
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 14: The Essence of Chi

Embarking on the next chapter of their spiritual journey within the immortal realms, the Li family found themselves at the doorstep of a new, profound mystery: the mystical energy known as Chi. Guided by the whispers of the wind and the pull of their own spirits, they were led to Master Liang, a figure of serene composure and deep knowledge, whose presence seemed to radiate with the very essence of the life force they sought to understand.

"Welcome, seekers of the hidden path," Master Liang greeted them, his voice as soothing as the gentle flow of a mountain stream. "The journey you undertake now will reveal to you the Chi—the breath of the universe that flows through all things."

Li Jietang, always eager to learn, nodded with respect. "We've faced many challenges and learned much," he said. "But the mystery of Chi calls to us, promising a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves."

Li Mei, ever in tune with the energies around her, felt an immediate connection to Master Liang. "Is Chi the reason I feel so connected to everything around me?" she asked, her curiosity shining through her eyes.

"And can it help me finally win an arm-wrestling match against Li Jin?" quipped Li Enle, unable to resist injecting humour into the solemn introduction, earning a light-hearted chuckle from Master Liang.

"Yes, to both," Master Liang replied with a smile, appreciating the blend of earnest inquiry and levity. "Chi is the force that connects, empowers, and harmonizes. Your journey to master it begins now."

With that, the Li family stepped forward into this new phase of their journey, hearts and minds open to the lessons of Chi that awaited them, ready to explore the depths of the life force that binds the universe.

In the tranquil gardens of Master Liang's sanctuary, where the air seemed imbued with an ancient calm, the Li family gathered around the master to delve into the mysteries of Chi. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the scene, a perfect backdrop for the day's lesson.

"Chi," Master Liang began, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of ages, "is the vital force that sustains all life. It exists in dual forms—Yin and Yang. Harmony between these two forces is essential to balance oneself and the world around us."

Intriguing, Li Jietang leaned in. "So, balance is key. But how do we achieve it?"

"Through understanding and practice," Master Liang replied. "Let us start by sensing the Chi within us."

He guided the family through breathing exercises, instructing them to close their eyes and focus on the energy coursing through their bodies. "Breathe deeply," he said. "Envision Chi as a radiant light filling you, flowing from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes."

As they followed Master Liang's instructions, warmth and vitality enveloped them. Li Wei, always keen on practical applications, opened one eye and quipped, "Does this mean I can finally stay warm in winter without extra blankets?"

Master Liang chuckled at the comment, appreciating the light-heartedness. "Perhaps," he said, "but more importantly, you'll learn to warm your spirit, not just your body."

Li Mei, sensitive to the energies around her, was the first to voice her experience. "I can feel it... like a gentle stream, moving within me."

"Yes, that is Chi," Master Liang affirmed. "Now, let's learn to harness it."

He demonstrated a series of movements designed to cultivate and direct Chi. "These movements are not just physical exercises; they're a way to harmonize Yin and Yang within you, to channel Chi for health, vitality, and even healing."

The family mimicked Master Liang's movements, slowly at first, then with increasing confidence. As they did, the garden around them seemed to respond, the air vibrating with energy, the trees whispering secrets of balance and harmony.

Li Enle, always the adventurer, tried to speed through the movements. "Look, I'm a Chi turbo engine," he declared, spinning around.

"Slow and steady, Li Enle," Master Liang advised with a smile. "The flow of Chi cannot be rushed. It is a river, not a race."

Through Master Liang's teachings, the family began to understand the depth and power of Chi. They learned that balancing Yin and Yang was a philosophical concept and a tangible practice that could profoundly enhance their lives.

Under the verdant canopy of Master Liang's garden, the Li family delved deeper into the realm of Chi, transitioning from understanding its flow to mastering its application for healing. Master Liang, with a serene smile, introduced the day's lesson, promising a journey into the heart of nurturing energy.

"Chi," he explained, "harbours the potential to heal, to restore balance not just to the body but to the spirit. Today, you will learn to extend the healing essence of Chi beyond yourselves."

Wei Chu, whose compassion had always guided her family, listened intently, her heart resonating with the prospect of healing others. "To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear," she reflected, echoing the sentiment of the lesson.

Master Liang nodded, appreciating her insight. "Precisely, Wei Chu. Let us begin with the basics of directing Chi for healing." He demonstrated, placing his hands gently over a plant that had begun to wilt, focusing his energy. Within moments, the plant visibly perked up, its leaves brightening.

The family watched in awe, the possibility of such power within their grasp sparking a collective curiosity. "So, we can really do that?" Li Jin asked, scepticism warring with the evidence before his eyes.

"With practice and the right intention," Master Liang assured. "The key is to envision the Chi flowing from you into the object or person needing healing."

Eager to try, Wei Chu focused on a small, injured bird. She cupped her hands around it, not touching but close, envisioning a warm, healing light emanating from her palms. "Be well, little one," she whispered, pouring all her nurturing will into the bird.

Li Mei watched her mother's gentle concentration, feeling a swell of pride. "Mom's always had a healer's touch," she remarked softly to Li Enle, who nodded in agreement, his usual jests set aside for genuine admiration.

After several moments, Wei Chu opened her hands, and the bird, now revitalized, fluttered up into the trees. The family collectively gasped, marvelling at the tangible results of Wei Chu's focused intent and compassion.

"Your turn will come," Master Liang said, addressing the awestruck family. "Remember, healing with Chi requires purity of heart and clarity of intention. It's not just an act of will, but an act of love."

