
Rebirth in Wilderness

Li Mei has been reborn. She was a senior high school student and used to be bullied at school and at her part-time work. The day she rebelled is the day she was murdered. After being reborn, she is a farmer's daughter in Qinxi, ancient China and her family is bullied by the whole village. She has 3 siblings: 2 elder brothers and 1 younger brother. After much bullying, the whole family is chased from the village and takes refuge in the mountains. There, they manage to discover a cave that opens the door to an immortal world. They learn martial arts and gain strength and knowledge. But they can only stay for 20 years and move back to their old village. 20 years in the immortal world are 2 days in the village world.

WeiAnji · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 15: Trials of Strength

As the dawn's first light crested the horizon of the immortal realm, casting a serene glow over the landscape, the Li family stood poised at the edge of a new beginning—the final phase of their journey: the Trials of Strength. Master Liang, a figure of wisdom and calm, addressed them with a solemn yet encouraging tone. "Ahead of you lies the ultimate test of your journey here, a series of trials that will challenge your mastery over Chi, your prowess in martial arts, and the depth of your spiritual understanding," he intoned, his gaze lingering on each family member.

Feeling the weight of the moment, Li Mei stepped slightly forward, her resolve firm. "We are ready," she declared, her voice carrying a mix of determination and the underlying current of her deep connection to Chi. Her family stood united beside her, each member reflecting a unique blend of anticipation and resolve.

Li Jietang, the family's pillar, shared a determined look with Wei Chu, his partner in both life and this journey. "Whatever comes, we face it together," he stated, a silent vow hanging between them.

Li Jin and Li Wei exchanged a brief, competitive glance, their sibling rivalry giving way to a shared focus on the challenges ahead. "Let's show them what we're made of," Li Jin murmured, half to his brother, half to himself.

And Li Enle, ever the source of light-hearted relief, couldn't resist adding, "As long as there's no written exam, I think we'll do just fine."

Master Liang offered them a gentle smile, reassured by their unity and spirit. "The Trials of Strength are not just a test but a reflection of your journey and growth. Trust in yourselves and each other," he advised, his words a beacon as they stepped forward into the unknown, ready to embrace whatever lessons and challenges lay ahead in the trials.

As the Li family entered the Labyrinth of Shadows, the air thickened with anticipation and unease. The labyrinth, a sprawling maze constructed from ancient, whispering stones, seemed to breathe, its shadows dancing and twisting into strange and familiar forms.

"This place," Li Mei murmured, her voice steady despite the eerie atmosphere, "it's alive with our fears."

Master Liang had warned them: the labyrinth was no ordinary maze. Its paths were filled with living shadows, each manifesting the fears and doubts that lurked in their hearts. "Remember," he had said, "to navigate through is to confront what you carry within."

Li Jietang, ever the protector, tightened his grip on the wooden staff he'd been given. "Stay close," he instructed, his gaze darting around the shifting walls.

It wasn't long before the shadows began to take form. Li Wei's shadow morphed into a towering figure, embodying his fear of inadequacy beside his siblings. "Great, even my shadow has a growth spurt," he joked, trying to mask his apprehension with humour.

Li Jin faced a shadow that mirrored his competitive nature, challenging him at every turn. "I suppose this means I should ease up on the sibling rivalry," he quipped, though the realization struck a deeper chord.

Wei Chu's shadow whispered doubts about her ability to protect and nurture her family, a fear that had quietly haunted her. "We nurture with love, not just with strength," she reminded herself aloud, her words bolstering her resolve.

Li Enle, the youngest, watched as his shadow darted away, embodying his fear of being left behind. "Hey, wait up!" he called after it, half-joking, yet his voice betrayed a hint of genuine concern.

Leading them through the labyrinth, Li Mei's intuition shone brightly. She sensed the ebbs and flows of the maze, her connection to Chi guiding her steps. "The shadows may dance," she said, her voice a beacon in the dim light, "but they cannot lead us astray if we face them together."

With Li Mei at the helm, her calmness and clarity piercing through the darkness, the family learned an invaluable lesson: confronting their fears was not to fight them but to acknowledge and understand them. Laughter, light-hearted jokes, and shared looks of encouragement bound them tighter as they navigated the maze, not just as a family but as a united front against the shadows of doubt.

Emerging from the Labyrinth of Shadows, they were not the same people who had entered. They had faced their fears and doubts and, in doing so, found a deeper strength within themselves—a strength forged from vulnerability and trust.

