
I can go on

Understanding Myself


I am having trouble understanding myself, my previous way of thinking focused on emotion and Rationality, but now my Way of Thinking don't have emotion on it.

The Process where both my Aura and Psychic combined with each other seems to have created many problems and solution in my body. It has literally become a new energy, with both the properties of Aura and Psychic.

The Advantages, I can use Psychic Power equal to a Final Evolved pokemon, like a Normal Psychic pokemon such as Metagross, Alakazam, Gardevoir etc has a battle power is 10 in Psychic, My Power is also 10 in Psychic and can challenge them in the Psychic power struggle.

Even my current Beldum has lower Psychic power than me. Of course those pokemon I mentioned are normal Pokémon's not the strongest of their kind like Gym leader or Elite 4 pokemon.

My Aura has been increasing my body strength and in seems due to mixing with Psychic it has an effect of making me see all the changes in my body, like I did with pokemon in the past.

I now can see my DNA, see my body growing stronger as time goes by due to Aura, and my control over both Aura and Psychic energy has increased expectantly.

Now I don't think I can call this energy which has been born from the co-existence of Aura and Psychic anything. It holds both Aura and Psychic advantage while it is evolving and increasing my power.

Since this is the combination of Mental Energy (Psychic) and Psychical Energy (Aura) I can call it Chakra.

(Note: This is NOT the same chakra as Naruto. It just has the same name due to Chakra being basically a form of Energy. It is the combination of two types of energy, Spiritual energy and Physical energy. )

This Energy which I shall call Chakra is strong or should I say beautiful. Preciously My Aura was Color Blue/ Azure and my Psychic was Pink. This is the basic of any Energy that a person have, but after combination of these two energies it has changed to color to beautiful Dark Purple. Not the poisonous Dark Purple, but a Silky Dark Purple that makes it wants to touch it.

Previously when I used Aura, it was limited to control of my body but now, I can use it outside of my body. Aura was unable to use by sending it toward the opponent and was only be able to be used by compressing and throwing it like Aura Sphere, Aura Bullet. This Chakra has the Ability to be used outside.

Preciously Psychic had problems of not being strong as a person with mental defence can easily break free or counter but after fusion its power has increased to 10 time.

I know this process where two energies could be combined but this process was very hard, and would need 20 – 30 years to combine them and the user must be master in both the Energies but this time I have done by accident. I don't think the Aura and Psychic will stay together as Chakra for a long time.

So I need to control it, and this would have been impossible in a short time but due to Chakra there is a high possibility to happen.


The next year I have trained with my pokemon trying to stabilize the Chakra, this energy is my ticket to evolution and I can't lose it.

My Riolu as evolved to Lucario around 6 months ago and he are different from what you call a normal Lucario. His Blue and Black fur that he should have after all he was not a Shiny pokemon changed to White and Purple, giving him a majestic Aura.

His strength has evolved 10 times when he evolved and now training for 6 months I can safely say, he can defeat all the Elite 4 pokemon alone, and probable fight and win against half of the Champion pokemon.

Beldium also has evolved becoming Metang and is a shadow of Lucario as both of them stay together every day. Lucario has taken the spot in top of Metang head to mediate as both of them float.

They are also trying to combine their energy to change their energy to Chakra and there have been a huge progress.

After a year of training I have stabilized my body which is stronger than most pokemon, with my copying and reading memories ability in the last year I have done so to more than a 100 peoples. And the knowledge is in my mind.

The Team Jet which has once let a Monster Pokemon causing many deaths has been found dead. All the people and pokemon inside the HQ of Team Jet have been found dead around 2 months ago.

After all they were destined to die and no don't blame me I didn't do anything. Maybe just a little, but I will still reject that I was involved after all. It's not like it's their fault my parent died. Yea not my work, it's all a coincidence.

I have grown stronger and now my Chakra is increasing day by day. I also have taken the project of creating "Master Ball". I found it in a research data in a memory of a researcher of Team Jet.

I tried creating it, but due to lack for data I can only push that work aside for the future.

Lucario and Metang have taken upon themselves to look after my pokemon and train them, I have taken research Data directly from their memories.

You can say we three are connected b a Life Bond. If I die by some chance they will die alongside me, and I can find them no matter where they go. I can also feel their loyalty and respect toward me.


I captured many new pokemon such as Gible, who final evolution is Garchomp, a Dragon/ Ground pokemon.

Larvitor who final evolution is Tyranitar, the same pokemon that killed my parents, also a Ground/ Dark pokemon.

Bagon whose final evolution is Salamance, a Dragon/ Flying pokemon.

And this are just the best other are Trapinch who can evolved into Flygon, Corfish, Shuppet, Eevee, Mewoth, Pichu, Caterpie, Weedel, Charmander, Squirtle, Sindaquil, Cyndaquil, Tododile, Chikorita, Piplup, Chimchar, Turtwig, Ursaring, Snorlax, Shix, Growlite and many other pre-evolved pokemons.

The task to train them is given to my Pokémon's, as they ask me question if they can't do something and help them. I have used my connection and fame of the youngest Associate Professor to ask for other to capture them for me. Some of them were captured by me but most were send to me as a gift.


