
reborn in dragon ball ᵂᶦᵗʰ ᵃ ᵗʷᶦˢᵗ

a man dies and gets 2 wishes. that's about it

lemon_bread_0912 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

chapter 3





|this gender assured a way higher chance of survival|

Adrian: 'How would this assure a higher chance of my survival?'

|as a male you would be seen as a threat to the royal family and thus would be sent to an inhospitable planet, but as a female you would be seen as a potential wife of prince vegeta and thus you will be nurtured to be the queen of saiyans|

Adrian: 'ok, now i get it, but i don't want to be the wife of prince vegeta'

|you could go radio silent as soon as planet vegeta blows up, or completely ignore prince vegeta after planet vegeta's destruction|

Adrian: 'not bad ideas, i'll go with the second option, what should i do now?'

|you should train in ki control to lower your Battle Power to 1000 or a bit more to make it seem like it was a scouter malfunction and to make sure you won't be too much of a threat to the royal family.|

Adrian: 'and how do i train in ki control?'

|learn to sense ki then after you do that, manually circulate your ki and try to hold it in|

Adrian: 'alright'

After that short conversation, adrian started to try to sense ki.

after a few minutes she started to feel ki in her body but it will take a few more hours for the range of her ki sense to expand to go past the nursing pod

|you learned ki sense (low:low)

Adrian: 'well that's going to be annoying, system can i turn it off?'

|would you like to turn off notifications?|

Adrian: 'yes i would'

|turning off notifications|

Adrian: 'okay now time to try to manually circulate my ki'

a few minutes later and nothing happens she still can't control her ki

then a few more minutes later she notices a female saiyan walk into the room going to her pod

??: "hello my child, i got good news, you're going to be part of the royal family. Also my name is Mizuna, and your name will be Matsuna."

Matsuna: 'yay, i got my name i'm so happy, not really but it's better than to come up with it on my own.'

Mizuna: "let's check your power level now let's see how much you've grown"

Matsuna: 'oh no, well my plan for not appearing as a threat has fallen into oblivion'

Mizuna: "oh, that's a sizable increase, you went from 10000 BP to 11000 BP"

Matsuna: 'oh no if this keeps going i'll be seen as too much of a threat for the plan to work'

a few minutes of staring later

Mizuna: '"i just noticed you have red eyes and a black tail, must be a mutation that would also explain your high Battle power."

Mizuna then leaves, leaving our mc with her thoughts.

Matsuna: 'well that was bad, hopefully i can suppress my Battle Power the next time they check it'

after the meeting with her mother, the mc went back to trying to control her ki

a few hours later

the mc finally learned to control her ki, although barely enough to even push it, then exhaustion took over and the mc fell asleep.

my phone screen stopped working after it went screen first into the ground, so i wrote this on my potato laptop.

also the mc was born a few months after vegeta

lemon_bread_0912creators' thoughts