Inspired by Wei Chu's success and guided by Master Liang's wisdom, the family embarked on their healing practice with newfound determination. Through exploring Chi's healing potential, they discovered the capacity to mend physical wounds and soothe emotional scars, understanding that proper healing fosters balance and peace within and without.

As the Li family's journey with Master Liang progressed, they reached a lesson that bridged their newfound understanding of Chi with their martial arts mastery. With foundations already laid in the physical disciplines, Li Jin and Li Wei were eager to learn how Chi could elevate their martial skills.

"In martial arts," Master Liang began, his voice steady and commanding attention, "Chi serves as the bridge between the physical and the spiritual. It's not merely about enhancing physical strength; it's about harmonizing that strength with the essence of life itself."

Li Jin, always the thinker, pondered this. "So, integrating Chi into martial arts... it's about making every move count, not just physically but spiritually?"

"Exactly," Master Liang affirmed. "Let me demonstrate." With grace and precision, he executed a series of simple movements that were imbued with power. Each strike, each block, flowed seamlessly, powered by an invisible force that left the onlookers in awe.

Inspired, Li Wei attempted to mimic the movements, focusing on channelling Chi through his strikes. "It's like trying to dance with the wind," he remarked, half-joking yet fully immersed in the challenge.

Master Liang corrected his stance with a gentle touch. "Remember, the essence of using Chi in martial arts lies in intention and control. It's not about overpowering your opponent but aligning your energy with the natural flow of the universe."

As the brothers practised, they began to feel a subtle shift in their approach to martial arts. Each movement became a meditation, a way to connect with the energy that flows through all things. "I can feel the difference," Li Jin said, a note of surprise in his voice. "It's as if my actions are guided by something greater."

Li Wei, usually quick to grasp the practical aspects, found himself struggling with the concept of surrendering to the flow. "How do you let go and control simultaneously?" he asked, genuinely puzzled.

"It's like sailing," Master Liang offered, "You harness the wind, not by fighting it, but by understanding its direction and adjusting your sails accordingly. Your intention steers, but Chi propels."

Through Master Liang's guidance, Li Jin and Li Wei learned to weave Chi into their martial arts, discovering a depth of power and harmony they hadn't known before. This lesson taught them that true mastery wasn't about the force of their punches but the intention behind them and their connection to the life force that binds the universe. Their martial prowess was no longer just a skill but a dance with the essence of life, a balance of strength and serenity.

The exploration of Chi took a profound turn as Master Liang guided the Li family into the spiritual dimensions of this universal energy. In this realm, the boundaries between the self and the cosmos began to blur, revealing the interconnectedness of all existence.

"Chi binds us not only to each other but to the essence of the cosmos," Master Liang explained, his eyes reflecting the depth of the universe. "To cultivate your spiritual Chi is to deepen your connection to the universe and enhance your spiritual awareness and intuition."

Li Mei, who had always felt a deep connection to the world around her, was particularly moved by this lesson. "So, by understanding Chi, I can become more attuned to the universe's rhythms?" she asked, eager to explore this new dimension of her journey.

"Yes," Master Liang replied, smiling at her enthusiasm. "And through meditation, you can harness this connection, allowing you to perceive beyond the physical and into the spiritual."

As the family settled into a circle, Master Liang led them through a series of meditation exercises designed to open their minds and hearts to the flow of Chi. "Envision Chi as a golden light," he instructed, "flowing through you, connecting you to the earth below and the stars above."

The garden around them seemed to respond, the air vibrating with energy as they meditated. Li Mei, in particular, felt a profound sense of unity with the cosmos, her intuition heightened, her spirit soaring beyond the confines of her physical being.

Li Enle, ever the light-hearted presence, opened one eye during the meditation and whispered, "Do you think if I get really good at this, I could sense when dinner's ready from anywhere in the house?"

Despite the solemnity of the moment, his comment drew soft laughter from the family, a reminder of the joy that underpinned their spiritual journey.

As the meditation came to a close, Li Jietang shared his reflection. "I felt something... expansive like I was part of everything, and everything was part of me."


"Wei Chu, with tears in her eyes from the beauty of the experience, added, "It's like discovering a new sense of home, not as a place, but as a state of being."

Through Master Liang's teachings, the Li family learned to cultivate their spiritual Chi and discovered a deeper sense of purpose and connection to the universe. This lesson, rich in spiritual insight, gave them a profound understanding of their place in the cosmos and the power of their inner light.

As their time with Master Liang neared its end, he imparted one final, crucial lesson: maintaining balance in their Chi. "Like the harmony between day and night, your Chi must be balanced," he explained. "Excess or deficiency leads to disharmony, manifesting as ailments of both the body and spirit."

Li Jietang nodded, absorbing the gravity of the words. "So, our journey with Chi... it's about continual adjustment, like walking a tightrope."

"Exactly," Master Liang affirmed. "Balance is not a destination but a perpetual state of motion, a dance with the energies of life."

Reflecting on their journey, Li Mei shared, "It feels like learning to listen, not just to the world around us, but to the energies within us."

Wei Chu, always the family's heart, added, "And it's a journey we take together, supporting each other in finding our balance."

Li Enle, with a playful grin, chimed in, "I guess it means you cannot skip meditation for extra dessert, huh?"

The family laughed, their bond strengthened by the shared journey. As they prepared to continue their journey, they understood mastering Chi was a lifelong pursuit of balance. This path required not just understanding but continuous practice and self-awareness.