
Raven:rise of a Fallen soul

in a world where superpowers and divine beasts were the norm, Sam was just an ordinary teenager. But as he turned 15 and awaited his awakening, he fell ill and his hopes of becoming one of the gifted dwindled. His friends, once close and supportive, turned on him and his parents disowned him, leaving him with nothing but a sense of betrayal and despair. It was in this dark moment that he met a mysterious crow, a creature unlike any other he had ever encountered. Little did Sam know, this chance encounter would lead him down a path he never could have imagined, and reveal a destiny he never knew he had.

kh_sammas_sami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


Sam was walking in the market, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the crowd. He had some money to spend, and he was looking for something to buy. As he walked, he noticed a small boy being beaten by some men for trying to steal a bun. The boy was crying, and the men were laughing and hitting him harder.

Sam was filled with rage and horror at the scene, it reminded him of his own past. He tried to control his emotions, but it was too much for him. Suddenly, his power became uncontrollable. His bones started to protrude out of his skin, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

The pain and rage he felt inside him began to consume him, his vision blurred, and his body started to tremble.

Without realizing it, Sam's order power had been activated, and he muttered "light enhance" under his breath. His bone spikes were now glowing with an intense golden light, and he charged towards the bullies with all his might. The bullies were taken aback by Sam's sudden attack, and they tried to defend themselves, but Sam was too fast and too strong for them. He knocked them out one by one, not stopping until they were all lying on the ground, unconscious.

As Sam stood there, panting heavily, he realized that his order power had gone out of control. He could feel the energy pulsing through his body, and his bone spikes were still glowing with a golden light. He tried to calm himself down, to regain control, but it was too late. His emotional state was too unstable, and his powers were now beyond his control.

Suddenly, one of his eyes turned golden, and his bone spikes grew longer and sharper. He felt a surge of power coursing through him, and he couldn't resist the urge to use it. He charged towards the nearby shops, destroying everything in his path. Glass shattered, wood splintered, and people ran screaming as Sam rampaged through the streets.

As he finally came to a stop, exhausted and panting, he realized that he had lost control of himself. His powers had consumed him, turning him into a cold, villainous figure. He looked down at his hands, still glowing with a golden light

Sam ran through the crowded streets, weaving in and out of the people who were running in panic. He knew that he had caused a lot of destruction and that he needed to escape before the peacemakers caught up with him. As he ran, he saw flashes of his past, memories that he had long buried deep within him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

kh_sammas_samicreators' thoughts