Upon emerging from the Labyrinth of Shadows, the Li family was greeted by the sight of the Bridge of Visions, an ancient structure arching across a chasm filled with swirling mists. Master Liang had spoken of this trial; the bridge would confront them with visions of potential futures shaped by their deepest fears and hopes.

As they stepped onto the bridge, the air shimmered, and visions began to materialize before their eyes. Li Jietang saw a future where his leadership led the family to safety and prosperity but at the cost of personal sacrifice. "Is it my burden to always choose between my happiness and my family's?" he pondered aloud, his voice heavy with the weight of potential futures.

Wei Chu's vision was warmth and unity, yet shadowed by the fear that her nurturing might smother rather than support. "Can my love become a cage?" she whispered, a tremor of doubt in her heart.

Li Jin and Li Wei faced visions of rivalry that turned bitter, a path where their competition fractured the family. "Our strength lies in our bond, not in who stands tallest," Li Jin admitted, glancing at his brother, softening with newfound understanding.

Li Enle, the youngest, saw a future where his jovial nature bridged gaps within the family, but also a fear of being seen as nothing more than the clown. "I want to be taken seriously, too," he said, a mix of determination and vulnerability in his eyes.

Li Mei faced the most challenging vision. She saw herself at a crossroads, one path leading to a future where her compassion saved a village from despair and another where her strength became a beacon for her family in a time of crisis. The choice was hers, and with it, the realization that strength and compassion were not mutually exclusive.

"I've always believed that to be strong, one had to choose between the heart and the fist," Li Mei reflected, her family gathered around her, watching the visions fade. "But true strength lies in knowing when to use each."

The Bridge of Visions tested them not with physical obstacles but with the emotional and moral weight of their choices. As they crossed to the other side, the family felt a deeper bond forged not just by shared blood but also by shared struggles and dreams.

"Whatever the future holds," Li Mei concluded, her resolve clear, "we face it together, with compassion and strength in equal measure." Her family nodded in agreement, their journey across the bridge leaving them with a profound understanding of their choices' power and their bond's unbreakable unity.

The third trial awaited the Li family in the Arena of Elements, a vast circle surrounded by statues representing Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. As they stepped into the arena, the elements came to life, manifesting as formidable opponents, each embodying its respective element's raw power and essence.

"Looks like we're in for quite the elemental dance," Li Jin quipped, eyeing the swirling figures of air and the crackling form of fire with a warrior's appraisal.

Li Wei grinned, bouncing on his toes. "I call dibs on Water. Always wanted to try surfing," he joked, though his eyes shone with the thrill of the challenge ahead.

Master Liang's voice echoed in their minds, a reminder of their training. "Remember, balance and harmony are key. Work together, and let your Chi guide you."

As the battle commenced, Li Jin and Li Wei took the lead. Li Jin's movements were as fluid and adaptable as Water engaged the Fire opponent, using his understanding of Chi to counteract the intense heat with cool, calculated strikes. With the earthiness of his stance, Li Wei faced off against air, his solid presence a grounding force against its attempts to unsettle him.

Li Mei, her deep and intuitive connection to Chi, sensed the ebb and flow of the battle, guiding her family with shouts of encouragement. "Use the element's strength against it!" she called out, her advice helping Wei Chu as she faced Earth, using its solidity to redirect its force.

Wei Chu, embodying the tranquility of Water, flowed around her opponent's attacks, her movements a dance of peace amidst the chaos. "Water teaches us flexibility," she reminded herself, her form a testament to the adaptability they had all learned.

The trial was a test of their martial skills and their ability to work as a cohesive unit, blending their strengths and compensating for each other's weaknesses. Li Enle, usually the family's light-hearted spirit, surprised everyone by intuitively using his agility to create openings for his siblings, his actions a crucial pivot in their strategy.

As the last opponent dissolved back into the elemental ether from which it came, the family stood together, panting and victorious. "Looks like we make a pretty good team, elements included," Li Enle said, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Li Mei looked around at her family, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. "It's more than just teamwork," she said, her voice steady and full of conviction. "It's our unity that makes us strong. Together, there's no element we can't face."

Their triumph in the Arena of Elements vividly demonstrated their growth, not just in mastering Chi and martial arts but also in deepening their bond as a family, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with balance, harmony, and a united front.

