
reincarnated as a forest i controle it all

please do not expect GRAMMER or eanything of the sort this includes SPELLING

Daoist6zSfYk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

acadamy challenge

there i stood it front of all 700 and said well students another magic academy has challenged us in five things enchanting magic combat

magic archery mind magic resistance and finally a one on one battle me and there academy director

now i will begin by selecting our team first please stand if you would like to become a participant for enchanting <2 people stood up> ah very well

rank 7 elnsyn valkryite can you answer this how can you enchant a weapon with healing magic

she gave an idiotic response witch was its impossible sorry in correct rank 56 mero slava

your answer she said you enchant the metatrails before the weapon is made correct rank 56 mero slava will be competing in enchanting

next magic combat since its a 3v3 the ones participating shall be rank 7 ensyn valkryite rank 9 leroy qusac and rank 10 enore belones

the next round is magic archery this will be partisapated by rank 4 yelorone voenone and rank 314 eney nelome

now finely mind magic ristance eany volunteers <1 stood up> hmm very well by default rank 700 koto enoyo now koto can you tell me why volenter he said although im rather weak physically however my resistance to mind magic is what im best at perfect then our team has been chosen the contest begins in 1 week until they classes are cancelled for participants