
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
716 Chs

Her best Shot

"Enough of this nonsense."

Trying to stop herself from thinking of Xilo she watched as a green ball of Astral Energy was sent her way, blocking her lightning from moving any further. A little annoyed at not making any progress against her opponent she was forced to stay on the defensive as he soon came at her once again. Forced in this defensive position once again she felt her frustration build up with each attack she blocked. They weren't the fastest attack she had seen before but they all carried so much power behind each one that when they hit she felt her body shudder under the pressure. "Probably an Attack Path." Analyzing her opponents strengths she knew this was the way to get an advantage.

"His Astral Element is grass type and he's also Attack which means he's slow and powerful with some decent defenses. So how do I go about beating him with only one arm." the answer was simple really, all she needed to do was take advantage of his weakness in speed but she needed some breathing room for that to even happen and with Felli busy with her own trouble she didn't have any help. " If I get to far away he shrieks in our ears and if I'm too close he overwhelms me." Thinking it out in her head she tried to find out how to do this on her own.

"Maybe If I create a Field?" If she created a field of Lightning beneath their feet she would force him to move in the way she wanted him to. He could potentially ignore it but his defenses weren't strong enough to ignore all of her attacks. If things went right she would force him to make choices that put him in disadvantages regardless of what he chose. "Can I do it though is probably the bigger question." her main focus with her Grandfather had been using her Lightning inside her body not outside so this wasn't something she had much practice with especially on such a large scale however she didn't have much of a choice. It was the best thing she could come up with on the spot while on her own.

"ahhhh, screw it."

Using her arm she felt a weight crush into it as she stopped her opponent where he was as she leaked Astral Lightning into the ground. Feeling it travel along her body she made sure she had control of it as it left her. "It seems to be working." She still didn't have full control of it for long while it was inside her so outside was bound to be worse. Thankfully she didn't need very long, only a minute or two and she would be happy. "He isn't that stronger than me, there's just more working against me." With a couple good hits she would be in the clear. Drawing a line with Lightning she made a little box that surrounded the two of them as she raised its walls trapping them in.

"Good start." Encouraging herself she used that box and started to cut off his routes of escape as he finally noticed what was going on in his surroundings. Watching him for a second she waited to see what he would do in this situation. "Hmmm...Weird choice." Watching him not even try to break out of it left Tearia a little confused but she was happy about it. She was almost positive if he tried hard enough her wall would collapse in a short amount of time. "I'm not my Grandfather or her...." Attacking him from all sides she got her mind on track as her offense began.

"Nice thinking there Tearia." Smiling, she watched Tearia defend herself as she attacked the brown haired man in front of her that was slightly similar to the other man attacking Tearia. She could have already won this fight by now but she decided to let Tearia gain some practice. After her last display against those Astral Beasts she had a pretty good idea of what was going on in her mind at the moment. So regardless of her crippled arm Felli thought it would be best to let her get practice. "best to do this when I can actually help then when I can't." Besides she was still a tad bit tired from before so it was best she used as little power as she had to. "I don't think Xilo can beat Zilan and the other easily either..." So she also had to be ready for that or they were screwed.

If Zilan hadn't listened to her before then she doubted he would anytime soon and unfortunately Xilo was just too weak compared to him that he would need her help if he wanted to win. "However if Xilo can last against him at the Fourth Stage that's still impressive." Zilan was in the Sixth Stage last time she recalled and he might even be stronger now and that was a scary thought. "He grows so fast." He may be getting close to his Thirties but the speed at which he advanced his Astral Keeper's Path wasn't something to look down upon. "Such an ass." Cursing him in her mind she watched Tearia's fight from the side hoping the best for her.

"You got this, I know you do."

Jumping to the side as a plant attacked her Tearia sent down more bolts of lightning as she spread it along the floor without him noticing. Unfortunately for her though keeping all of this up was a lot harder then she had initially thought. "Such a volatile element." Grumbling in her mind she didn't have any room for mistakes as she dodged each attack that came her way. "Thankfully he takes a while to build them up, It seems he isn't as good with his Astral Energy as I had thought." That was her only saving grace in this scenario otherwise she would have been defeated already. Shocking him where she could she ignored the budding headache growing as she kept everything together. Things were taking their toll on her but she was getting somewhere with each second.

His Attacks and movements got slower with each hit as lightning built up in his body and soon the floor would be untraversable for him securing her victory. It was all just a matter of time now and with no more surprises she had this. "I actually fought someone on equal ground with me..." A little shocked she was able to actually put up a fight with her condition. She smiled ignoring the ease of such a situation and the weirdness that came with it. Meanwhile the black haired man slowly began to smile as he watched Tearia struggle to keep things up. "I think it's time." Grasping the air he watched as a giant ball of Astral energy floated in his hand before turning into tens of different plants and vines. He had been saving this up from the very beginning after remembering Zilan's words of advice. "Don't panic and stay calm." He had let the girl run a little dry as he saved up his energy for one all out attack and this is where this fight would end for her.

"You did your best."

Surprised by such a sudden change Tearia looked at the man as one word leaked out of her mouth with a tinge of fear.



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