
Collecting DNA

Collecting DNA


My Journey to find legendary took me too many places around Kanto, where there have been sightings of legendary pokemons.

Some had sightings of Ho-oh some had Regi - Rock, most were made up to attract tourist, and some were by chances.

This journey took me too many new places, with my pokemons I climbed mountain, surfed waves, crossed desserts and learned many knowledge and had many hypothesis regarding the habitat of pokemon.

I also capture new pokemon some were rare but most were common and only were caught to make them evolved and return in the wild.

I didn't want all the pokemon in the world, I just needed data and after learning that Aura/ Psychic can be used to change the body and learn different about pokemon, this has been the number 1 subject I am researching on.

I use Aura Scan which should now be called Chakra Scan and this provides me all the information I need about the pokemon. After which I either capture it for further study or leave it in the wild.

Some are happy that they are back in the wild, other who are sad are given chance to return with me in the future if they grow strong.

In this process I mark them with Aura which will tell me their general location for next 5 years. This will help me in gathering data on pokemons.


2 Years Later –

I have travelled all over Kanto but was unable to capture any legendary. The main reason is due to pokeball are too weak to contain them and some even when used Ultra ball are unable to be captured.

I have fought with Moltres, Articuno, and Zapdos the 3 legendary bird of Kanto. I was almost able to catch Articuno but Zapdos was able to break the Pokeball before the capture, though I gained their Data by using Chakra Scan and some DNA. I searched around of Lugia who is said to be around here but maybe due to me nearly capturing the three pokemon he didn't appear.

I also found Raikou, Entei, and Suicune in the forest near Mt.Moon, Cinnabar Island and Ice Peak respectily. I was able to capture Raikou but was unable to capture other two. Entei entered the Volcano which none of my pokemon can enter and Suicune entered the Snowfield using Blizzard. I was able to use my Scan on all of them, I was able to obtain some DNA of Entei, whereas I was able to injure Suicune and take half a Liter of his Blood.

Still I didn't stop my journey to capture Mew, and was still in the process of finding her. Today I was able to get a photo of a pink pokemon from my group "Team Evolution" that a pink pokemon who has a chance of being Mew 98% was seen in Sinnoh Region, having fun and teasing pokemons.

So I don't need to say what happed when this occurred. I contacted Professor Brake of Sinnoh which is North of Kanto region.

After getting his permission to visit the location, I took my pokeball out sending Dragonair out of his ball.

"Buddy, it seems we have to go to Sinnoh to find that pink cat, care to give me a ride." Hearing me Dragonair motioned me towards his back, as he took off towards the northern direction.


Brake POV~

Brake was doing his everyday task when the youngest Professor of the world contacted him regarding his visit to Sinnoh. The researcher needs to provide or at least give a notice if they are to visit any other region due to various reasons.

First it is a sign of respect telling the regional Professor of the new professor arrival; other reasons are Group study, Stealing or copying other Professor/Researcher data etc.

Brake knew this little genius for quite some time now, when he was in Kanto for a research he was able to meet this brilliant mind.

This child was able to solve many problems he had and his fresh and new ideas lead to many creation. He had read some of the books this kid had published and he could say this kid was smart, scary smart.

From what he heard this kid had problems with humans due to his parent's death but due to this his relationship with pokemon is marvelous.

Thinking about it said to himself "But why is the kid coming here, the other region have much more to offer than this region. From what I remember this kid didn't go to any other region and stick with Kanto travelling all over there for research materials. Still what can my old brain think like the kid, I guess I need to welcome him after all he has a big name in the research industry."

Thinking about it he called his assistant and asked her to prepare a small celebration to welcome Lycan. This wasn't a normal event but neither was it a rare one, so there weren't many people invited. The people who were invited were researcher and few trainers and kids from the surrounding area.

After doing this he waited for the news, of when he will arrive.


Sinnoh Region

Sandgem Town,

You could see a rapidly approaching object coming towards this town; some people even looked up trying to find the source of constant boom.

When they found the source it was just a tiny dot, but as the sound of the boom grew louder the dot was getting bigger and bigger.

