
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Chapter 08


Please check out the Auxiliary chapter 'information'


{Age 743}

Korin and I are standing on the edge of the Tower, as Korin has told me he's going to gift me something.

Korin lifted his staff and shouted, "Flying Nimbus"

I looked at him in confusion, and he pointed towards something. Looking towards the direction he was pointing, I saw an enormous fluffy golden cloud drifting toward the Tower.

"Master, what is that," I asked in confusion.

"This is Nimbus cloud, it's a flying cloud you can use as a means of transportation," Korin explained, "But beware only those of pure heart can ride it,"

"Eh, I can fly using it," I said with confusion.

"Yes, now go pluck out a piece as big as you want from it," Korin gestured towards the enormous flying nimbus.

"Are you sure I can stand over a cloud," I inquired with some hesitance.

"Don't worry it's a magical cloud, you won't fall," Korin said with a chuckle.

"Alright, here goes nothing," I mumbled and took a deep breath.

I squatted a little and jumped towards the enormous golden cloud, and landed at the centre.

'Guess, I do have a pure heart' I thought and sighed internally.

After picking out a piece big enough for at least 6-7 people, I jumped over my new friend and hugged him tightly.

"Woah, it's so soft and fluffy," I said excitedly.

"You sure are greedy, kid," Korin said with a chuckle.

"You said I can take as much as I want," I retorted, "So I took it,"

"Hmm," Korin hummed, "Kid, do you remember about Roshi,"

"Yeah, your student from 293 years ago," I answered.

"If you want to train on the Lookout, you have to retrieve the power pole from Roshi," Korin explained, "So, go to Roshi, learn Martial Arts from him, and after your training finishes come back with the power pole"

"I understand, Master," I nodded.

"Roshi's Island is in that direction," Korin said and pointed in the direction.

"Is that his powerful aura I'm feeling in that direction?" I inquired.

"Yes, it's him, and I have already told you it's Ki, not aura," Korin replied.

"Oops," I replied with a childish laugh.

"I'm off, Master," I said with a bow, "I'll return soon,"

"Take care, Arlic," Korin said with a soft smile.

I nodded and directed my nimbus straight towards the direction of Master Roshi's Ki.

You must have some questions, right, like how I suddenly started sensing Ki, and what were the effect of Ultra Divine Water on me.

Okay, so let me explain, this magical water is so amazing that it practically enhanced all of my abilities, therefore I'm now able to feel other's Ki. I can also form Ki orbs now, although I'm not able to do it efficiently, as I still don't have proper control over my Ki.

Oh, also my magic reserves were increased by a huge margin, which means I can learn even more powerful magical techniques now.

Now back to the present, in my journey to be the strongest, my next power-up stop is Kame house. I was really surprised when I heard Korin mention that Kami wants to train me, I mean in the story Kami had completely lost hope in humanity. After all the war and killing we humans do, I'm pretty sure no god would love us, and Kami is the god of earth, so yeah go figure.

'Is it because I'm still a kid, and he can train me as a proper Guardian for Earth,' I speculated,

'As if I would accept being one,' I thought and shook my head

The job of Earth's Guardian was to watch over the earth and make sure nothing goes wrong. The worst thing about it is that it's too time-consuming, I will never get enough time to train myself. So yeah, sorry Kami, but I'll have to decline you.

By the way, I forgot to mention, but this Nimbus certainly flies fast, while we were conversing, I have already covered one third distance of the route towards the Kame house.

"Hey, nimbus, can you fly faster than your current speed," I asked my nimbus, and he wiggled a bit while making low squeaking sounds.

"Okay, then let me get ready," I said while petting the nimbus, I got in a comfortable position, then tightly grasped on nimbus.

"Okay, nimbus, full speed, that way," I said and nimbus wiggled in approval.

Nimbus then flew at its best speed, and I would say my decision of getting a good hold over nimbus was a really good decision. This cute golden fluffy cloud can fly faster than a Jet Plane, and that's why right now, I'm feeling like I'm sitting on top of a plane.

As soon as I reached the ocean, I decreased the speed and descended my nimbus low enough to be able to notice structures, Master Roshi's island was quite tiny, so I had to come down.

After flying for 10 min, I saw a small green dot in an all-blue ocean. Noticing the Kame house, I directed nimbus towards the island.

Reaching the island, I jumped off the Nimbus and send him back. I turned around hoping that Master Roshi would be standing there to welcome me, and all that was there to welcome me was silence.

I looked at the house in front of me, it was a small house with pink walls and a red roof, and just above the entrance in big words 'Kame House' was written in red colour.

I walked towards the door, thinking he must be in deep sleep, otherwise, how would he not have sensed my Ki coming towards his Island. I pressed the Bell a few times and waited for him to come running down and open the door.

I stood there like an idiot for five minutes pressing the Bell multiple times. I looked at the window on the side of the door and walked to it to peek inside.

When I looked inside, I saw Master Roshi sitting in front of the T.V. watching two women do aerobics while laughing and mumbling perversely.

'This man is called the Legendary Martial Arts Master,' I thought with a deadpan face,

'Nope, honestly, he's a Legendary Man of Culture,' I thought with a sage-like smile.

