
Re : Rising In The Dark

For 165 years , Amon witnessed many global events that changed the fate of lots of people , and unfortunately he lost his opportunity to exploit it and lost his family and loved ones After an unexpected meeting when he was on the verge of death , Amon gets an invaluable opportunity to go back in time to the beginning of these changes Will his fate be as dark as it was in his previous life ? or will he achieve this time what he was unable to do and succeed in protecting his family and loved ones and building a safe haven for himself and them ? Important note: - Any similarity in events, organizations, characters, locations, and names with their counterparts in real life is coincidental, and the novel and its entire events are a figment of the imagination. - Also, the events on Earth will only be a small part of the entire story of the novel

Richmaster2000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Chapter 40 : The Supreme Law

A mature woman in her thirties suddenly spoke

" What about the authorities ? will they allow you to do what you want and act like this and act freely ? or will you work legally and turn the organization into some kind a private company ? "

Amon looked at her and saw her beautiful and sexy appearance , then praised her intelligence

" Thank you for your intervention , and I like that you understood the context of what was going to happen and thought things through so quickly "

Then his face became serious and he answered her

" The authorities ? The law ? Don't deceive yourself and get too busy with them . Look at your situation before I come to save you "

" Where were the authorities and the law before I saved you ? and where are they now ? "

" They are just formal organizations and rules to control people , and in front of those who have real power , they are nothing more than ink on paper and have no real impact "

" As for what we will do and how we will deal with them , do not worry . We will not stand out and show our actions or ourselves "

" We will work in the dark "

" The world will never feel our presence while we control many of its parts and at the same time remove some of the corrupt parts from it "

" We will start with the tumors represented by the Gangsters "

" We will eradicate it completely and treat it from its roots "

" We will rescue all those like you who suffered because of them and organize them to us while we will enslave the rest "

" Enslave them ? "

" Yes , we will enslave them "

" While we will act as a good organization and help many and will not harm others randomly , we will have no objection to doing so when it requires us to take strict measures , so prepare yourselves "

Amon stopped talking and let them process his words and organize their thoughts

After a while he continued

" For now , I will have to keep you in the building so that no one knows what happened here or even that I saved you until I control the entire gang "

" Then you will regain your freedom completely without making any noise while we will continue our secret work "

" Now , follow me upstairs "

Amon stepped in front of them and took them to the spacious office on the sixth floor

They all entered and when they saw the bloody corpses lying horribly all over the office , they were stunned

Amon continued to walk among the corpses quietly and brought a few more bottles of water , putting his blood in them and stirring them. Then he turned to Cole and the guards who had not left their previous places and ordered them coldly

" Give it to them , one dose per person "

They quickly approached him after hearing his words and then carried out his orders while the rest of the women stared at what was happening quietly

As soon as kol and the guards began giving them the dose , the gang members felt their wounds heal and their pain disappear , so they quickly got up from their places

They looked around and saw the women at the office entrance staring at them coldly and hatefully

They paid no attention to them and continued looking around the room

As soon as they found Amon and saw his cold appearance staring at them, they trembled and hid their heads in fear of him

" Did you see ? "

" This is what I was talking to you about "

" The law will not benefit you or protect you from people like these hyenas "

" Only an iron fist will defend you and give you the ability to truly protect yourself and your lovers "

All the women saw what was happening in front of them , especially the men's look of contempt at them , and on the contrary , haw they shuddered at Amun's look , and after hearing his words they completely understood what he meant by them

" Now you will see how the true and permanent laws of the universe works , and I hope you will take this experience as a good example of what you will have to do and how far it will take you "

Amon turned to the women and stared at them kindly and encouragingly before turning to the gang

" Heh , sixty-six pathetic pigs pretending to be tigers "

Amon mocked them and then ordered them

" All of you attack me with all your brutality and with greater coordination than before "

" If I don't like it , I will torture you much more than you can imagine "

They shuddered as they remembered what they had been through and stared at each other , tacitly agreeing to do their best to please this monster that had taken control of them

As for trying to defeat him and get rid of his restrictions on them , or even trying to disobey him , it never crossed their minds , as they all knew instinctively , immediately after taking their oath , that betraying him or trying to harm him as their master had become simply impossible for them

They quickly divided into small groups and began attacking him violently and ferociously

The women watched what was happening and did not understand why the gang members feared him and obeyed him

When they saw them surrounding him , they panicked and feared for his safety

But what happened next , which the gang members expected , surprised them

They saw Amon throwing the bodies of his attackers left and right and dodging their blows easily

Their fight continued for a while after which Amon finished off the last one of them

Amon and the women saw a bloody sight of corpses around the office that looked more severe than what they found when they first entered

Amon approached the person closest to him and gave him the healing potion

Then he ordered him to treat others and cooperate with them to treat everyone

Then continue repeating the process several times

The women were astonished the first few times , then they got rid of him and was replaced by intense admiration for Amon and his superior abilities

Then , after the tenth time , Amon did not treat the gang members and coldly ordered them to crawl to the third floor