
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 13: Wisdom of the Ancients

Fresh from their martial arts mastery, the Li family's journey took them deeper into the heart of the immortal realm, a place where time seemed to stand still and the air pulsed with the wisdom of ages. It was here they met the Elders, enigmatic beings whose presence was as vast and ancient as the cosmos itself. The air around them shimmered with the echoes of a million lifetimes, each whisper a testament to their eternal vigil over the universe.

"Welcome, travellers of the mortal coil," greeted one Elder, their voice a gentle cascade of timeless knowledge. "You stand at the threshold of understanding, at the dawn of a journey that transcends the physical realms."

Li Jietang, with a respectful bow, responded, "We are humbled by your presence and eager to learn from the depths of your wisdom."

Wei Chu, her eyes reflecting the starlit wisdom of the Elders, added with a warm smile, "We seek not just knowledge but the understanding to use it wisely."

Li Mei, always quick to sense the deeper currents of emotion, felt a stirring of awe and anticipation. "What mysteries do the ages hold for us?" she pondered aloud, her voice tinged with excitement.

Even Li Enle, the youngest, couldn't resist adding his own blend of humour to the momentous occasion. "Do you guys also have ancient secrets on how to never get old? Asking for a friend," he quipped, eliciting a rare, amused chuckle from the timeless beings.

The Elders, undisturbed by the jest, simply smiled a gesture that embraced the family's diverse emotions and curiosity. "The wisdom of the ancients is vast," they intoned, "spanning the fabric of creation, from the whisper of the wind to the dance of the galaxies. Prepare yourselves, for what you are about to learn will illuminate not just your minds but your souls."

And so, under the watchful gaze of the Elders, the Li family prepared to delve into mysteries that had shaped the universe, ready to absorb the ancient wisdom that had guided countless civilizations before them. This was to be a chapter of revelation, challenging everything they knew about life, the universe, and their place within the cosmic tapestry.

As the Li family gathered around the Elders, the air thick with anticipation, they were introduced to their first profound lesson: the nature of reality. The Elders began, "What you perceive as reality is only a reflection, a mere surface of deeper, infinite truths that pulse at the heart of existence."

Li Jietang, ever the pragmatist, furrowed his brow in contemplation. "So, our understanding of the world is... incomplete?" he ventured, seeking clarity.

"More than incomplete," an Elder corrected gently, "It's a shadow of the vastness that truly is. The physical world is intertwined with the spiritual, each reflecting and informing the other."

Wei Chu, with a serene expression, embraced this concept. "It's like the soul of the world is whispering to us, and we've only just started listening."

Encouraged by the Elders, Li Jietang and Wei Chu began a meditation guided by the ancient beings. As they delved deeper into their consciousness, they felt their senses expand beyond the confines of the physical realm. They experienced a profound connection to the web of life, where every breath of the wind and ripple in the water resonated within their very beings.

Li Jietang, a man of the earth, felt the heartbeat of the planet, a rhythmic, life-sustaining drum that echoed his own. "I can feel... everything. The flow of rivers, the growth of trees... it's all part of us," he shared, his voice laced with wonder.

Wei Chu, tears of joy glistening in her eyes, found herself in a dance of energy with all living things. "Every life, no matter how small, share the same spark. We're all woven from the same cosmic fabric," she realized, the depth of the connection overwhelming her.

Li Mei, witnessing her parents' transformations, felt a surge of emotion. "You've always taught us to respect all life, and now you're truly living that lesson," she said, her pride and love for her parents shining through.

Even Li Enle, usually quick with a joke, was moved by the depth of the experience. "So, if I'm connected to everything, does that mean I can blame the universe for not cleaning my room?" he quipped, lightening the mood with his humour.

The meditation session ended, but the lesson forever changed them. They had glimpsed the infinite and understood that reality was not just what was seen but also what was felt on a deeper, spiritual level. The Elders had not just taught them about the nature of reality but also how to see the world and their place within it with new eyes.

As the Li family settled into the rhythm of learning under the Elders' tutelage, they were introduced to their second profound lesson: the illusion of time. "In the realm of the spirit, time as you understand it does not exist," began one Elder, their voice echoing softly in the space between worlds. "What you perceive as past, present, and future are merely different points on a vast, endless continuum."

Li Jin, always seeking clarity, furrowed his brow. "So, you're saying time is... what, exactly? A flat circle?" he asked, trying to grasp the concept.

"It's more like a spiral," corrected another Elder, "ever-expanding yet connected at every point. Each moment is not sequential but simultaneous, existing eternally."

Li Mei was chosen to experience this lesson firsthand. Guided by the Elders, she embarked on a spiritual journey that transcended the boundaries of the physical universe. She found herself adrift in the cosmos, where she witnessed the majestic dance of creation and destruction—the birth and death of stars, galaxies spinning into existence, and collapsing into oblivion.

"Each end is but a beginning," whispered an Elder's voice in her mind. "The cycle of life and death, creation and destruction, is the very pulse of the universe."

Li Mei watched, awestruck, as new stars were born from the remnants of old ones, a never-ending cycle of renewal. "So, nothing truly ends," she realized, "it just transforms."

Back with her family, Li Mei struggled to put her experience into words. "It was like watching the universe breathe," she said, her eyes wide with wonder. "Time didn't pass; it simply... was."

Li Enle, ever the joker, lightened the moment. "So, no need to worry about being late ever again, right?" he quipped, eliciting smiles from the family.

Wei Chu, reflective, added, "This journey shows us that our worries about time are misplaced. We're part of something eternal."

The lesson of the illusion of time profoundly impacted the Li family, especially Li Mei, who had witnessed the eternal dance of the cosmos firsthand. They came to understand that their lives, their struggles, and their joys were part of a much larger, timeless tapestry. This realization didn't diminish their daily experiences but instead lent them a deeper significance, knowing they were part of the universe's endless cycle.

