
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
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716 Chs

Making A Name

Walking back to their place Xilo couldn't let Katrin off so easily.

"Surely you didn't tell Delfex about us just to test us."

"You're still stuck on that?"

"Yeah, so let's hear the reason."

Annoyed with Xilo's persistence Katrin gave up trying to move past it.

"Simple really, Delfex has been a pain in my side for a while. He's a part of the opposing faction that was against me being the Queen of this Country. The only difference with Delfex is he's trying to seize the throne for himself. He's attacked my people a few times over the years and interrupted trades. Out of everyone he's probably the most aggressive in trying to shut me down. I don't really know where he got that confidence but I figured I could use your grudge as free labour."

"Seriously...you're the worst."

Xilo couldn't believe what he was hearing for a moment, his life was used for something so petty.

"Eh, It worked out and you even captured two important pieces from him, being Hunter and Hazel. In the past it used to just be Hunter that I would watch out for however over the years Hazel had started to change. When she came to the yearly event I had confirmed just how stronger she had become. While they aren't the only tools he has, they could be bargaining chips or bait if used well."

"I'm already on that, I gave Delfex an invitation to the Royal Capital if he wanted them back. I have no plans to actually hand them over though."

Doing a double take Katrin thought she heard wrong for a moment.

"Oi, Xilo, you know how stupid that is right? You told one of your enemies exactly where to come. Delfex won't just walk into a trap so underprepared. If he's coming, he will be prepared and I won't be helping you. If the Royal Family gets involved in a Dispute like that it would be even worse for our reputation and give those scumbags more room to work with."

"I never expected any kind of help from you, don't worry. I'm also well aware of what I'm doing. You wanted us to make a name for ourselves and what better way is there to do that than fight and defeat the head of a major city. I'll use his name and defeat him to raise Xelix Fiery's popularity."

"You're overestimating yourself too much again."

"Ehh we'll find out in a few days, I doubt it'll take long for him to get here."

Katrin could feel her stress levels building up talking with Xilo by the minute.

"Fine, fine. I did say to do what you want. Just remember I'll be sending you off again very soon. So be prepared because you have a big mission ahead of you and lastly, let me ask you about the Astral Zone. How did that go?"


Not even knowing where to begin with that Xilo did his best to explain what happened to them. After explaining everything Xilo was met with multiple questions on how he took over an Astral Zone by Katrin that he refused to answer. "So persistent." She wouldn't take any of his explanations as an answer just like he thought. It got so bad Felli had to step in and help calm her Mother down. Silently thanking Felli, As well as mentioning he couldn't use any of its power's Katrin eventually dropped it as he tried to guide the conversation to another topic. Since everyone had already seen the place Xilo mentioned the Dragon's ruins, that seemed to catch Katrin's attention.

"So Xelfia is a Dragon, interesting. I assumed she wasn't a lizard but didn't go far as to think she was a nearly extinct race. I'm surprised that they had lived right below us for so long...I wonder how many escaped like her."

Looking back at the passed out Xelfia, Katrin's curiosity soared.

"Probably not very many, Xelfia was a rare case and please don't talk about this with other people. The Dragon's went into hiding for a reason and I don't need people hunting us for that."

"Eh, I'm good at keeping secrets and everyone here is also tight lipped as well, right?"

A unison of voices rang out as Katrin addressed them, nodding in approval they arrived at their Quarters. Walking inside Xilo let the injured go with Yana to get healed. The rest were dismissed besides Yulrin, Vandor, Keld and Raran. Going to a back room Xilo told Vandor to put the two knocked out bodies down against the wall. Crouching down Xilo made sure to chain them to the wall. "These chains will suppress their energy when they awake." This was to make sure none of them could escape, especially Hunter. Watching over from the side, Katrin wondered what Xilo was planning to do with them. "Surely, he wouldn't torture them right?" Her impression of Xilo never came off as that cruel, in fact he was kind of naïve. That thought persisted until she saw a hint of viciousness enter his grin as he looked at them.

"Oh, maybe he's not so soft after all."

Tapping her chin Katrin leaned against the wall and watched on, she wanted to see exactly what he would do with her own eyes. Pacing around them Xilo got Tearia to hand him a pill that would force them awake. Handing them over to Xilo, Tearia was slightly curious as to what he was doing as well but didn't ask. Shoving it down their throats with brute force Xilo didn't treat them delicately in the slightest. Slowly the world came back to them as their eyes opened up. Hazel felt cold cement touch her skin as she felt soar all over. "What the hell happened?" Her memories were a bit rough from before. Moving her arm's she felt herself get stuck, panicking Hazel looked around them room as she saw the Devil Glaring down at her.



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