
Chapter 09


Please check out the Auxiliary chapter 'information'


{Age 743}

Roshi and I are currently sitting facing each other inside his house. Turtle is sitting on the left side, and he's glaring at Roshi very intently. Roshi has changed his burned clothes and is currently wearing his Martial Arts suit.

"Ahem," Roshi broke the silence by clearing his throat and then spoke, "Now that it has been decided that I'm going to be your Master, let us have a formal introduction,"

"My name is Roshi, and I'm famous by the name of Turtle Hermit," Roshi introduced, "I'm 313 this year and I have been training in Martial Arts for 295 years"

"I'm Turtle, and I'm 980 years old," Turtle said happily.

"My name is Arlic, and I'm 10 and half years old," I introduced myself, "And my goal is to be the strongest human ever,"

"Hmm, great goal," Roshi said while nodding, "But, you have to train hard to reach the position of strongest,"

"I'll do my best, Master," I replied with determination.

"Good," Roshi nodded, "Then, how about we leave for nearby Island,"

"Nearby Island?" I repeated in confusion.

"Ho-ho-ho, as you can see, the island we are on right now does not have enough space for us to train, so we will go to the nearby bigger island and train there," Roshi explained.

"I see, then when do we leave master," I inquired.

"He-he-he, There's a show that's about to start..."



Roshi was stopped mid-sentence by a tight slap on the back of his head by Turtle.

"I mean we'll leave now," Roshi said in a very depressed tone with his head still low.

'Poor, guy,' I thought as I felt bad for the old pervert.

We then got out of the Kame house, and Roshi then went towards the side of the house and pressed a button there.



With a loud poof sound and some smoke, the house turned itself into a capsule.

"Woah, Master, how did you do that," I asked with stars in my eyes.

"Hmm, have you never seen Hoi Poi Capsules," Roshi asked me with some doubts.

"No, I have never seen something like this," I replied.

"Hmm," Roshi walked towards the house Capsule and picked it up, "This is called the Hoi Poi Capsule, they are made by Capsule Corporation,"

Roshi then took out a small box from his pocket and showed it to me, there were multiple capsules inside it, "You see there are different types of Capsules, and they contain different types of Objects,"

He then walked towards the beach, and picked a red colour capsule from his case then pressed the button on top of it, and threw it into the sea.



With smoke and a loud boom, a small hovercraft appeared in the place where Roshi threw the Capsule.

"This Capsule contained a hovercraft, and like this, there are Capsules for different vehicles," Roshi explained.

"I see," I nodded in acceptance, "After I finish my training, I'll go to Capsule Corporation to get myself a capsule with a Big house inside it,"

"Ho-ho-ho, sure, sure, you should," Roshi said with a laugh

"Okay, now, get into the boat, so we can leave," Roshi said to me.

"Master, why don't we go there on my Nimbus, it will take us there faster than a boat," I suggested.

"Oh, but I don't think all of us will fit on a small Nimbus," Roshi said while averting his eyes.

"It's okay Master, my Nimbus is quite big," I said with a smile and then yelled "NIMBUS"

As I yelled, I noticed a small golden dot flying in the sky at high speed and making high wind sounds.



While making high winds sounds, my golden fluffy friend came straight in front of me and stopped.

"Whoa, your Nimbus is sure big," Roshi exclaimed in surprise.

"Okay, everyone, hop on," I said and jumped over my Nimbus.

"Little help," Turtle said helplessly while looking at me.

"Oh," I jumped down and then carried Turtle onto Nimbus.

"Come on, Master," I said to Roshi.

Roshi then walked towards the hovercraft and turned it back into a capsule, then came back to the nimbus.

"Here goes nothing," Roshi murmured and took a deep breath.

Roshi jumped to get on the Nimbus and landed beside Turtle, then… passed through the Nimbus and fell on the ground.

"Ouch, my back, my back," Roshi cried in pain while rolling around.

I shifted my Nimbus a little forward and looked at Roshi with a deadpan face.

"Master, you're not a pure-hearted person are you," I said to him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, he's an old pervert," Turtle retorted.

Roshi stood up and looked down in shame.

"Sigh," I sighed and said, "Let me think of something,"

After thinking for a minute I came up with an Idea,

"Master, get on top of Turtle," I said with confidence in my idea.

"Huh, on top of Turtle, wouldn't he fall with me," Roshi inquired

"Nope, he won't, Turtle will ride Nimbus, and you'll ride Turtle," I explained my Idea.

"Okay, let's give it a try," Roshi said and jumped.

Roshi landed on top of Turtle and this time nothing happened, my idea of using a loophole worked.

"See, I told you, it'll work," I said with a smug smile, "Now, get ready,"

After Roshi and Turtle got in position and were ready for departure, we left for the bigger island to the South of the Kame House.


[Time Skip - 20 minutes]

After flying at a moderate speed so that Roshi and Turtle wouldn't fall from the Nimbus, we reached the Training Island in 20 minutes. After locating a big open land nearby the beach, we stopped and decided on this location for placing the Kame House.



With a loud boom, Kame House was placed on the ground. Roshi then motioned me to follow him. Roshi, Turtle and I walked until we were a little away from the house.

"Alright, this place seems okay," Roshi said as he stopped walking.

"What are we going to do here, Master," I asked in confusion, as Roshi was looking around analysing the area.

Roshi turned around and looked at me with a serious face, "We are going to spar,"

"Spar?" I inquired.

"If I want to teach you, then I would need to gauge your capabilities first, as you already are stronger than me, all I can do is to spar with you," Roshi explained.

