
Chapter 5: Exploring the base of the deceased...

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: Exploring the base of the deceased...


Early in the morning, after putting on my dark British-style long coat, adjusting my state-of-the-art watch and, of course, adjusting my skull mask, I left the room.

I went to Dr. Wunder's laboratory and knocked on the door.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Dr. Wunder," I replied.

The door swung open to reveal Dr. Wunder standing with a smile on his face and he said to me, "Welcome back, I was waiting for you."

He invited me in and went straight to the point: "I have discovered something." He explained to me that he had discovered a mysterious compound in the tissues of the brain.

Something that could speed up the neuronal cloning process. Neuronal Reproduction, in this way, he can reproduce young neurons and fill them with memories, then introduce them into a specific area to receive training, where each cell will be an exact copy with the new commands introduced by the developers.

"Good job Dr.Wunder, you will be duly rewarded when the project is finished." I said and Dr. Wunder was excited and wanted to continue working immediately.

Then I turned to explore other areas of the laboratory, now Dr.Wunder is working alone, apparently he has not found someone worthy of his trust, or so he says.

I approached a computer console and realized that he was working with algorithms, I could see how the numbers moved on the screen. I asked him about the project and he explained that he was developing software to control the neural cloning compound so he could create cloned neurons faster and give them instructions.

Although it is currently 1942, and the computers are just an old toaster, Hydra's computers are slightly better than the other toastets on the market or common labs, plus Dr. Wunder personally modified it, apparently it has some software and hardware skills.

After that, I approached an armband-shaped device.

I asked the Dr about this.

"Oh, that... It's an old toy I made a few years ago, I found some strange and unknown material, I still don't know what it is, but..."


"But after I smelted it using a tool that was next to the ore, which was stolen during an attack on the base, I was only able to give it this shape before it froze and I couldn't destroy it or change its shape, it can to absorb heat and extremely loud sound, it may be a treasure if we put it in a museum.

I looked at the bracelet in my hands and said.

"Have someone paint it for me, I want it in black, put some special design on it, nothing that other people can associated with Hydra." I said after remembering that it would be like a target.

"Of course I will, don't worry." Dr.Wunder replied as he smirked.

I said goodbye to Dr. Wunder and left the lab to continue my investigations at the Hydra base.

Next, I went to the weapons development area, in theory, Captain William is in charge.

When I arrived, Captain William was working on a new weapon for Hydra.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"We are working on a new energy weapon that will be able to destroy our enemies faster and without harming innocent people," Captain William replied. "I hope we'll have it ready to use soon."

I looked at the drawings and diagrams of the project and realized that it was a powerful weapon.

"Good job Captain, what's the next step?" I asked for.

The captain replied: "Now we have to find a way to produce enough energy in large quantities to be able to use it..."

I nodded.

'This should be the initial prototype of the energy weapons used in the first Captain America movie, the Tesseract hasn't been found yet, so it's not possible to use them.

"Tell me, who gave you this blueprint." He said looking at the drawings in Captain William's hands.

"Actually it was a file sent from his base, by the Dr.Arnim Zola, he said that he wanted to cooperate and develop this project together." William said.

"I understand." I said and said goodbye.

As I made my way to another part of the base, I noticed some strange activity in the scientific research area.

I went to the laboratory and saw that there were several people working with microscopes and electronic equipment.

When I walked in, I saw that they were working on a project to create autonomous nanobots capable of airborne freely to gather information on enemy army forces.

I approached one of the scientists and asked him about the project.

"We are working on a new technology that will allow us to create autonomous nanobots, these little machines will be able to gather information about enemy army forces without being detected. We are using special materials to build them, such as carbon nanofiber and nanotubes."

I nodded my head understanding the importance of this project for Hydra.

I guess there are still a few years of development left, after everything, even if this is the marvel world, which is much more advanced than my original world, it's still 1942, so the technology is way behind, even if in the next few years it will get a big boost from the war, it's still too soon.

Then I went to the training area, where General James seems to be, he seems to be discussing something with the sub-captain in command.

