
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter 41 : Motivation

The gang members , including kol, the four guards, and the deputy , were unable to resist Amon's orders and had no choice but to carry them out , so they crawled out of the office with pained expressions that they tried to conceal as much as they could , for fear that Amon would respond to them harshly if he did not like their sounds

With all of this happening in front of them , the women stared at Amon in awe and admiration , and their hearts could not stop beating rapidly

They suffered a lot at the hands of these scoundrels and almost lost their freedom forever because of them . They lived worse than dogs , if it had not been for Amon's intervention and his saving them

Therefore , they did not feel any pity for the gang members when they saw them being severely beaten or ordered to crawl out of the room despite their bloody and painful appearance . On the contrary , they loved watching it and felt that it was terribly exciting and gave them some salvation and comfort

Seeing the people who destroyed their lives , their families , and their happiness and turned them into hell , suffering in this way and in pain , made them feel that justice was being achieved before their eyes

After the last gang member left, Amon turned his gaze to the women seriously and told them

" You see , this is the world we live in even before the advent of mana "

" The strong eat the weak "

" The strong are feared and do whatever they want , while the weak live at the mercy of others "

" And believe me when I tell you that once Mana appears and people adapt to it and realize the power and Authority it gives to them , the situation will become much worse "

" People will never know what is happening in front of them , they will never get anything, and they will be at the mercy of the powerful "

" They will not have the opportunity to gain power and change their fates and they will be enslaved forever "

The women stared at him in astonishment , intense concentration and seriousness on their faces

They suffered greatly even with no superpowers or what Amon calls Mana

If certain individuals could secretly obtain this power and spread it , they could say that their fates and those of many others would become much worse than now , and many others like them would not even be able to stand a chance or hope of being saved

" This opportunity has come to you and you will not suffer again if you take advantage of it , but it will not be easy "

" To obtain the power you desire , you will suffer and go through many difficulties , but believe me , after you see where this choice will lead you , you will never regret making it "

The women's eyes sparkled after hearing Amon's words and imagining their fates , their lives , and their previous sufferings , and how Amon saved them with ease and splendor from it , and how their lives and situation would change for much better than they are if they followed him and believed his promises to them

Then several of the women clenched their fists while others' gazes hardened

They have made their decision and are now ready to face everything they will encounter to achieve their dreams and achieve their aspirations

" Heh , nice "

" Really nice "

" I admire your determination and your will and haw you did not lose it despite what you have suffered "

" I really made no mistake in saving you and giving you this opportunity "

" Believe me , you will remember this day in the future and you will never regret any decision you made in it after you see how your life will change afterward "

Amon smiled sweetly at the women

Amon has not yet realized that his impromptu decision to save the women because of his pity for their situation and his desire to give them an opportunity that they were deprived of , just as he and many others were deprived of in his previous life , and also his spontaneous naming of their future legion , will be known in the future as one of the most important events in the universe where it was the birth of one of the strongest armies in it

Then his kind and encouraging smile turned into a sinister smile that made many of them become a little captivated by his beauty , but at the same time they could not help but sense a bad feeling coming from it

" Okay , now we'll start training you "

The women suddenly became terrified as they remembered Amon training the gang members before

He saw their terrified faces and laughed and smiled at them kindly

" Do not worry , we will reach that stage , but it is still far away . If you think that the matter is harsh , you must know that in the future , any mistake and lack of preparation on your part will cause you to lose your life and even the lives of your comrades "

" This is not optional , as all human beings will be led into this kind of brutal life "

" So prepare your minds to live in this kind of world "

" Now , I will first work on building the basics of your bodies and movements "

" Watch me carefully "

" I need you to memorize this set of movements and perform them in the shortest possible time and with the largest number of repetitions "

Amon stood up straight , then bent his knees slightly and formed a diamond seal with his hands

Then he slowly changed the position of his feet and body ten times , while performing movements such as kicking , punching , and slapping while moving between these positions

His movements seemed similar to martial arts demonstration movements , but much more precise , stable , fluid , and even beautiful and deep