
Raven:rise of a Fallen soul

in a world where superpowers and divine beasts were the norm, Sam was just an ordinary teenager. But as he turned 15 and awaited his awakening, he fell ill and his hopes of becoming one of the gifted dwindled. His friends, once close and supportive, turned on him and his parents disowned him, leaving him with nothing but a sense of betrayal and despair. It was in this dark moment that he met a mysterious crow, a creature unlike any other he had ever encountered. Little did Sam know, this chance encounter would lead him down a path he never could have imagined, and reveal a destiny he never knew he had.

kh_sammas_sami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


He remembered the time when he was a child and was forced to fight for his survival on the streets. He remembered the pain and suffering that he had endured, and how he had vowed to never let anyone else suffer like he did. But in his uncontrollable state, he had caused more harm than good.

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind, but the memories continued to flood his thoughts. He needed to focus on the present, on the peacemakers who were chasing him.

As Sam fled through the streets, he could hear the peacemakers chasing after him. He knew he had to lose them or they would catch him and take him to prison. He quickly turned a corner and found himself in an alleyway. He looked around, trying to find a way out, but the peacemakers were closing in on him.

Sam closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. As he did, he felt his power begin to stabilize. He opened his eyes and looked at his hands. They were glowing with a faint golden light. He knew he had to use his powers to escape.

He focused his mind and used his order power to create a distraction. He said "Firecrackers!" and suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of explosions. The peacemakers hesitated for a moment, giving Sam the chance to make a run for it.

He ran through the alleyway, leaping over crates and dodging obstacles. He could hear the peacemakers close behind him, their footsteps echoing through the narrow streets. He used his bone manipulation power to create spikes that jutted out of the walls and ground, slowing down his pursuers.

Finally, he reached the end of the alleyway and burst out onto a busy street. He ran past startled pedestrians, weaving through the crowd as he tried to lose the peacemakers. But they were determined to catch him, and they kept coming.

Sam saw a park up ahead and knew he had to make a break for it. He ran towards the park, using his bone power to create barriers and obstacles to slow down the peacemakers. As he ran, he felt his power growing stronger and more stable. He could feel the golden light flowing through him, giving him strength and clarity.

When he reached the park, he turned to face his pursuers. They had surrounded him, their powers at the ready. Sam knew he had to fight back or be captured.

He raised his hands and shouted "Bone Spikes!" and suddenly, dozens of sharp spikes shot out of the ground, surrounding the peacemakers. They tried to dodge, but the spikes were too fast and too numerous. Sam used his order power to enhance the spikes with light, making them even more deadly.

The peacemakers were caught off guard, and several of them were impaled by the spikes. The rest scattered, trying to regroup and come up with a new plan. Sam stood there, breathing heavily, his eyes still glowing with golden light.

As the Peacemakers closed in on him, Sam felt a surge of fear and adrenaline course through his body. He had never faced such powerful opponents before, and he knew he was outmatched. He quickly activated his bone mask, which covered his face and made him invisible to their senses.

The water-handed hero sent a wave crashing towards Sam, but he used his bone manipulation to create a shield of sharp, spiky bones that shattered the wave and sent the hero flying backward. The hound transformation hero tried to catch Sam with his speed and agility, but Sam used his order power to commanded 'vine ensnare' the roots and vines in the ground ensnared the hero , trapping him in place.

The fire butterfly hero flew towards Sam, shooting out streams of flames that Sam barely dodged. He realized that he needed to take out the heroes one by one, or else he would be overwhelmed. He focused his order power and commanded acorn barrage . the surrounding trees launched a barrage of acorns towards the butterfly hero. The hero was caught off guard and was hit by the acorns, causing him to lose control and crash to the ground.

The vine healing hero started to use her powers to heal the wounded heroes, and Sam realized that he needed to take her out first. He used his bone manipulation to create sharp bone shards that he hurled at the hero, piercing her vines and injuring her. The heroes were now in disarray, and Sam saw his chance to escape.

He fled deeper into the forest, using his bone manipulation to create traps and obstacles that would slow down his pursuers. However, he could feel his order power becoming increasingly erratic as he became more emotional. His thoughts kept drifting back to the memory of the boy being beaten, and he felt a rage burning inside him.

He knew he needed to find a way to control his power before it consumed him completely. He found a secluded spot in the forest and tried to meditate, but his mind was too clouded by anger and fear. He was about to give up when he heard a soft cawing sound.