2 Years Later


Currently I am 14 Years old, my research on "The Pokemon and Their Habitats", "The Fire Pokemon guide to understanding Nature", and "How to understand pokemon", have been published and gained worldwide attention.

These 3 books I have written about pokemons were one of the best books currently in the world. Though I haven't put all my knowledge in the books they were still a huge success specially " How to understand pokemon " which caused many people to have better attention on their pokemons. This earned me enough reputation and with my Title as the Youngest Associate Professor, Yesterday I was awarded the Title "The Professor" and "The Researcher".

I was given the chance to take the test in my 16 year but due to popularity in my work and my researches I done, it would destroy my potential giving me the opportunity to become a researcher at the age of 14. Previously the youngest person to gain this Title was Age 32. I beat the previous record by 18 years.

With me being the Nephew of Professor Oak who was already famous, I gained fame which made it so that nearly every person in the Kanto and the surrounding regions has heard my name once.

Still the many restriction that was giving me problems in the past, are now not a problem anymore. I can read whatever I want, and study whatever I want. I just have to submit a report every now and then concerning my research subject and topic.

I also met many popular people and have their memories copied, leading many new ideas and progress in the Genetic Engineering.

I also created a new group by the name "The Evolution" which is a criminal organization. There was also a small group that surfaced the same time as my group.

After destroying and devouring the group into us, I found out that I have destroyed the Team Rocket in its development stage.

This Team Rocket was created by the remnant of Team Jet, with leader promise as laughable as is it "The Jet was unable to conquer the world but my group Team Rocket will be faster and stronger than Any Jet. Lets us conquer the world like a Rocket."

My Group Team Evolution was a group that focused on evolution, and captured many research and pokemon leading and regarding pokemon. Even my Good ID - Lycan the researcher was in their radar, after all they only know that their boss was Anonymous, with strong pokemon that can rival the Champion in power.

For the last 2 years there has been major change in my pokemon Team. My current main teams are:

1) Dragonite – This is my Dragonair final evolved form, which evolved around 1 year ago. He is one of the strongest pokemon in my team. After his evolution, seeing its position as the strongest pokemon was threatened it started to train seriously. It can beat a Champion main pokemon easily, and may have a chance against a strong legendary pokemon.

2) Electivire – This is my Electrabuzz final evolved form, which evolved nearly 2 years ago. He is nearly the weakest pokemon despite being able to fight with a champion Main Pokemon toe to toe. This pokemon is on my team because though he is not my strongest, it can cause massive AOE damage in his surroundings.

3) Gengar – This is my Haunter final evolved form, which evolved nearly 2 years ago. She is nearly the weakest pokemon in my team despite being able to fight with a champion Main Pokemon toe to toe. With Ghost/ Poison this pokemon can be tricky and with hit and run tactic not many pokemon can deal with her. Though one of the weakest pokemon, she can easily fight with any pokemon despite Type Advantage and Disadvantage.

4) Lucario – My Aura Pokemon or should I say Chakra Pokemon. He is nearly as strong as a Legendary and can use Chakra, though the Psychic properties are weaker. After fully evolving he now stands 7 feet tall, taller than most of his kind. With Silver and Purple color instead of Black and Blue stripes, he can fight anyone without problem. I dare say he can beat the whole Champion pokemons all alone.

5) Metagross- My Psychic Pokemon or shouldi say Chakra Pokemon. He is nearly as strong as a Legendary individually but can defeat even them if both Lucario and him team up. He can also use Chakra and is stronger than Lucario in using it. With Silver colour and Golden lining, he can fight anyone without problem. I dare say he can beat the whole Champion pokemons all alone.

6) Tyranitar – This is the final evolution of Larvitar. This is the same species of pokemon that killed my parents, yes I keep mentioning it because it cause trauma to me. Though I hate it kind, this pokemon is strong with powerful potential. It is a Ground and Dark Pokemon and is one of a heavy hitter in my team. It will Rank 4 in power above Electivire and Gengar in power level in my team.

This is my main team, due to no carry limit I also carry with me Garchomp (Ground/Dragon), Salamance (Dragon/ Flying), Charlizard (Flying/ Fire), Gyarados "Shiny" (Water/Dragon), Aggron (Dark/Steel), Venusaur (Grass/Poison), Arcanine (Fire/Normal), Kingdra (Dragon/Water), Nidoking (Poison/Ground), Crobat (Flying/Poison), Flygon (Ground/Dragon).

My reason for carrying this many overpowered pokemon are due to my current journey, which will happen in the near future. I wish to capture legendary pokemons and gain their DNA, Blood, and Aura Scan or even capture them for research.

I have prepared everything and the most desired and the main Legendary Pokemon I wish to capture, MEW.

Mew is a Psychic Pokemon that is said to have DNA of every Pokemon that can be found or existed, meaning this guy is the treasure trove. This is why I have so many flying and ground type, so it can't escape before a fight, Dark and Ghost type to attack it. And if it happens to be a Sea environment then my water Pokemon will do the job. All of this Pokemon have some advantage, some are fast some having moves that restrict others, and some has detection skills, some with tracking.

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Plutoniumcreators' thoughts