan with an amazed look. "There are so many legs!!" said Aisa in shock.

Robin kicked them into the sky, and multiple arms popped up on their bodies. "Crutch..." muttered Robin as the Divine soldiers fell down. "Great job!!" said Gohan as he gave her a thumbs up. "How did you do that? It was so cool!" said Aisa.

"Let's continue our search operation. I can sense that Luffy and the others are coming towards our direction," said Gohan. "Why are they coming here?" asked Cricket. "That's because Enel is in the same direction we're going," replied Gohan.

"What? We are going towards Enel?" shouted Aisa in shock. "No! Zoro and the others will take care of him," said Gohan. They continued their search for Gold City. Suddenly, Gohan sensed something and stopped.

"We have a guest incoming," said Gohan. "Who is it this time?" asked Cricket in annoyance. Just as he said that, a huge python appeared before them. "Oh my!" said Robin with an amused smile. Cricket and Aisa started to tremble.

The python started hissing at them and opened its mouth to swallow. But Gohan flew towards it and stopped it with his hand. "Oye! Don't be angry. You are Nola, right?" Nola's eyes widened after hearing his name from Gohan's mouth.

"If you give us a ride, I will let you hear the ringing that Bell you are wanting to hear," whispered Gohan. "Tsulala..." Nola made a happy noise after hearing that. "Hey guys! This snake will give us a ride," said Gohan. "What???" shouted Cricket and Aisa.

Nola brought his head closer to the ground so that they could climb on his head. "Don't worry; he is a friendly snake," said Gohan with a smile. Cricket and Aisa were speechless at his words, but they had no choice as Robin was already on top of Nola's head.

They continued their journey. When they came out of the jungle, they saw many ancient-looking buildings buried in clouds. "Hey Robin! Doesn't it look like there's a city below this cloud?" said Gohan. "Gohan, go towards that stone," said Robin while pointing at a stone slab.

They got down from Nola's head and got near the stone. Robin started reading the ancient texts. After she was done, she said, "Gohan, you are right. The City of Gold is right beneath us." Gohan smiled and looked towards Cricket and asked, "Do you have the dagger?"

"Yes, here!" Cricket gave him the dagger, and Gohan started cutting the clouds and made a big hole. "Let's jump down," said Gohan. But

before anyone could say anything, Nola dived down. Gohan smiled and put Aisa on his shoulder and grabbed Robin and Cricket.

"Hold on tightly," he said and jumped down. "Aaaa!" screamed Aisa as they dropped towards the ground. Once they got to the ground, Gohan put Aisa down and started looking around. "Amazing!" he said. "Is this... Shandia... our home?" muttered Aisa.

"So this is the place that Noland was talking about, the City of Gold," said Cricket with tears in his eyes. "Yes, this is the City of Gold, Shandia!" said Robin.