
powers for sale

so its some kind of powers/quirks/devil fruits ideas of mine, it will be original some might already exist. also feel free to use them and change them to your liking, I would love to read stories that have them too so if you do tell me (:

Charreos · Anime & Comics
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eldric tounge

this ability gives the user words of power (yes like skyrim) in the eldric tounge, the ability gives the user a translation of all the words he knows, for exemple he cant say "time stop" in the Aldric tongue if he doesn't know these words

this pushes the user to expand vocabulary to become more versitile in combat and outside it

the stronger the word used the more energy (chakra, stamina ect.) is consumed

the ability works on hearing which makes this useless if the target cant hear you

for example:

saying "die" will only work on weaker beings than yourself but will consume alot of energy

however, saying "heart attack" may kill stronger beings with less energy consumed than "die"

saying "time stop" will work because the 'world' hears it

and saying "strength enhancement" will work because you yourself hear it

but you cant directly attack with words like "die" and "heart attack" to a deaf person or to someone that put soundproof headphones or something


hope it made sense, tell me what you think

do you have something in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

C ya