After looking at each other a villager of the Sandgem town went towards the Professor Brake Lab to report regarding the situation. Within 2 minutes Professor with his associate professor arrived in the town center.

When they looked at the rapidly approaching dot, they could faintly see the silhouette of the object.

Taking out their pokemon in case of emergency, they waited for the object to arrive.

After a minute you could see the object or pokemon slowing down and descending in the ground. The professors were able to see the pokemon standing 12 Feet tall was a orange pokemon with short wings compared. After seeing this pokemon they knew what it was a Semi-Legendary pokemon that is one of the strongest Dragon pokemon. The important fact about it was twice as big as it should be; an average height of a Dragonite is 2.2 Meter or 7-8 feet, But this guy is nearly twice its size.

When the professors were marveling at the pokemon, a person who preciously couldn't be seen before jumped from the back of the pokemon. This person looked around in his mid or late teens years was wearing a lose Black T-Shirt, and Silver Pants with Silver shoes with golden markings.

Some people were exited seeing such a pokemon had a trainer meaning this trainer was strong with stronger than your average pokemons.

Before they could question the person, he went towards Professor Brake and said "Hello Professor, I am quite thankful for your support in my research, and would like to thank you for your permission to visit the Sinnoh Region."

Professor Brake asked in wonder "Kid I though you said you were in Kanto before the call, and it should take about 2 days before your arrival. I didn't expect you so fast, were you already in the way or something?"

Lycan replied with a smile "No, professor though I was in the Northern side of Kanto before calling you, I was nowhere near Sinnoh. This fast travel goes to my buddy here Dragonite, who spends the last 16 hours flying non-stop to reach here."

Brake obviously didn't believe it or didn't care and said "Come on then, I wasn't expecting you to arrive so fast so there aren't many preparation done for you. I will at least have to give you a small party for our champ before him leaving this town."

With those worlds Professor Brake told all his Associate Professor to do their own work, and showed me around discussing his current research and how he hoped it to be.

Looking through Brake memories Lycan was unable to find anything interesting and spend his rest of the time discussing possibility and causes of different pokemon behavior.

I stayed that night in an inn near the research center in Sandgem town, next morning Professor Brake introduced him to his Associate Professor and a man by the name Associate Professor Rowan who is said to become a Professor in few months. I remember him from the Canon.

After chatting with a few pokemon trainer and few researcher that were invited in a small party that Professor Brace gaveme, I quickly discussed my job and took the leave.


Lycnan POV~

I arrived in the Sandgem town safely with the 16 hour long travel in Mach 3 speed of Dragonite. Even for him travelling such a distance at that speed had taken a toll. I took a rest in the inn; travelling sitting in a same place is too tiring.

After leaving Professor Brake I travelled to Twinleaf town just a few kilometers down the road.

After arriving in the town I looked for a pond, which I found after 5 minutes. Arriving in front of the pond, I released my Kingdra and said "Go search around this pound for anything you find is worth something."

Kingdra still confused with my action still followed it, after some time it came back with 3 Water Stone and an 'Odd Keystone'.

After thanking for its work, I took the 'Odd Keystone' from the ground along with water stone and returned in the forest.

I then took the 'Odd Keystone' and put it in the ground. After which I called out Gengar, whose task was to wake up the sleeping pokemon inside it.

Gengar took 2 minutes to complete the task, as a pink pokemon appeared in front of us. "Spirit Tomb" is the name of the pokemon that appeared in front of us.

This pokemon is quite mysterious and not many things is know about this and it is one of the pokemon that has my interest. It is a Psychic and Dark type but a weak untrained pokemon, so it took me no trouble for me to capture it.

After that I travelled all around Sinnoh searching for the legendary pokemon. People who may be wondering I have visited Sinnoh many times in the past; most were by using Teleport to arrive here.

This travel was special as I can't act sneaky in this case, and can only capture Mew with all my power and hiding and doing so will have some problem as the Team Galactic is quite strong in this area and even with my power it will cause huge waves that I presently don't want any part it in.