The third lesson from the Elders revolved around the intricate dance of fate and free will, a concept that resonated deeply with the Li family. "Fate may set the stage," intoned an Elder, "but it is your choices that script the play of your life. Each decision, no matter how small, reverberates through the fabric of existence, shaping your destiny and the world around you."

Li Jin, a natural strategist, was intrigued. "So, we're authors of our own stories, even if fate outlines the plot?" he queried, trying to align this with his understanding of cause and effect.

"Exactly," confirmed the Elder. "The power of choice is your greatest freedom and heaviest burden."

Li Wei, always reflective, added, "It's like being in a maze where every turn we take leads us to new crossroads."

To internalize this lesson, Li Jin and Li Wei were subjected to a series of trials designed to test their morals and decision-making. In one trial, Li Jin had to choose between a seemingly beneficial outcome for himself that would disadvantage others and a difficult path that would benefit the greater good.

As he weighed his options, Li Jin realized the depth of the lesson. "My choice here," he murmured, "it's not just about what I gain or lose, but about the kind of person I want to be." Opting for the path of a greater good, he felt a profound sense of peace, understanding that true strength lay in making choices that align with one's deepest values.

Li Wei encountered a trial where he had to navigate a scenario fraught with moral ambiguity, testing his ability to remain faithful to his principles in the face of uncertainty. "What's right isn't always clear," he reflected afterwards, "but that doesn't absolve us of the responsibility to choose."

Later, gathered around a fire, the brothers shared their experiences with the family. "Every choice felt like a ripple across a pond," Li Jin said, his voice tinged with newfound wisdom.

Li Wei, thoughtful, added, "It's daunting, knowing how much our choices matter. But it's also empowering."

Their mother, Wei Chu, wrapped an arm around each of them. "You've both shown great courage today," she said, pride evident in her voice. "Remember, the strength of a family, like the strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other."

Through these trials, Li Jin and Li Wei learned not just about the power of choice but about the responsibilities that came with it. This lesson, challenging yet illuminating, deepened their understanding of themselves and their place in the universe, forever shaping their approach to life's myriad crossroads.

The Elders' fourth lesson unfolded beneath a canopy of stars, where the vastness of the universe was laid bare, a glittering testament to the interconnectedness of all existence. The family gathered, their hearts open to receive wisdom that promised to reshape their understanding of reality.

"Consider the stars," began an Elder, gesturing towards the heavens. "Each light seems solitary and distant. Yet, each is part of a grander constellation, contributing to the whole. So it is with all existence. Separation is the illusion; unity is the underlying truth."

Li Enle, youthful and spirited, pondered this. "So, like, when I do something, it's not just about me?" he asked, trying to grasp the vast implications.

"Exactly," the Elder replied. "Your actions, your thoughts, even your dreams, send ripples across the cosmos. You are a part of everything, and everything is a part of you."

To embody this lesson, Li Enle was guided through meditation, visualizing his actions as ripples in the cosmic pond. He saw how a single act of kindness could propagate, touching lives far beyond his immediate sphere, reinforcing the lesson's weight and the responsibility it entailed.

"This is... overwhelming," Li Enle admitted after the meditation, a mix of awe and apprehension in his young voice. "I've never thought about it like this. My choices, they're part of something bigger."

Li Jietang, moved by his son's insight, placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's a profound responsibility," he agreed, "but also a gift. To know that we contribute to the cosmos with every breath, every decision."

Wei Chu, ever the emotional core of the family, added, "It teaches us compassion, to see ourselves in others and others in ourselves. We're woven from the same cosmic fabric."

The lesson of unity and separation deeply resonated with the Li family, particularly with Li Enle, who had always viewed life through the lens of his immediate experiences. Understanding his place in the vast tapestry of existence, he felt a newfound sense of responsibility towards the whole.

As they shared their thoughts and feelings under the starlit sky, the family realized that this lesson was not just about understanding the universe but about understanding their role within it. They embraced the truth of unity, carrying forward the Elders' wisdom, committed to living in a way that honoured the interconnectedness of all things.

As their time with the Elders drew close, the Li family gathered, enveloped in a profound sense of unity and anticipation. The final revelation awaited the essence of true strength, a lesson that would encapsulate their entire journey in the immortal realm.

"The strength you seek," an Elder began, their voice resonating with the depth of ancient wisdom, "is not found in dominion over others but in the dominion over oneself. True strength lies in the heart that serves the greater good, in the spirit that seeks harmony over conquest."

Li Jietang, reflecting on their transformative journey, shared, "We came seeking the strength to protect, to fight. But we've found something much deeper—the power of understanding, compassion, and connection."

Li Mei, with a gentle smile, added, "It's like discovering a new sense of sight. We see not just with our eyes, but with our hearts."

The twist came when Li Enle, usually the family jester, voiced a thought that surprised everyone: "So, if I get it right, being strong isn't about lifting heavy stuff or beating the bad guys. It's about lifting each other up and beating our own flaws."

The family laughed, the warmth of their shared understanding and love filling the space around them. They realized that the wisdom of the ancients, the lessons of unity, choice, reality, and time, had not just equipped them with knowledge but had transformed their very beings.

"We carry forward not just the skills of martial arts," Wei Chu mused, "but a legacy of wisdom, a commitment to serve and uplift."

The revelation of true strength, the mastery over oneself, and the dedication to the greater good became the cornerstone of their existence. As they prepared to leave the realm of the Elders, the Li family knew they were returning to their world as bearers of a profound ancient treasure, one that surpassed any physical prowess: the treasure of enlightened spirit and the resolve to make a difference.