
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

can i just get a break

"30 minutes later"

sir sir the combat teacher said as she kicked down my office door theres a demon to strong cant kill its at the training room she said gasping for breath ugg fine (teleportation magic targeted teleport) i suddenly got pulled into a simmilar vortex and apeared into the elite class training room serously here of all places i saw a demon with black wings and wite armour wait i recongnise that equitment thats my moon armour

that was a gift for the queen uggg time to die

(multicast holy magic light spear javolin) around

20 javolins shot at the demon i saw it mutterd something but it managed to avoid all of them

wow call me impresed but im impressed you doged all of them he attaked me with a demonic vertion of my spell while i was talking like how rude honestly how anoying like what a copycat

fine im bord eanyway so now for (multicast holy magic homing light spere javolin barrage) then around 50 shot at him me tryed to doge but he soon reilsed he couldent doge sadly he figued out

the spells weakness once they hit something they vanish but the barrage componet means once they vannish 2 more shoot at him but hes so busy dogeing he cant attack

"30 minutes pass"

he was now being targeted by around 1000 spears the armour was now riddeled with holes i think he is dead {systme he dead yet } [well hes laying on the floor in a pool blood so i think its safe to say yes] ahh great so i canceled my spell

and removed the armour

"1 houre passes"

ahh now that thats cleaned up and armour sent to ezray hey systme read me the letter i sent with it [yes host]

[ hey queeny

just to let you know you need to up sucuraty on the castle vaults so turns a demon stole this gift

dont worry its dead now oh and i also enchanted it with a auto rapeir function if you recive this and its full of holes wait some time thell fix them selfs

see ya ezray by the way its enoch not some weird rando] ha still laughing now