

What happens when a normal anime lover gets reincarnated into the one piece world. this is my first time writing a novel. so keep the criticism coming. DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to one piece or DBZ. all the rights belong to the original authors.

Kai_sensei · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs


"EEEEEE...!!" Nami screamed and jumped back. "G..Gohan! Please don't joke around," said Nami with a strained smile.

"No! I am absolutely serious! I even got these white flowers!" said Gohan with a cheerful voice as he showed Nami the flowers. Nami got scared and started backing away.

"Once I kill you, I will make you a beautiful grave in this place and offer you these flowers," said Gohan with a smile, but it turned into a full-blown laughter. "Hahahaha... sorry... sorry, I was in a very bad mood just now, so I decided to entertain myself by teasing you a little," said Gohan as he was feeling better after a good laugh.

"WHAT!!!!!" shouted Nami, but just as she was about to say more, Gohan walked past her and stood before Bell-mere's grave. He rested the flowers on the grave.

'Hello there! Since I ended up in this world, that means souls do exist. So if you are hearing me right now, I just wanted to tell you that the person who has killed you is going to die a painful death today,' thought Gohan with a serious face.

As Gohan turned around, he saw Nami looking at him with a complicated expression. "You were saying something?" asked Gohan.

"Hm? What are you doing here?" asked Nami with an irritated face. "I was paying respect to the dead!" said Gohan with a smile.

"You know what I'm talking about, Gohan! So tell me!" asked Nami as she was getting more irritated. "I am here because my captain wants me to. And I was walking around seeing beautiful scenery and throwing people... well, that one is not important," replied Gohan.

"Whatever, I don't care about you idiots! But you better not create any trouble for people here," said Nami. "So, Nami, you are also a member of Arlong's pirates!" said Gohan. "How did you know that?" asked Nami in shock. "Well, you have the same tattoo as those fish-men," replied Gohan.

"Nami, let me give you some advice. You better leave that crew now because there will be no Arlong's pirates before this day ends," said Gohan with a smile. "What? You guys are not going to do anything! Do you hear me? This has nothing to do with you!" said Nami with anger.

"Of course, we will not attack them first, but if they attack us, then we will end them," said Gohan. "Ok then, Nami, I will see you around!" said Gohan as he disappeared.

After walking around for some time, he appeared before Sanji and others. There was one more person with them, Nami's sister, Nojiko. His sudden arrival shocked her. "What?" said Nojiko as she took two steps back.

"Don't worry, Nojiko-san, he is our crewmate," said Sanji with a warm smile. "Oh? Sorry for scaring you, miss. My name is Gohan! And who might you be?" asked Gohan with a smile. "Hm? You don't have to apologize; you just surprised me. I am...!" "She is Nami's big sister, Nojiko-san," said Sanji instead.

"Ok! And why do you guys look like you have been crying?" said Gohan, acting confused. "GOHAN... YOU DON'T KNOW, BUT MY NAMI SAN IS SO PITIFUL..." "Stop!" said Gohan, 'your Nami-san!' thought everyone else. "I already know about it! I heard some villagers talking about it," said Gohan. "What? Those guys!! Who were they? Did you see their face?" asked Nojiko, looking irritated.

"No, I only heard them; I didn't see them," replied Gohan. "Anyways, what are we going to do now? And why is Luffy not here?" asked Gohan. They looked at each other and shook their heads. "Don't know?" asked Gohan. "Then who's the vice-captain?" he asked.

"It's Zoro!" replied Usopp. "WAKE UP!!" Sanji kicked the sleeping swordsman. "WHAT? Do you want a fight? You love-cook," said Zoro as he took out his swords. "What did you call me? You moss-head!" said Sanji. Just as they were about to start fighting, Gohan grabbed their shoulders and said with a cheerful smile, "Are you both testing my patience?"

Sanji immediately did a U-turn and said, "What are you talking about? I was just waking him up." Gohan looked unimpressed but let him go. "So what's the plan, Vice-Captain?" asked Gohan to Zoro.

Zoro thought for a bit and said, "We wait for Luffy's order." 'This is the first thing I need to change with this crew,' thought Gohan after hearing Zoro's reply. "And what if Arlong's pirates harm someone before Luffy's return?" asked Gohan. "We wait for the captain's order," repeated Zoro.

"Ok! I will wait for Luffy to return, but if anybody on this island is in trouble, I will help them. And if that fish-face tries to kill someone, then I will end him before he could say the word FISH," said Gohan with a serious expression.

"What? Listen! You mister, we don't want you guys to interfere in our business, ok!" said Nojiko with an irritated face. Gohan looked at her and smiled. "Nojiko-san, I will only take orders from my captain, and only if that order is not stupid. Otherwise, no one can tell me what to do or not. Do you understand, Nojiko-san?" said Gohan with a lovely voice.