"Who are you," I heard a deep slow voice from behind

I turned around and saw a brown colour sea turtle sitting some feet away looking at me curiously. I walked towards the turtle with a smile and stopped about a metre away from him.

"My name is Arlic, Master Korin has sent me here to learn Martial Arts from Master Roshi," I introduced myself to the Turtle.

"Oh, so Immortal Korin has sent you," Turtle said in his deep slow voice, and I nodded in approval.

"I have been pressing the doorbell for more than five minutes, but Master Roshi hasn't come out," I said innocently, "Then, I tried to look inside from the window and saw him watching T.V."

"What, that old pervert must be watching something bad again," Turtle said getting angry.

Turtle started crawling towards the house, and I would say this guy sure is fast for a Sea Turtle. Turtle opened the door and entered the house.

"How did he open that door with those flippers," I said, confused at the miracle I just witnessed.

As I was pondering over the thing I just witnessed, I heard a loud outburst.

"Nooooooooooooo, Turtle, whyyyyyy," Roshi cried out, "You know that show comes only once a day,"

"Shut up, you old pervert, go and receive the guest outside," Turtle said angrily, "He's been standing outside for 10 minutes now,"

"Huh, Guest..." Roshi stopped mid-sentence.

When I heard Master Roshi stop mid-sentence, I understood he had sensed my Ki. Then I heard the sound of someone come running.

The door hastily opened again, and I saw Master Roshi come running out, he stopped some feet away and looked at me seriously, ready for any move I make.

Master Roshi is a bald old man, with a thick white fu Manchu Moustache and beard. He is wearing an orange T-shirt with white shorts, he has red sunglasses and a purple Turtle Shell on his back, but the most notable thing is that he is using a Dragon Ball as a pendant.

"Kid, who are you, why have you come here," Roshi asked seriously.

"Greetings to Master Roshi," I joined my palms and bowed, "My name is Arlic, and I have come here to learn Martial Arts from you,"

"Don't take me for a fool, kid, I can feel your enormous Ki," Roshi snorted, "Tell me why have you come here,"

"I'm telling the truth, Master Korin has sent me here to learn Martial Arts from you," I explained.

"Hmm, so you're saying that Korin has sent you here to learn from me," Roshi inquired.

"Yes, but my main task is to retrieve the Power-Pole from you," I replied.

"Hmm, Power Pole heh," Roshi repeated.

"Roshi, he's saying the truth," suddenly the voice of Korin entered my ears and from the reactions of Turtle and Roshi, they heard it too.

"Korin is that you," Roshi asked in disbelief.

"Yes Roshi, it's me, it has been decided that Arlic is going to train on the Lookout, so I have sent him to retrieve the Power-Pole from you," Korin explained, "Also, train him in Martial Arts while he's here,"

"Okay, as it's you, I'll keep your word and train this boy," Roshi said in approval.

"There you go, Arlic, just as I said," Korin said with a chuckle.

"Thank you, Master," I thanked Korin and then looked at Roshi, "See, I was telling the truth,"

"Hmm, I understand," Roshi nodded in approval, "But, kid, do you know that you have to complete a task if you want to learn from me,"

"Huh, what's it, tell me, I'll finish it in no time," I said with excitement.

"Ho-ho-ho, you have to bring me a ...."



Before Roshi could complete his words out of nowhere a thunder came and struck him. I closed my eyes due to the sudden flash and then opened them after a second to see the result.

Roshi was still standing, although now he was a bit charred, his clothes were black, they looked burned but were still in place, don't know how is that possible, but now I need to know where he gets these clothes from.

"Poof," Roshi let out smoke from his mouth, "I guess my request is denied,"

"Yes, it is," Korin's voice came from the sky, "Do you think I let you corrupt my innocent little Arlic, and let him become just like you,"

"Now, you'll be a good student and listen to your master's words," Korin said with a happy yet threatening tone.

"Yes, I will," Roshi said with his head low.

"And you, Turtle over there," Korin said addressing Turtle, "You have to make sure that Roshi doesn't do anything to corrupt Arlic,"

"If I got to know that you let Roshi corrupt Arlic, then keep in mind that I always wanted to drink some Turtle soup," Korin said with a happy tone.

Turtle instantly stood up on his back flippers and started shaking his head and front flippers while panicking.

"No, no, no, please don't eat me, I will keep an eye on Roshi," Turtle said hurriedly.

"Good, it should be that way," Korin said in approval.



Another thunder came crashing down on Roshi, and this time Roshi was… okay, he was still standing, and his clothes were also okay, I definitely need to find that place.

"But I didn't do anything this time, why did you strike me with thunder again," Roshi cried out looking at the sky.

"Oh, it wasn't me this time, it was Kami from the Lookout," Korin replied, "He said this was just a warning shot, and he'll always keep an eye on you,"

"Sigh," Roshi let out a very deep heavy painful sigh, "I'll never lose my Virg…,"



"What was that Roshi," Korin inquired with a happy tone.

"Ho-ho-ho, I said, I'll never let my new student lose to the Dark side," Roshi said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Good, that's better," Korin said with a chuckle, "And Turtle remember, Turtle soup, okay,"

"Ahh, yes," Turtle said while shivering to his core.

"Okay, Arlic, train well," Korin said with a soft tone.


{Current Power Level - 310}


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