
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
322 Chs

Chapter 114

Lin Bei, who hung up the phone worm, sighed, the task could not be completed, and the difficulty of this copy of Alabastan could only be reduced.

he began to give orders to put everyone on alert and sound the alarm as soon as he noticed the arrival of members of the Baroque studio.

which could not be easier for those who were originally members of the Baroque working society.

but what Lin Bei didn't expect was that just after he issued the order.

system suddenly prompts him that the task is complete.

superpowers are preserved forever today.

Lin Bei's face was full of question marks.

how done!

Lin Beibai was puzzled until two hours later.

all the senior Baroque agents headed by Mr.1 are here!

Lin Bei can be regarded as understanding how his task was accomplished.

he offered to have Klockdar send all the people, and Klockdar really sent all the people, which is also considered to be Klockdal listening to him.

So, task accomplished.

Lin Bei realized, the task of the system, it turns out that it can be completed like this!

"You are Lin Bei?"

Mr.1 is a strong man with a bald head and a quick fruit slashing ability, capable of turning any part of the body into a blade.

is a strong opponent.

"Yes, I am Lin Bei."

Mr.1 frowned he always had a subtle feeling of being taken advantage of.

"The boss let me solve you, if you still have any moves, you can do it now."

otherwise, you will not be able to fight back. "

"It's so dragging…" Lin Bei looked at this guy, his face was full of confidence, and he didn't know that he thought that Klockdar was coming in person.

"Oh, you let me do it first."

Lin Bei took out half an onion from his pocket.

Mr.1 immediately made a defensive posture, and even several high-ranking agents behind him raised their vigilance to prevent Lin Bei from making any powerful moves.

but in the next second, Lin Bei was too lazy to act, and he squeezed in front of his eyes with an onion.

Wang cried.

"Three points today, Alabastan is tired, this autumn of survival is also at stake…" < P IDX="28"> a magic reform of the master's table, let Lin Bei cry and read it.

to the opposite few high-ranking Baroque agents were dumbfounded.

at first they looked at each other, their eyes conveyed meaning

'Is this person sick?' '

as Lin Bei said halfway, they continued to convey meaning in their eyes

'Are we sick?' I actually think he has a point! '

Lin Bei had all memorized, and the eyes of these strangely shaped high-ranking agents of Baroque were completely devoid of confusion, only fiery pursuit.

"Adult! Well said, my lord!

although I didn't understand a word, but the adult said it well, my lord! "

Lin Bei got the information prompt

[If Uncle Liu Huang could also memorize a master watch, wouldn't the world's talents be all in his pocket! ]

Sincere crying scene, get Baroque Senior Agent Mr.1 (Quick Fruit Ability), Miss.Double Finger (Thorn Fruit Ability), Mr.4 (Baseball Man), Miss.Merry Christmas


Mole Man) for half a year's allegiance! ]

Lin Bei's eyes widened, good guy, the master table is so easy to use!

these people with a strength of more than 30 million can actually obtain their allegiance for half a year.

it can be seen that what he said to the 2000 Baroque members who came before is indeed bad enough, and the gang is so weak that they have only given 1 week of allegiance.

which line is this?

Lin Bei quickly called the gang over and cried again.

immediately received the allegiance of these two thousand people for three years!

Lin Bei's whole person is comfortable, this ability, so easy to use!

only, it can only be used by Baroque people.

he did not intend to use it against the rebels and villagers in Alabastan.

because he will soon settle the affairs of the kingdom of Alabastan, and then leave with the Straw Hats.

Baroque people can be killed before leaving, but the people of Alabastan, Lin Bei wants to obtain their true allegiance, so that they don't have to worry that when he leaves, their allegiance time will pass.

the key is that he did gain the true allegiance of the Alabastan gang, who believed that even after he left for two or three years, the group would still acknowledge the existence of the Great Sage and worship him as a god.

Simply put, for the Baroque, Lin Bei walked the kidney.

To the people of Alabastan, Lin Bei is walking in the heart.

Lin Bei quickly ordered, so that the newly loyal Baroque senior agent became his senior general, responsible for leading the princess army of more than 10,000 people.

Vivi as a princess is actually not very careful, she is a symbol, a flag.

but when he saw that the newly appointed commander of the princess army was the four of them, the whole person was petrified.

brain can't turn at all.

for a moment, she even felt that Lin Bei was actually the vice president of the Baroque Work Society, so she could rebel against those two thousand people and these four top agents.

because Mr.1 is impossible to succeed in the strategy, he is the only person in the work club who knows that the boss is Klockdar.

even the Baroque Work Society that Klockdar joined because of Klockdahl, can be said to be Klockdahl's diehard loyalist.

How can be countered?

Vivi is really stupid, she doesn't understand it at all!

but she thought about the magic of Lin Bei along the way, and suddenly felt as if this matter was not so absurd.

Lin Bei is such a magical person!

because the Baroque Work Society has been reflected by Lin Beice, as long as Lin Bei wants, a snap of his fingers can make the gang go back, and then make the Baroque Work Society a pirate version of the winery.

it can be said that there is not a drop of wine in the water!

so Lin Bei doesn't have to worry about things on the Baroque side, or even the navy side.

the navy dares to come, it is not the same as the life of being rebelled.

Lin Bei can officially gather with the people of the Straw Hat Regiment and drive all the way to the royal capital.


at the same time, a chill welled up in Klockdar's heart.

I always feel as if my waist has been stolen.

he couldn't help but think, wouldn't the senior agent also be countered?

As soon as the idea came out, Klockdar quickly shook his head, impossible, absolutely impossible!

if others don't say, it is absolutely impossible for Daz Bonnis to betray him!

Klockdar thought that just half an hour ago, Dazponis, who had just reported to him that they had arrived at the designated location of the mission and would complete the mission in half an hour and kill the target person.

but half an hour passed, and there was no news of Dazbonis.

Klockdar could only comfort himself that they must have failed to succeed in assassin mode, and began to forcibly turn on the matchless assassination mode among more than 10,000 people.

which of course will be much slower.

just wait, with the ability of Daz, you can definitely take the enemy's first rank from it!

just like that, Klockdar, waited another half hour.

still nothing.

Klockdar finally couldn't wait, and he called Dazponis.