I cautiously approached so as not to interrupt and listen to an interesting discussion.

"We are working on a new training program for soldiers, the goal is to create stronger and more resistant soldiers." Said the sub-captain.

General James nodded and said. "Yes, we want our soldiers to be able to fight the enemy forces without being defeated."

'Also deal with him easily..'

"Okay, so let's start the training program. What do we need?" General James asked.

"We will need a safe place for the soldiers where they can practice and improve themselves without being pursued by our enemies." The Sub-Captain responded.

"Understood, so we'll need a safe place away from the eyes of the enemy." The general said while he thought of something. "Ah! How will we achieve that?" I asked intrigued.

The sub-captain looked at me and said, "We are developing a drug that increases physical stamina, as well as military training to strengthen your combat skills."

"Oh, tell me about this." I said with interest.

"Tsk." General James growled in disgust, even if he knew how to hide it, he can't hide from the eyes of a super soldier, but I decided to ignore him, I'll take him out eventually.

"Well, the drug is a chemical compound that increases the levels of adrenaline and oxygen in the body to allow the soldier to last longer without getting tired."

"Military training will help soldiers improve their physical stamina, combat skills, and strategy. We are working hard to achieve satisfactory results." Said the Sub-Captain.

Military training will help soldiers to improve their physical resistance, combat skills and strategies, we are working hard to achieve satisfactory results," said the Sub-Captain.

"That sounds promising," I said, "how far along is the project?"

"We are working hard to finish it on time. The general wants the soldiers to be trained before the next mission." The Sub-Captain responded.

"So when can we start the training?" I asked for.

"As soon as we have the chemical compounds and the drug ready, we will be ready to start the training of the soldiers." General James replied with a bit of disgust, he still doesn't like Johann's goal, so he plans to cause some "accidents."

"By the way, next mission? What mission?" I asked for.

"Oh, it's a joint attack, we'll work with the other Hydra heads, the target is a United Nations base, lately they've been sticking their noses where they're not called for, we have to eliminate them as soon as possible." Said the Sub-Captain.

"...Why didn't I know about this?" I asked, I am the head in command now, nothing should happen without me finding out.

The sub-captain just unconsciously looked at General James.

"I forgot it." General James said as if it was something normal.

"Dont do it again." I said and left, but I turned before leaving.

"By the way, when will this drug be ready?"

"Probably in a week, sir?" Asked the Sub-captain confused by my question, I shouldn't participate, so I have no reason to ask, apart from the fact that I am the supreme leader, of course.

"Don't worry, start giving them high intensity training now, it will be better that way." I said and left.

I got to my office and sat on the desk seat, I must think about the plans for the future.

I mean, do I really want to rule Hydra? Or do I just want a peaceful life away from world control?

*Knock Knock*

The sudden noise snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Enters." Said.

"Sir, it's me, Heimlich." Heimlich said and entered the office.

"What's happening?" I asked for.

"I have good news, sir." Heimlich said as he smirked.

"Oh, what could that be..."

"I have made an appointment with Baron Strucker, tomorrow we can visit his base." Heimlich reported.

"Okay, good job, we have to prepare for that, call some soldiers from the main base, I need at least 200, have them watch the whole place and infiltrate every field, if anyone asks, say I ordered it." , then call the shadows, Heimlich, you are the shadow leader, don't let me down." I said firmly.

"Yes sir." Heimlich said and waved.

"You can go."

"Yes sir." Heimlich said and walked away.

"Okay, let's see what this guy has to offer..."


Meanwhile, in a place unknown to most, Baron Strucker was with some of his most loyal men.

"How is everything?" asked the Baron.

"Reporting sir, the foreign object is being analyzed sir, it appears to be a key to the world, it has a relatively old ornamental style, probably from the 1920s, the key seems to open any lock, here we have several doors, which come from various parts of the world, from America to Australia, all with a different style, even the new semi-digital locks." reported the investigator.

"Mm... I understand, start the experiment." ordered the young Baron Strucker.
