
powers for sale

so its some kind of powers/quirks/devil fruits ideas of mine, it will be original some might already exist. also feel free to use them and change them to your liking, I would love to read stories that have them too so if you do tell me (:

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33 Chs


the ability to create, everything the user creates is based on imagination

this ability is NOT based on understanding, the limit of what you can create is by energy/chakra/ki and imagination

the user has to imagine and picture the thing he wants to create

the user can't create things of magical nature, for example the user can't give 'sharpness V' to a sword

the user can only create matter through imagination.

examples of use:

can be used to create counterfeit money

can be used to create giant diamonds that will be worth the same as the entirety of africa

can be used to create food, clothes working sinks and toilets

can be used to create throwing knives and bombs

can be used to create ANYTHING not alive and not magical in nature


this is pretty basic, and probably already done, but I wanted to make a 'would make life easier' power

tell me what you think, do you like it? or just here to embrace my macho energy *flexes*

C ya