The fourth trial was the most introspective yet: The Mirror of Truth. Positioned at the heart of a serene glade, the mirror stood tall and ancient, its surface shimmering with an ethereal light. Master Liang cautioned them, "This mirror will reflect not as you see yourself but as you truly are. Embrace its truth."

As they approached, the air thrummed with a silent power tugging at the soul's deepest fibres. Li Mei, ever sensitive to the undercurrents of energy around her, felt a magnetic pull towards the mirror. "This is more than a trial," she whispered, her voice laced with awe. It's a gift."

One by one, the family members faced the mirror. Li Jietang saw a leader, steadfast and unwavering, yet his reflection also carried the softness of his love for his family, a reminder of his multifaceted role. Wei Chu's reflection revealed her nurturing heart, surrounded by the strength of her spirit, a testament to her belief that kindness is the most incredible power.

Li Jin and Li Wei, often caught in the throes of sibling rivalry, saw reflections that underscored their complementary strengths—Li Jin's strategic mind and Li Wei's adaptable nature. Together, they formed an unbeatable team, their competitive edge giving way to mutual respect and admiration.

Li Enle's reflection surprised him the most; amidst his jovial exterior, there lay a well of untapped potential, a reminder that his role as the light-hearted peacemaker was as crucial as any warrior's strength.

Then, it was Li Mei's turn. As she stepped before the Mirror of Truth, her reflection shone back at her, not just the young woman who had entered the immortal realm but a true leader, her eyes alight with the fire of determination and compassion. She saw herself as the protector, the guiding light for her family, her strength not derived from physical prowess but from the depth of her care and her unwavering resolve.

"I see you," she murmured to her reflection, acknowledging her role and the journey that had brought her here. "I accept you."

Turning to her family, Li Mei's eyes brimmed with emotion. "We each have our strengths, our roles. Mine is to lead, to protect, to unite."

Her family gathered around her, their expressions a mix of pride and newfound understanding. "And we stand with you," Li Jietang affirmed, the family's bond stronger than ever.

The Mirror of Truth, in revealing their deepest selves, had not just challenged their perceptions but had affirmed their identities, strengthening their resolve to face whatever lay beyond the trials together.

The culmination of their trials awaited the Li family at the base of a towering mountain known as the Summit of Unity. This mountain was no ordinary climb; it was said to shape itself according to the strengths and weaknesses of those who dared its ascent, making it the ultimate test of unity and resolve.

As they stood at the foot of the mountain, Li Mei took a deep breath, feeling the weight of leadership settle upon her shoulders. "This mountain," she said, turning to her family, "is not just a climb. It's a reflection of our journey together. We'll face it as we've faced everything: together."

Li Jietang placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. "Lead the way, Li Mei. We're with you, every step."

The climb began with a gentle slope, but soon, the path grew steeper. The mountain seemed to anticipate their strategies and counter them with obstacles tailored to challenge their individual fears and doubts.

Li Wei, always adaptable, found himself navigating a segment that shifted beneath his feet, requiring him to constantly change tactics. "Feels like dancing on quicksand," he joked, though his concentration was evident.

Li Jin encountered walls that demanded physical strength and strategic thinking to overcome. "Every challenge," he mused aloud, "is a puzzle waiting to be solved."

Wei Chu and Li Jietang faced a path that grew increasingly narrow, reminding them of the balance between their roles as protectors and nurturers. "Our strength lies not in forging ahead alone," Wei Chu whispered, "but in walking side by side."

Li Enle's laughter echoed as he tackled obstacles with youthful exuberance, turning each challenge into a game, reminding his family of the lightness in their journey.

But it was Li Mei who faced the greatest test. The path before her split into two, one paved with roses, the other with thorns. Her heart knew the easier path was not theirs to take. "The roses are tempting," she admitted, her gaze fixed on the thorny path. "But true unity and strength come from facing the thorns together."

With Li Mei leading, her compassion and strategic mind lighting their way, the family chose the path of thorns. It was arduous, each step a testament to their resolve, but it was their path, one they walked together, their unity their greatest strength.

At the summit, the family stood hand in hand, hearts full, as they looked out over the realm. They had climbed a mountain and risen above their doubts and fears, united stronger than ever.

Li Mei, looking at her family's faces, felt a surge of gratitude. "This," she said, her voice breaking with emotion, "is the true summit of our journey. Together, there's nothing we can't overcome."

And in that moment, atop the Summit of Unity, the Li family found not just the end of their trials but the beginning of a new chapter, bound by love, strength, and an unbreakable unity.