But everybody knew he was very serious. "Ok! I don't care anymore," said Nojiko with a huff and walked away. "Bye, Nojiko-san!" said Sanji with a total love-struck expression.

After a few minutes, Gohan's ears twitched, and he disappeared. "Where did he go now?" muttered Sanji. As others didn't react, already getting used to Gohan's disappearing and appearing randomly.

Outside Nami's house, "Don't touch that... don't touch that..." Nami was running towards Captain Nezumi while shouting. Genzo and Nojiko grabbed Nami to stop her. Genzo was grabbing Nami from behind while Nojiko was in front of her.

Suddenly, Nezumi took out a gun from his pocket and fired at them. Nami, Nojiko, and Genzo stopped their struggle and looked behind Nojiko to see that Gohan was standing there. "Gohan..." whispered Nami.

"Yo! Nami, looks like things aren't going well on your side!" said Gohan while his back was facing them. "Hey boy! How did you get there?" asked Nezumi and started inspecting his gun. 'Did I miss? Is

there something wrong with this gun?' he thought.

"Are you looking for this?" asked Gohan while showing the bullet between his fingers. 'Did he catch it? No, it must be his own bullets,' thought Nezumi. "You can't fool me, boy," said Nezumi.

"Man, you sure look more ugly in person," he continued with a smile. "WHAT DID YOU SAY? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" shouted Nezumi with anger. "No! Should I?" asked Gohan with an innocent face.

"You!!... ... Very well, you are hereby executed as a punishment for getting in the way of the Marine's operation," said Nezumi with an evil smile. Gohan smiled and started walking towards Nezumi.

"Walking towards your death? EVERYONE FIRE!!" shouted Nezumi. Soldiers started shooting at Gohan, but just as the bullets were about to reach him, they disappeared, and Gohan kept walking towards them. "WHAT'S HAPPENING?? WHY IS THERE NO IMPACT? WHERE DID ALL THOSE BULLETS GO?" shouted Nezumi, full of shock.

But seeing that Gohan was getting near, he started firing. But the result was the same; the bullets kept disappearing. Gohan got in front of Nezumi and crushed his gun with his hand. Seeing that, Nezumi fell to his butt.

"Who are... you?" asked trembling Nezumi. "I am Gohan! from Straw Hat Pirates. Nice to meet you," said Gohan with politeness. "Look, I found your lost bullets," said Gohan as he showed him his palms. There were around a dozen bullets resting on his palm.

Nezumi started trembling more after seeing the bullets. 'A Haki user?? In East Blue!' thought Nezumi. "Here! Let me give them back to you guys," said Gohan as he started flicking the bullets with his fingers. Bullets traveled faster than when fired from the gun and went through the legs of Marine soldiers.

"AAAA." "My legs." "It hurts so much." They started screaming in pain. "Now then, what should I do with you?" said Gohan as he held Nezumi's neck. "What do you want to do? Do you really want to kill a Marine Captain? Marines will hunt you down!" said Nezumi in desperation.

"Really?" said Gohan with a pleasant surprise. "Then that means Marines are going to entertain me if I kill you?" said Gohan with a smile. "Wha..?" "Do you have that snail thing with you?" asked Gohan. "Denden Mushi? Yes!! I have it. Here, take it and let me go, please!" said Nezumi while presenting him the Denden Mushi. 'There's no way I am touching it! I just hate slimy things,' thought Gohan and looked towards a soldier who was near them and was on the ground holding one of his legs.

"Hey, you, come here quickly, or I will kill you," said Gohan with a straight face. Hearing that, the face of that soldier turned white, and he started crawling towards Gohan desperately. When everyone else saw this, they had only one word on their minds: 'Demon.'

"I am here... I am here," said the soldier after getting before him. "Hold that Denden Mushi for me." 'You made me crawl here with an injured leg, just for this,' thought the soldier. "Yes," he said and took the Denden Mushi from Nezumi.

"Hey, Nami! Is Arlong Park visible from here?" asked Gohan. The three people had already started doubting their life, but Gohan's voice broke them out of their stupor. "Y..Yes! That big building, it's inside Arlong Park," said Nojiko while pointing her finger in a certain direction.

"That's not very far! I think I can hit the building," muttered Gohan. "Ok. Mouse man, if you had the time to say only one word, what would that be?" asked Gohan with a smile. "What?" asked Nezumi in confusion. "What a lame choice," said Gohan as he raised Nezumi and threw him towards Arlong Park.

"AAAAA..." screamed Nezumi as he flew towards Arlong Park, and he got smashed onto the top floor of the building. "YES!!! Did you guys see that? I hit that building from so far away." But everyone looked at him and thought again, 'DEMON!!'.