
Reborn as Red-Skull.

Reborn as the supreme leader, Red Skull aka Johann Smidth, in order to survive, a common soul of our land, he will turn the world upside down. . . . . Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/posts/75763196?utm_campaign=postshare_creator

Zeltrax_Rakasha · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Barón Strucker.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: Barón Strucker.


The next day.

I woke up because of Heimlich, who knocked on the door.

I quickly dressed and opened the door.

"Heimlich, what's wrong?"

"Sir, I have news, one good and one bad, which do you want to hear first?" Heimlich asked.

"Heimlich, stop those games, tell me quickly what happened." I ordered and started to walk out of the building towards the center.

"Last night there were some reports, apparently some United Nations investigators are around, if they find out, we'll be in trouble." Heimlich said as he reviewed the report in his hand.

"What is the number?"

"About a battalion, sir."

"Between 400 and 600, well, what's the other news?"

"Our reinforcements have already arrived, actually they informed us of the intruders, I have already ordered them to keep an eye on the enemies." Heimlich said and adjusted his jaws.

"Excellent. Good, then let's prepare a plan to get rid of them."

"Yes sir." Heimlich said and headed towards the center of the base.


When we arrived, before entering the meeting room, I asked Heimlich. "Tell me, what time will we leave for Baron Strucker's base?"

"You will still go, I don't think that it is the best time, I recommend that you..."

"Don't worry, let's just create a diversion, they'll leave when they find nothing." I said no worries.

"I understand, in that case, we can leave at 1:00 PM." Heimlich said.

"Good." I said and we entered the meeting room.

Captain William, General James, and other captains were waiting for us there.

"Very well, as everyone knows, the United Nations investigators are close, we must prepare a strategy to get rid of them." I said as everyone nodded.

"We'll send some of our men to create a diversion, we'll send planes, tanks, trucks, anything that catches their eye to get them out of here." General James said.

"No, that's very suspicious, something so conspicuous can't be easily ignored, we need something more discreet, something that led them to a dead end." I Said.

General James didn't seem too happy that I turn down his proposal, but he held himself back from saying anything.

"So what do you suggest?" Captain William asked.

"There wasn't a town nearby? Let's use that as a hook, maybe some conspiracy or…"

After that, we discussed for half an hour before we came up with a plan of action.

We decided to send some of our men to the nearby town to investigate and develop a detailed plan.

All to lead them to a dead end, where our men would be waiting for them.

We have to create a fake threat in the nearby town to divert the attention of United Nations investigators.

When everyone agreed to the plan, they left to start the preparations.

As I left the meeting room, Schatten joined us.

"Sir, I heard you plan to go to Baron Strucker's base, can I join you?" ask Schatten with interest.

"Mm... sure, but why? Why do you want to go?" I asked confused, he seems overly excited about this.

"Actually he and I were classmates at the Hydra academy, I just remember the old days." Said Schatten, apparently they used to be friends during the time they were trained at the academy.

"Okay, you can join me, come with me, I need to talk something with Dr.Wunder." I said and we left.

Meanwhile, with the General and Captain William.

"Gentlemen, the mission should start soon, please prepare everything so there won't be any problems." said the general.

"Yes sir, we will." They said in unison.

"Okay, how's the plan?" the General asked.

"The reconnaissance team has already left for the nearby town, according to their reports, the investigators have settled in some abandoned houses, keep their guard up and are not careless."

"We will spread rumors with the civilians to get them where we want, when the time comes, we will act." William said.


POV, with the Commander Smith.

We entered a German town to rest after several days of exploration, we were sent to investigate Nazi activity in this area, apparently there have been some suspicious activities recently, but so far, nothing has been discovered.

We entered the town and after some discussions with the warden, they let us settle in some houses abandoned by the war.

As I was walking down the street, I heard some murmurs among the people, they seem to be talking about some conspiracy, it seems that something is happening in the western area of ​​the town, something about groups of people wearing robes and heavy weapons.

"Oi, I even heard that someone saw that they had a tank, a tank!"

"Sigh, yeah, I heard about that too, I hope our little town doesn't turn into a war zone again..."


"Excuse me, can you tell me more about that?" I said as I approached them.

"Hu.?! You are?." asked one of them suspiciously.

"I'm the deputy commander of the United Nations, Subcommander Smith, I'm here to investigate those suspicious things that happen around here, can you tell me about it?" I said trying to gain his trust.

The older one doubted for a moment, he said. "Well… yes, a group of people in black robes with heavy weapons are gathering on the outskirts of town. We also heard that there is a tank over there, we don't know what they are planning."

"I understand, thanks for the information." I said and walked away from them, they didn't seem like they wanted to say anything else.

Now I have an idea of ​​what's going on, but I need to find out more.

I continued my investigation and found out that a powerful organization started operating here from a few months ago, I need to report this.

"Hey, report the situation, there is a suspicious organization that has been operating here for a few months, we need reinforcements immediately." I told my team.

"Understood, sub-captain, we'll signal the camp immediately." Said one of my soldiers.

Now we just have to wait for the result.

"We have to report this to the base immediately, if this organization is planning anything, it must be stopped." I told my companions.

"But how do we know it's not just a meeting? We don't know if they're planning something bad or not." Said one of the officers.

"We can't risk it, let's go back to Commander Brown, we need to launch an attack or at least explore the area." I said and started walking towards the camp.

When we got to the camp, we reported to Commander Brown what we had discovered.

"I understand, prepare the men, we will go to investigate the situation." Commander Brown said.

"Yes sir." They all said in unison.

Then Commander Brown came up to me.

"Subcommander Smith, you will lead this mission, I need you to find information about this organization and their plans." Commander Brown said.

"Yes sir." I answered and went to where my team was to prepare for the mission.

Meanwhile, Johann was in his modified car, next to his two musketeers of his.
