
reborn in dragon ball ᵂᶦᵗʰ ᵃ ᵗʷᶦˢᵗ

a man dies and gets 2 wishes. that's about it

lemon_bread_0912 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 2




As adrian awoke, all she saw was darkness, he started questioning where he was.

Adrian: 'where am i? Ugh my head feels like it's splitting.'

Adrian started hearing muffled voices, it was almost as if he was in an enclosed space

??: "ho- mu-- lo-ger unt-- i g-t o-t?"

???: "wo--n, i alr--dy t-ld you th- ba-- is go--- to -e bo-- soon, j-st ha-- so-- pa---nce."

??: "and h-- l--g is soon, ex--tly?"

???: "a da-, wom--."

??: "fin--ly, yo- t-ld me, g--dbye a--hole."

???: "wa--, y-- ca-- lea-- y-t."

??: "F-NE, i can't w-it f-r t--s to -e -ver."

After that adrian felt too tired and went to sleep. Only to be woken up by muffled screams and shouts.

Adrian: 'what's going on, why is it so bright?'

As Drian thought that, the room? Started to get brighter until it was blinding.

??: "AAGH"

?? Screamed in pain

Adrian: 'what's going on?! Why am i being sucked into light?!'

Adrian reflexively tried to scream, but nothing came out until, she fully submerged into the light.

Adrian: "WAAAAAA"

Adrian screamed, cried and flailed around with all her might as her eyes were bathed in what felt like the sun, and quickly shut her eyes.

A few minutes later she opened her eyes again and saw a weird alien as they put her in a pod of sorts.

Alien: 'alright the baby is in it's nursing pod.' "Aye zorg get in here we need a scouter!"

Zorg: "okay okay coming." *walks over to the other alien with a scouter in hand*

Alien: "k now, give me that" *takes the scouter from zorg's hand*

Alien: *boots up the scouter and scans adrian's BP* "WHAT 10 THOUSAND"

Zorg: "WAIT WHAT?!"

Alien: "i'm going to report this to king vegeta, you take the nursing pod to the super elite section"

Adrian: 'system'

|yes user|

Adrian: 'what can you do?'

|i can show your status, and i can give you a crippling gambling addiction with the ability gacha|

Adrian: 'you can do what?! Anyways just show me my status'




Name: N/A

Race: ancient saiyan

Gender: Female

BP: 10000

age: 1 day

Lifespan: 200 years

height: 61 cm


Minor regeneration: can heal wounds faster.

ape instincts: the oozaru form is always perfectly controlled. 

Zenkai: when you heal from damage you're body adapts to get stronger

Zero talent in magic: you can't use magic no matter how much you try.

Insane talent in ki: you can learn anything related to ki very fast.


Ancient oozaru: the user transforms into a 200 ft tall ape and gains a 20x power boost.

Mastery: 100%


Adrian: 'wait FEMALE?!?'