"I see, let's get started," I replied with a grin.

"Hmm, let's see what you got," Roshi said, then walked a little farther and took his battle stance.

"Please guide me," I bowed and then took a basic fighting stance.

Roshi extended his hand and motioned me to come to him, "Come at me with everything,"

Until now all I ever did was mock fighting, today is the day I test that out by fighting a real opponent.

I rushed towards Roshi and readied a punch straight to his face, but as I was just a metre away I shifted a bit downwards and threw the punch at his solar plexus. Roshi, surprised at me using such a strategy, grew a faint smile and then blocked my punch with his forearm.

Roshi then used his other arm to throw a karate chop at me, and noticing the attack I raised the other hand and blocked his karate chop with my forearm.

As I was busy following his hands, he kneed me in the chin, which propelled me backwards. Using the force in my favour, I bent backwards and used my hands to jump away from Roshi. Landing on four, I looked at Roshi and rubbed my chin as I felt a stinging pain.

"Need some work in control," Roshi said and rubbed his forearm.

Getting in the stance, Roshi once again looked at me, "Again,"

Getting on my feet, I again rushed at him, this time as I got close to him, I started throwing punches at him. But Roshi still saw through them and swatted them away with the back of his hands, then struck my chest with his palm and pushed me backwards again. Bending forward I resisted the force pushing me backwards.

"Again," Roshi yelled.

Making another plan, I smirked and used the After-image technique to rush, then created four images and surrounded him.

"Hooah, this is new," Roshi said with amusement

Roshi's eyes were moving on each side keeping his vision on each of my images.

My left and right images rushed together and punched at Roshi's head, Roshi immediately ducked, then punched both of my images in the stomach, vanishing them instantly. My image that is in front of him smirked, gaining Roshi's attention. Roshi looked at my image and narrowed his eyes, getting himself in position to rush at me.

Suddenly Roshi felt something and crossed his hands above his head to block the attack.

"Agh, I got busted just before my punch could connect," I said as Roshi blocked my punch.

I did a backflip in the air and gained some distance between us.

"That was a good move, it almost got me," Roshi said while nodding, "But, I didn't know you could hide your presence completely,"

"Hehe, I can do that only for a second or two," I replied with a goofy smile.

"Hmm, still a great feat," Roshi said with amusement.

"Alright, let's head back," Roshi said and gestured towards the house.

"That was a great match, Arlic," Turtle said as he came near me, "I'm pretty sure you can defeat this perverted hermit after some training,"

"Turtle, he could have defeated me with brute force, but he didn't, he held back his strength in our match," Roshi said to Turtle.

"What," Turtle yelled in disbelief, "Is it true, Arlic"

"Yeah, I held back as much as I could," I replied with a chuckle.

"Hmm, tell me, kid, why did you choose to hold back against me," Roshi inquired.

"Umm, because you are my master, and I didn't want to hurt you," I explained.

"And what if I was an evil guy, a person who kills people," Roshi inquired again.

"I would have captured you and handed you over to the police," I replied.

"Then, it would have caused even more destruction," Roshi said seriously.

"I… I don't understand what you mean by that, Master," I inquired.

"Someone of my calibre would've easily handled those policemen and then ran away to cause more destruction," Roshi explained, "And the one responsible for that destruction would have been you, as you didn't finish the job,"

"But… but…," I stuttered with a low head.

"I know, it's hard to take a life," Roshi said and put his hand on my shoulder, "But know this Arlic if you let an evil person go, and that guy did evil acts, then you are the one responsible for those deeds,"

"Holding back in a friendly match is good, but in a deathmatch, it's the worst mistake," Roshi explained.

"Yes, Master," I replied in a low tone.

"It's alright, you are still young, you have lots of things to learn," Roshi said and ruffled my hair.

"And, Arlic," Roshi called me.

"Yes, Master," I looked at him.

"He-he-he, try to hold back more next time," Roshi said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Uhh, okay," I replied with an awkward smile.

"Alright, let's go," Roshi said and started walking towards the house, and I and Turtle followed behind him.

"Arlic, do you know how to cook," Roshi asked and glanced at me.

"Uhh, yeah, I know how to cook a decent meal," I replied.

"Great, from today onwards cleaning and cooking are your responsibility," Roshi said happily.

"He's making you do it because that way he'll have more time to read his filthy books," Turtle accused Roshi.

"Turtle, it's part of his training," Roshi retorted.

"It's okay Turtle, I'll follow Master's order," I said, to which Roshi nodded happily.

"Then, I'll help you, Arlic," Turtle said to me.

"Thanks, Turtle," I said and patted Turtle's head.



As we entered the house, I was startled by a sharp shriek. I turned to look at the thing that made the voice and saw a bird rushing towards Roshi.

The bird had a streamlined body with a long neck and big wings. The bird's feathers were of orange and yellow colour. It was the first time I had seen a bird like it as it had long feather tails coming out of it.

The bird reached near Roshi's head and started pecking with all his strength.

"Oww, Oww," Roshi cried in pain and ran away from it.

The bird followed Roshi and soon a game of chase began between the two, Roshi was running all around the living room and the bird was pursuing him, pecking his head.


{Current Power Level - 310}


Sorry about the low-quality fight scene, I don't think I'm that good with them. That is why as Mc will grow strong he'll use magic more than fighting, but don't misunderstand he'll train his body too, (unlike a stupid Goat).


If you have any suggestions for me, please help me and comment on them.

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If you have any ideas that I can use in this story, tell them to me, if you're idea is selected in the story I'll give you a shout out.

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